Hunter Spiritstrider
August 19, 2010
Chat Restrictions
Why can't we type numbers like two or 2 it’s getting on my nerves! I mean I have to say too to say 2 or tree to say 3 why can’t we type numbers dangit! It makes me confused sometimes, and why can't we at least say crap instead of crop? I am so confused; sometimes it takes me five seconds to figure out what someone is saying. Why can’t we say anything like that? Oh and why do we have to pay to go to other worlds and some places its driving me crazy!
Sincerely, Hunter Spiritstrider
PS. I put my name that is in the game.
Dawn Ann Botts
May 26, 2010
Unauthorized Money out of my account
Unauthorized money came out of my account, and drained my savings account to cover it. I don't know if it will happen again, but I will be sueing for money recovery, and emotional stress for not knowing if any other money is going to be coming out. I won't be a to pay my normal bills without worring if I have the money to cover it. So the money you took, I just want you to know that was food out of my kids mouth! Thank you so much for screwing me over!