I just talked to one of your representative named"USMAN" as he called me my home phone no to sign up an account and I believed him and gave him all my credit card information but he charged me $55 right away while he was saying that we send you bill at the end of month and still you have 6 business days to verify that bill. I had to block my credit card because of him as I did not receive any confirmation email neighter I can access to him on the no he gave me which is 18663031831 ext5257. When I called both numbers(18663031831) and (18662055651) it says these nos are les.net nos not currently available.So its all about FRAUD.
When I opened he wb(www.wishacall.com) many customers had their experiences those are the same as mine.
He(usman) convinced me that you wont have any problem and you can stop this package any time you want but I even could not access to him. So please help me out as whem I visit your web site it says many customer their experiences which are not very good and they all said that dont give them credit cards details and same happened to me.
Please also refer my email to USMAN. Thanks