I saw all your negative comments warning against yahoo voice. All these comments are a year ago or older. Did Yahoo Voice ever get it together for you? Or did you find another service that works? One says Skype is better. I was trying to find out about Skype. I can't tell if their message taker gives you a phone number like yahoo voice or does it work off your home phone number? Is the phone company involved? I found some service before that required you to buy service from the phone company, so I never got that working. If anyone can tell me anything it'd be great. It'd be great if you had the option to pick up like yahoo voice, but even just messages will help.
I really need to get another phone number online or a message taker. I need to not miss calls when I'm online. I can't be unreachable, but I need to use the computer. And DSL cost has been killing me. I finally had to stop.
Sorry this isn't a complaint exactly. I guess my complaint would be on this complaints board. Why was it before all I found were how to post my complaints as a comment? Now I can't find how to comment on Submit Complaint. Whatever.