About a month ago, I went online to check my credit report. I went to www.creditreport.com and it said i was getting a free credit report. So I did, but what had not been clear was that I was automatically signed up in a 7-days free trial, that, unless I didn't cancel within that time, they would have been charge the monthly membership of $14.95. I personally didn't even know I was signed up into such a thing. I started getting emails from them, almost everyday, telling me that there was a change in my credit score. At first, I ignored then, once I realized they were from the website I had used, I started to check every time, but my score was exactly the same, noting had changed. A bit later, I noticed a charge on my bank account. I tried several times to go on their website to try to remove myself. But they don't seem to have an option to do so: I seriously tried clicking on every single link on their website!
The last one, was last night, I was still trying to remove myself from their membership 'whatever', but while entering their website, my computer wasn't really responsive, so I kept clicking. I somehow hit by mistake something about the 3 credit scores, the next page gave me the option to either continue or cancel. I pressed cancel. Next thing I know, my bank account was debited $29.95. How's this possible? I didn't realized that I was debited the $29.95 until the next morning when I receive a response to my email -where I was expressing my frustration about not been able to cancel a membership to which I didn't sign up for- telling me that I was charged $29.95. When I finally MADE time to call them, I complained that I was wrongly charge, I was told that the reason they cannot refund me is because I had open it (which actually means, my mouse had clicked, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, on a part of the page and opened a link. I don't think this is right. Is it legal??? I just would like to have my money back. They advertise free credit report: does $14.95+$29.95=$40.90...it doesn't seem free to me
I have posted more information and snap shots of their website here: http://scamsanddeceivers.blogspot.com/2011/03/is-wwwcreditreportcom-scam.html