This online company provde a service for international calling by providing a local phone number from that country where you like to make a call or most of the time to make call to. Instead of you calling people from that country dial their local number which connects to you phone or Cell number here in US. In the begining service works ok...since company changed their billing servies and start using their own billing. They did not inform any one that billing services have been change and instead they send a combine charges for 4 months and plus says that since I have not paid my bill(which Automtically charge) deactivate you account and to have activated again, I need to pay another $40.00 plus last four months of services as well.
Yuppy Dialer them self made a mess and didn't inform their customer and on their website hey have 24/7 callin number which does not work either. After two to three messaged it ask customer to leave a message or fax.
Finally I got reply on an e-mail and after few e-mail exchange and talking to my law firm, I got reply from their lawer that they are sorry and they will reslove the problem and customer service will contact me to rectify their wrong doing. Customer support e-mailed me with appologies and mentioned that they will resolve all the issues and to compensate they will also provide me a unlimited calling number which I can use to call from US. Dusring this all time calling service was really bad and hard to understnd what other person it talking...too much static and noice.
But nothing happen and they not recieving my e-mail anymore.
I am not sure they yuppydialer really want to be in a business or just to collect the credit card numbers and charge without asking a customer.
I would never do any business with this fraud company.