This report is just to inform everyone that is a corrupt company. My son ordered a pair of shoes from them March 4, 2008. We never got the email confirmation that the order was processed, however the $60 was deducted from my checking account. We thought that it was just taking a long time due to the 'free shipping, ' but it has been close to 2 months and still no shoes. The web site we bought the shoes from does not exist as it did before so there is no contact, no record of our purchase, and no phone number or address. The web site is missing.
When we were looking for it, I found this site and another person by the name of Craig who had the same problem we did with his order never being shipped, but having the money taken out of his account. I thought I would write a Ripoff Report too. Craig, if you have any information please rebut and I will write back.
So if there are any other people out there who have ordered from wizkicks and never got their order, please write a Ripoff Report. It would be interesting to know if any orders through this company were ever shipped. Just remember, Buyer Beware. We will be far more careful next time.