Carlos Quintero
October 28, 2009
stealing money charging hidden fees
I was a WOW member for a long time, the first scam is when you change your card information and you do not change it at the Gym ABC financial charge $20 fee and if they can`t take money out of the account they keep on trying, I had to pay 120 dollars within a week in fees, The other scam happened in August 2009, I enrolled 5 members of my family in my account for the awesome 9.99 deal, the agreement with the WOW representative was that we had to pay $70 for each member $50 enrollment fee and $20 for the first and last month, since they explain everything to us they asked us to sign the contract for a year so we did, The first fiasco happened 1 month after the agreement they charged me and extra $49.99 for no reason, when I called ABC financial, their history report stated that I had insufficient funds which was not truth I had 130 dollars but I lost my statement and the bank couldn't give me any info from 2 months back, so I couldn't do anything and I always make sure I have enough money in my bank account to cover the $70 dollars a month I had to pay for me and my family, when I checked my account on October 16 2009, i had $100 dollars enough for the month, but when I checked my account the 26th I was -356 NEGATIVE, I when to the bank they told me there was nothing they could do other than changing my card information, and since I had a contract with them I would have to talk to them, so I did go to the WOW gym to talk to the supervisor, and they told me that when we signed the contract we agreed to pay $39.99 lock fee after 3 months of membership to locked the $9.99 dollars a month for each member, I TOLD THEM, " I HAVE 5 WITNESSES THAT KNOW THEY NEVER TOLD US ANYTHING ABOUT THAT CHARGE AND BEFORE WE SIGNED THE CONTRACT THEY WENT OVER THE CONTRACT WITH US " (telling us that what we were signing here was just one year contract, the 2 payments for 9.99 1st and last month and the $50 dollar membership fee). now since we did not see that hidden fee in that huge contract with really small letters and they were acting like they were going through the contract after 3 months I had to pay 249.95 Lock fee for 5 members and 175 to the bank for overdraft charges, everything is a total of $424.95 dollars. I told them to look at it from a business point of view, is not the main purpose of a business to have their costumers happy we would be members with them forever, instead they rather lose 6 costumers and ruin my credit.
This is so unfair. What would you do? you wouldn't want to have business with that kind of people and cancel the membership right!. sure we signed a contract which means each person had to pay 100 dollars on top of everything else or the are going to be taking the monthly payment for a year. Now lets say, "f... this I am not going to give them any money", that's exactly what I said and I changed my card information, well in my case imagine WOW and ABC financial trying to take money from my account for 6 people and charging extra 20 dollars every time they can't take the money, Now can you picture what would be the debt in one year.
August 5, 2009
haven't received refund
I applied at this gym at the end of May and was promissed that they would have there " GRAND OPENING" on July 1st, 2009 ( The guy at the gyn told me that they wont be opening until NOVEMBER). When I went to the gym they had not even started construction, and there were other suckers in there that were told the same things about the gym as me, and were being scammed to wait longer until opening. This gym seems like a scam, DON'T SIGN UP HERE! I never received a phone call, email or letter in the mail about the delay of the opening. I was then told that they would refund my $200 in 10-14 business days, needless to say it has been longer then that and still I have seen no check.
March 9, 2007
Misleading advertisement
I received a card in the mail offering $30.00 per month with out fees and gimmick. I only wanted to enrolled for one or two month. I was very clear from the beginning.
By the time that I left the wow gym in Nashua informed me that it was only $30.00 p/m if I enrolled for 12 months. I told them to read the card that i got in the mail.
I told them that the card said $30.00 per month but if I didn't make the contentment for the year they couldn't do so.
That was when he said here somewhere in the back says something about that. This note about the 12 month agreement was in a place that no one will be looking for because it was under the things that the gym offers including tan, machines, aerobics and so on.
I told them that this was very misleading more when i called them before going and they said nothing about it.
By the time that i was living they had me for $359.99 p/y when I only wanted to do this for one or two months.
They even told me to freeze my account asking for a doctor to give me a false papers saying that maybe I had a pain in my neck and this way I wouldn't lose the money for the months that I didn't wanted to go.
I told them that this was dishonest and deceiving and this is not what i will do so I told them thank you and left.
I called them back to let them know that I found another place with what I wanted. They were very quick to say they were busy. This shows the type of place these people are runnings.