I have made an online purchase through this website with credit/debit card purchases transaction the only option being available. The website looks very decieving and real also very professional. But a few days past by and I recieved an email by this so called legit company telling me that their credit/debit card transaction is not available as of now and requested me to send funds through money gram. I replied back telling them that I don't feel that money gram is secure and feel strongly that this company is a bogus scam that lures people with their decieving prices on mobile cell phones. Yet the phone i've ordered was next day priorty mail and it's been over 2weeks and still hear no response... And just recently I've check my bank account activity and transactions, there is 3 unauthorized transactions that appeared which I am in process of disputing. I just want to let others out there to know of this website and not to be a victim to this scam fraud phishing site that lures people with their attracting discounted prices and very well professional created website and fall in its trap..WWW.WORLDPHONELINK .COM is a SCAM PHISHING FAKE WEBSITE!!! Don't be a victim.
Never give any credit/debit card information to purchase their products, because you will never recieve them and they will use the information obtained from you and use it unauthorizingly and illegally without card owners consent!!!