Sudden appearance on my Bank statement for this 'company'. I have no idea what it was for. Then three other transactions, unknown and unauthorised by me, under different 'company' names all with varying amounts from between $10-$100 have appeared!
This is a 'milking' of my (and many others, it seems, when an Internet search is done on the above names) account for varied amounts, practised monthly. I have contacted my Bank, who advise they are aware of these 'companies' and believe they are linked. DO NOT TYPE IN YOUR CARD DETAILS FOR INTERNET PURCHASES UNLESS YOU WELL AND TRULY KNOW THE MERCHANT! Also, another warning: As I recall I entered the number but then CANCELLED the 'sample' I saw in an email only: this is what happened. Perhaps the 'cancel' buttons are also hidden 'accept' buttons as well! Total amount stolen: $228.76 (further details of amounts etc of each transaction can be emailed if required)