Heard about skoreit on mike and mike. Decided to go try it. Total rip off. Bidagents or scripts making Bids jacking up the prices. I saw 1 Bidagent spend $2000 on a $1000 Walmart gift card and was not even the winner. Another spent $1500 on the same card and still other Bidagents and single bidders here and there until $10, 000 in bids had been made and the eventual winner paid $1027.82 (in bid cost ($868.56) and final price of $159.26 )to win the $1000 Walmart gift card.
So $10, 000 plus dollars raised by Skoreit (I Want Stock), several thousand spent by Bidagents for an item that has only a value of $1000 and only at Walmart. Most of the Bidagent users routinely bid on the same items over and over. 1 such user of Bidagents has won FIVE (5) PS3 Bundles. Another FOUR (4) of the same Cameras, etc. SO HOW CAN YOU WIN AGAINST THE BIDAGENTS (YOU CAN NOT WIN). I predict that skoreit will eventually be sued and found out that skoreit has been using artificial Bidagents to drive up revenues thus Fraudulently Profiting Off of Fake Rigged Auctions.