I picked up a second job to save more money faster for a buisness venture of my own.I entered a cox store to get home and lap top wireless internet service and I asked qustions along the lines of the capabilities and speed of both.i was not that familiar with the wireless internet card so I asked more in depth question about it.The sales rep told me id be able to download my music and listen to videos on you tube as i did with my home internet, later I found out otherwise.I got the card home hooked it up and didnt realy try using it right away cause I had time to use my home computers for my music and video projects and recreation enjoyment.I started using it at work one night and i noticed the most of the videos would not play or buffered bad to the point it wasnt even worth it tryin to watch them.I called and another sales rep advised me to bring the card back to the office.I did so on my day off and the sales person said that the reason these things were happening is that i did not have a high anough gig plan so i took there word and upgraded to a higher gig.So again a few days passsed and I tried it at work when I had time and the same thing happened i then immediatly tryied to call and disconnect the service cause it still was not doing what i needed it to do but it was to late to reach the office at those hours of the night.I called cox the next day to disconnected the service it took them a week and a half to disconnect my service and I called them ever other day to disconnect the service.A month later started receiving a early termination fee request of 200 plus from cox in the mail.I called and spoke to supervisors and the tended to call me back the next day on several occasions and let me know that they couoldnt help me with erasing the cox sales rep negligents thats cause these unfair charges charges.
Jaymaine Wilson (newport news, virginia)