I have been buying 'bulls balls' type truck balls for years, I get a new truck every year. I am a retired big rig
trucker who spends most of my time
online, much to my wife's dismay, trying to find interesting things.
The other day I 'googled' bulls balls and found this website, selling the same sets that I have bought in the past from the manufacturer's site. The prices were slashed in price from what I usually paid at bullsballs.com.
I then went to bullsballs.com and checked their prices, they were still the same as they have been for years. I then clicked on a link called Compare
Imitators, I've been there a couple of times before, it is page the boys over there put together a few years back comparing the other companies,
products, prices and services. Other information under 'updates' tells a pretty sorid story about the Ham Brothers and their lack of business
According to Information at bullsballs.com, this allthenutz, isn't even a dealer for them, they indicate that they are an Unauthorized Dealer and I knew these were the real bulls balls, so I wondered how they had these balls
for sale if they aren't a dealer. So i went back to the manufacturer's site and looked around some more and discovered that these guys must be buying their balls from some other Authorized Dealer in small quantities and placing pictures and info on their site so that they could get ill gotten traffic, when people searched for truck balls. By doing this, they seem to be using the trademark bulls balls illegally.
Well, I decided to call allthenutz, get the lowdown and see why their prices are so cheap. After talking to them, and asking if these were the real bulls balls, they said yes. Well, I buy all my stuff online and am always trying save a few bucks, I asked if the chrome and blue bulls balls were in stock, the answer was no, I asked how come it says they were both in stock, I don't know, I'll check. Somebody else came to the phone and said the webmaster hadn't updated the page yet and he tried to switch me to one of their smaller nuts.
It was then I really started to get the run around, this person kept trying to get me to buy something else and started to get kind of nasty when I kept saying no, I only want the bulls balls. So I asked about other colors, they were out stock too. I knew then, I was being had and told him so, he hung up!
Well, combined with what I just read about this company, I decided to call my old trucking buddy and asked him to call and order some, the very same same thing happened to him.
In conclusion, taking into consideration all the bull I read earlier at
bullsballs.com and what we experienced over the phone, we agreed, this was the old 'bait and switch' routine.
So anyway, I went to Bullsballs.com and ordered my balls. After thinking
about it for couple of days, my buddy and I decided let people know about this bait and switch operation at allthenutz.com.
Keep on Truckin! But be careful out there.