My insurance finance company uses to take online payments. If you wish to pay by check, you must enter the routing number and then the account number (which is normal) To ensure you make no mistakes, you must enter the info again.
I pay 98% of my bills online so I am used to this procedure. However, this time express-pay or myself made a mistake and the payment was not made and I have now been charged $15.00 for a return check fee and $10.00 for a late payment fee. When I called my bank, I was told no such transaction went through my account (as there was plenty of money there to pay the bill) and that either myself or express-pay probably entered one number incorrectly.
When I checked their website, I can find no phone number to call them (only an address) so I called the company that did not get paid and they tell me that for security reasons, they do not receive the information such as routing numbers or account numbers. This makes NO sense as I can pay them by phone with the same information and of course be charged the $1.50 user fee for the convenience.
NO Customer Service Number and no way to find out what numbers were entered through their website to deduce WHO made the mistake.