After purchasing boots from this seller, I received obvious REPLICAS or fakes. They advertised authentic Ugg brand boots on their website. I did not even know that this was an international seller because no information was given on the website. The quality is of course not the same and because they are bootlegs the sizing is off, which left me with shoes that don't even fit.
After contacting the seller through email about this problem and asking for refund, I was told that I should just "give the boots to a friend as a gift" because the return shipping is expensive. First of all, why would I give fake boots (albeit expensive knock-offs) to a friend? Suggesting this is not only unprofessional but shady and was the first red flag. Their site advertises 100% satisfaction and is verified by PayPal and so on.
I insisted on a refund and was given an address. After going to the USPS post office today, the postal worker informed me that I should get this address confirmed because it is NOT a valid shipping address!!!
They make it difficult, if not impossible for returns and refunds. BEWARE of this seller as they are also selling fake Jordans from another website, but giving out the same fake addresss.
I have since filed a dispute with PayPal.
This is the address I was supplied with:
Names: Cai Li Fan, or Xue Yang Weng
Feng huang Shan You Dian Ju putian city Fu jian sheng 351100 China
Telephone: 0086-13959522449