I understand that in these hard economic times, it is vital to have employment. However, in the same economic times, we must all appreciate employees, treat them fairly and not break any laws. I do like the concept of the Woodman's Markets. However, I think they could 'modernize' their way of thinking. A $2.00 limit on internet coupons? Please. This is how I am getting many of our coupons. I understand the "NO CREDIT CARDS", but when you take a debit at the register and NOT at the gas station, what's the point with that? Also, I cannot believe that their isn't any consumer protection laws on the books about expired food products. You can go into a Woodman's store on any given day and find 20 items outdated. Take it up to a manager and they put the blame on the vendor. While this may be the case, WHO is WATCHING the vendors? It SHOULDN'T be the consumers.
Did you know if you call in sick (even with a dr. excuse) you are given 'punishment' days for calling in? Did you know that if you 'self cover' with another employee wanting off and you cover and when it's your turn and they don't help, no assistance or punishment from the management? In most companies, the store will take away the ability to switch hours when you have a bad record of helping back... Did you know if you happen to be graduation that day, tough luck...get someone to work for you? What about if you are taking the SAT's...Too bad, too sad. Oh, and what about going to church? Nope. Even though we found a spot in the law that states "if attendance is required in your faith", too bad. Woodman's does not comply. SOOOO, if you are going to Sunday school, tough luck. Getting confirmed? Forget it pal. I have witnessed female management (if that's what you call it) at the OC locale, talking about employees. This is a definate no-no in business.
***BUT*** alas, I figured out why this all happens. It's called "NAPOLEON'S SYNDROME". You know, when a guy is so short, he has to have a bark worse than his bite...You know those types of people...The owner of Woodman's fits this description to a "T". Or, should I say "P"?