I too Ordered Free 14-Day Supply of ACAI Weightloss Pills and Receiveed 2 Bottles of AcaiXM & 2 Bottles of RegimexXM and aPACKING LIST showing $139.97 Charges to my Credit Card! I sent a letter to:
XM Brands Inc
3609 North 29th Avenue
Hollywood, Florida 33020
United States
A man named Robert contacted my home by phone asking me to call:
Robert @ 1-800-440-4397 ext. 3290
After 20 minutes on hold - I finally spoke with Robert and he explainec that we signed up for monthly shipments, but we could return the origianl shipment unopened and they would gladly refund us (less Re-Stocking Fee) and I even called him back to make sure we would not be sent or charged for additional shipments and he sadi we were all set;
Yesterday received another shipment! I'm on the phone with XM Btrands riht now - I was on-hold for 20 minutes and then I got an "answering service" - when I refused to leave a number for them to reach me on - Robert picked up the phone and then he put me back on hold for another 30 minutes while he researched the original order... All Told I'm out over $250 so far!!!