I have a problem with this company, www.hatcountry.com. They send me two hats, one didn't fit the description: the wrong material and the wrong size. I send it back, 20th of March, but didn't hear from them. My e-mails stayed unanswered so I called and after several tries finally spoke to a woman who promised to check why I didn't get any reaction and what happened to the hat I send back. Since then I cannot reach them by phone any more, seems like they blocked my number, and all my e-mails stay unanswered except for one in which I mention a lawyer. That was answered with the question to send more information. I did so and since then: again no reaction anymore. I paid for the hats, for the taxes, for the shipping, for the shipping back. I feel scammed, especially since they simply ignore my complaints. It looks like they deliberately ignore complaints and so I strongly doubt if this is a company to do business with. A lawsuit will cost me too much, so the only thing I can and will do is inform the police in the state where they are.
I hate internet scammers, they ruin it for the trustworthy internet shops.