This is a site that sells a World of Warcraft bot but it does not work.
The seller of RHABOT is unscrupulous at best, continuing to lead people to believe the bot works when in fact it does not. He offers a 5 day trial of RHABOT, but RHABOT requires the use of innerspace. Innerspace (IS) is not free, so if you are even trying to try out RHABOT you will end up forking over some dough to IS for their software. Only to find that RHABOT does not work at all on live servers. RHABOT's seller will not respond to any questions or comments about the lack of functionality of the bot on current servers. His forums are all moderated so only questions he feels like answering are let through, giving the impression he is taking care of his customers when in fact he's filtering out anyone that realizes his software is garbage. There is even a BS post about why the forums are moderated in case you ask that question.