I signed up with loanfinder.co.uk a few months ago and paid a £5.00 fee. I was told that £47.87 would be taken in a months time but could phone and cancel at any time before that date if there services weren't needed.
However I did cancel over the phone a week later and was told no money would be taken and yet it was!
I have sent numerous emails all with a reply of promise to fully refund the £47.87.
Every time I ask why its taken so long they respond with emails like "I have looked into it for you and a cheque was sent which you have obviously not received so I have arranged for one to be sent out today for you. or "A refund was processed for you on 30/03/2010 but for some reason your refund had not left our account I have chased it up with our accounts department and it will be being sent to you by cheque now due to an error on our system.
I have now waited over 3 months for my refund and they always seem to have a excuse for the delay will I ever receive it? Where can I turn if I don't?
Many thanks.
Mr J Jackson.