I ordered 9 scarves from her and had to ask twice when they were being shipped, when I finally received them 3 weeks later they were all wrong. When I e-mailed her to tell her that the items were incorrect response was we don't ship other than what was pictured. I had to take pictures and send them to her before she beleived it then she blamed her assistant for sending me incorrect itmes and a more expensive hijab (which I paid for but she sent me the wrong size and color) not to mention the size of the scarves were VERY small, the square scarf barely went past my shoulder and the fabric is CHEAP and bottom line she never once apologized. If she would have accepted the mistake and corrected it I wouldn't be leaving this message.
This is what she said in her final response:
"I am not sure why you had received what you received as the items you chose are very cheap and my staff shipped you very very expensive hijabs in exchange, especially the blue one which is authentic cotton lycra fabric.
I am highly disappointed with my staff, this is a new staff that i found out and she has since left, she had caused me losses in her few days working at my store. Shipping very expensive items which are obviously wrong to customers when they order something else."