I am a drummer in a band called Publik Parking (www.publikparking.com). We are a professional band signed to a label. In the fall of 2004, I decided to buy the DTXpressII to incorporate it within my drum sound. I am extremely happy with it. I like all the different things that the module can do and have since used a lot of the sounds in our songs. I depend on it heavily.
In 2006, I started having problems with the voice button and couldn’t make adjustments in the brain itself. Before I go any further, I want you to know that I use drum triggers along with the pads for effects. I bought the drum set from local drum shop in Flushing, Michigan. I took it back to the drum shop and he sent the brain into Yamaha to get it fixed. After I received it back, it worked for about a year until 2007; I started experiencing the same problems with the voice button. So I had Schaffer’s send it back again. While waiting for the DTXpressII to come back I decided that I needed a backup module so I bought the DTXpressIV after reading that it was supposed to the best. It was pictured to be twice as good as the DTXpressII. I bought the DTXpressIV and after receiving it I realized it has less than half of the drum sounds and almost no effects unlike the DTXpressII. Now I realize that I should have bought the DTXpressIII because it is actually better than the DTXpressII and 10 times better than the DTXpressIV. In my opinion the DTXpressIV is absolute JUNK! It’s not user-friendly, you have to stand up to look at the screen to change channels and the dial is so sensitive that you can jump pages easily and that is not time efficient when you are on stage doing a show. The sounds are useless to me. I am extremely let down with the DTXpressIV. I have only had it about 6 months and haven’t been able to use it on stage because of its inefficiency and it does not have all the sounds that I need.
I want to know if there is a way to trade in the DTXpressIV for a DTXpressIII, since I feel that I was ripped off due to the way it was represented at the time on your website. I am willing to pay the difference in costs and just get rid of the headache the DTXpressIV is. PLEASE ALL I WANT TO DO IS IMPROVE MY SOUND, NOT TAKE AWAY FROM IT! I have tried every avenue to contact Yamaha and get nothing!