About 2002 I applied and paid for a website with Yahoo / Geocities.
After some months I realized the YAHOO GEOCITIES system was incompatible with mine. No pages could be viewed. I was based in the UK at the time.
I tried countless times to make contact with zero results.
Eventually I tried to obtain a refund. Again Zero results. Requests for them to contact me were also ignored.
I was acting for a registered charity in the UK and did not approve of our paying for zero results.
Not a large amount was involved but we resent paying money and receiving nothing and "NO CO-OPERATION". I think was around $80.
Details: Yahoo Account no: 207 168 991 4000
Order ID. 353 2686
Hoped for web address which did not materialize: http://www.geocities.com/proberesearch99
The year might have been as early as 1999.
I think a large firm such as YAHOO should have been willing to listen to our complaints. They obviously weren't.
Laurence Arnold Jackson
Hon. Director. P.R.O.B.E.