I started with Your Pay Day Loan Help on August 6, 2010; I paid them $200.00 for joining the program and agreed to pay $175.00 for eight months. The phone calls from my accumulated online loans never stopped and all debtors said they would not work with them.
Global Client Solutions is the distributor of the funds. On the 3rd of September, October and November $175.00 was drafted from my checking account, plus the $200 enrollment fee making a total of $725 I have paid and nothing has been paid on the pay day loans; yet the balance in my account is just $33.45, so where is this money going?
I was told Your Pay Day Loan Help would charge a monthly fee of $29.00 and Global would charge $10.35 and the rest of the 175 would be put in my account to pay my debts. I realized this when I got on Global's web and looked at my account. I called Global inquire and ended up cancelling my account. They had not yet sent the $175 for November to Your Pay Day Loan Help so they are sending me a refund of of $208.45 on November 15th, balance of in my account $ 33.45 and the $175 for November. They told me Your Pay Day Loan had the rest of the money, which would be $350.00 minus the charged fees for those two months, $58 to Your Pay Day Loan Help and $20.70 to Global. When I called Your Pay Day Loan Help they flatly refused to refund any of my money; saying they did not refund money. They did not pay anything and I want some of my money back.
Bennie N. Wyatt