I have invested in 08 into AEPW Asia Electrical Power International via World Capital Solutions, Prague. A few days after placing my order I got an email that WCS is now Private Equity Placement, EU-office Warsaw. Shortly after this info the price of the shares went down. Although I defined a Stop-Loss price with my investment they didn't put me out. After a complain they switched "my money" into 7, 000 ZCELL Zoa Cell shares (Oct. 08). Since then they tried several times to force me to pay in more money but I didn't. Since July 09 I'm trying to get out of everything and to get my money back. By now they only offered a way with investing annother 2, 000 shares to build a so called "corporate bloc". They told me to be able to sell this bloc within a few days. If it works this way I propose to put together a bloc from pure pigs which are registered here. This will prevent us from putting more good money into a bad business, doesn't it?
For any questions you may get into contact with me: Gerd Duemmler, Eisenstadt/Austria. E-Mail: gerd dot duemmler (at) gmail dot com - phone: + four three six nine nine one one one two two five two five