I used to work with this "thief"on Patrick Lane. Jack Binen who started United Work Force is a good person and gave this homeless moron a job after he was fired from Union Friendly. He should be grateful!!! Jack was like a father figure to him. He left Jack and started a crazy campaign online to ruin Jack!! This guy goes from shelter to shelter with his dogs. He lost his girlfriend and is blaming the whole world on it!! DON CARRILLO GROW UP AND GET A LIFE!!! YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A LIER AND A THIEF! YOU ARE IN YOUR FIFTIES NOW. YOU BEING LOCKED UP LAST YEAR FOR THEFT TELLS THE WHOLE WORLD WHO YOU ARE!!! YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A BORN LOSER!! I AM POSTING THE ARREST RECORD AGAIN BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO SEE THE PUBLIC GET TRICKED BY A REAL THIEF!!! THIS RECORD IS FOR PUBLIC VIEWING AND I DONT WANT TO SEE DON CARRILLO SCAM ANOTHER COMPANY. IT'S TIME TO SHUT HIM DOWN!!!
Inmate Name: Carrillo, Donald M
Inmate # 02736691
Last Arrest Date: 00:00AM 01-04-2010
Sex: Male
Race: White
Age/DOB 51
Detention Facility: Clark County Detention Center/Las Vegas NV
Charges Resulting from Arrest on 01/04/2010
1. Obtaining Money Under False Pretenses Counts:3 Bond: $750.00