I have been using the ACAI BERRY/ REGIMEX XM BRANDS weight loss system. Started Feb 2009, I find that it DOES work for upper arms inch loss and EXCELLANT IMPROVEMENT on my skin.
BUT it does NOT work as an anti-inflammatory, does NOTHING for my appetite, does NOTHING for fat oxidation, NOTHING for anti-aging (I am 59), NOTHING for pound weight loss.
I also called today to CANCEL my order, and they answered after ONE RING. I was told to go to their web site while still on the phone and the nice lady EMILY walked me through the canceling process. EFFECTIVE TODAY Sept. 4, 2009. I will get an e- mail verifying the canceling. So be PATIENT on the phone, they will ANSWER eventually. So MIXED review on the products. I WILL still take the rest if the pills I still have. Sandra