LINDA RISDEN COMPLAINT and what a bous web site, all the listings on the site belong to other realtors in south florida and it turns out that LINDA RISDEN has fled from south florida for legal issues and nun of the listings were even hers, and then she trys to pawn us off on another agent so she can get a comission and she does not even live in south florida any more for legal reasons.
LINDA RISDEN move to INDIA...your sale person told me that the company is out of business since top salemen and business partner is suing you for riping off a home owner association for some un-godly amount and now you have feld the is total Fraud...we also read the BSO Police report filed against you by the Home Owners assocication ...when surching for a property in florida " ask the agent
if the listing is legally theres...there are a lot of rip off agents out there like LINDA RISDEN and FLORIDA FIVE STAR avoid at all cost..and on top of it she is under investigation by the state of Florida and is facing Aultery Charges.