Please email me if you think you have any suggestions as to what to do next/similar stories to mine that were successful:
[email protected]
Alright. So like most if not all of the rest of y'all, the wordsmart company ripped me off and I feel scammed.
Sometime in October, I ordered the wordsmart sat prep with the promise of a money-back guarantee and a 200 point increase or money-back guarantee.
Of course the product actually came later then they say it did. But regardless, I realize that I don't need it anymore because I've already submitted my college apps that I would have liked a higher score for.
I call early November and customer id number 1444 tells me I need to call back again before, and this is important, November 27th with my dad because I'm not 18. Fast forward to November 23 and already they must have taken a holiday vacation because there is nobody to pick up the phone. I call and I call from then until the 29th, leaving several voicemails, and finally I get a call from another customer rep who tells me all is well because they were on holiday and she counted my voicemails as a request for an extension on the return and gives me a return number.
Now I think everything is going to be okay. I pay $10 more to put wordsmart back in the mail on the 1st of December and give two weekends for processing. Now today, I'm suspicious because I still hadn't had the money put back on my account so I call and 1444 tells me the return date was actually the 21st of November and the other rep was wrong in accepting the they're shipping it back to me with no return of money what so ever.
They say the only other thing that can be done is contacting the board of directors, but I have no idea what I would say to them via fax, how that would even help, or how long it would take for anything at all to be done.
Like I said at the top please email me if you think you have any suggestions as to what to do next/similar stories to mine that were successful:
[email protected]
Thanks for reading, I hope everyone gets what they deserve from wordsmart, as well as they themselves get what they deserve, and I'd appreciate any and all advice you can share