Orderd a free sample of Hoodie, was to pay only shipping charges, instant the sent me a whole 3 months supply, this was in Febuary 2008, I called them back and told them that I had only ordered a sample not 3 months supply and why did they charge my bank account for this total amount. They said to sent it back and they would credit my account, they gave me a whole bunch of hassel about sending it back, so I said OK, keep the money you charged me but, don't sent me any more of your product. But they stopped sending the product, but they have been drafting from Bank account monthly charges of $19.95 each month with out my authorzation, I have not received, any of there Hoodie, since I first order it, and cancelled, they owe my account(me some money) Please investigate this Company
and make them pay me back my money and stop them, from this FRAUD
Mary Jane
Kerrville Texas