is apparently connected to the same frauds that also runs youruplink and! I am a wholesaler and I depended on these people to ship products to my customers for me! Made about over 50 phone calls and over numerous emails with never no response from etheir one! Phone recording would always say all representitives are busy consumeing other customers. If you are a wholeseller do not beleave when they say We'll ship products to your customers for you! I do not want to be made out as bad guy number 2 on the web. I have had some successful sales sence my site has opened and now thanks to these people I gonna have 3 negative reviews stamped on to my site thanks to their TOTAL THIEVERY!
I had to refund 3 unhappy customers! And yes I refunded their money cause I wont take anyone's money and run with it! Anyone want an honest company to order from! Try atleast we try and make sure our customers get there products and not steal from them and run like these frauds! Again if you are a wholeseller and run an at home business do not depend on these fraudulent motherfuckers to delever products to your customers for you. They are a waste of time, money and breathe! If their is a such thing as internet jail bars these people need to be behind them!