This is the WORST company I've ever dealt with as far as credit cards are concerned. My husband is military and they will REFUSE to speak to me (his wife) over the phone for ANYTHING, if he wants me to talk to them, HE has to call EVERY time to say I can speak to them, it's a temporary thing! Defeats the purpose of me calling if he's sitting here! We can NEVER get straight information from them, the due date changes by 3-4 days EVERY cycle. I can speak to one representative get one bit of information call back and get TOTALLY different information. Even when my husband calls, he gets the SAME thing!
They charge $14.99 to make a payment over the phone! INSANE. A couple bucks, fine but $15! We've gotten a late fee EVERY month on this credit card because we're told our payments cover certain things when they actually don't. This card/ company is a total joke! I was speaking to a supervisor and he flat out told me " I have other customers to take care of I'm done speaking to you". This is the WORST company ever! It's almost worth going back and returning my wedding set. If we still had a return policy on it, WE WOULD!