I bought a handbag from this company in April 09 and whilst I was not convinced that it would be the genuine article at the price I paid, I did hope it would be of good quality. When I placed the order there was nothing on the website to indicate that they were selling replicas or copies - but there is now a little note at the bottom of the home page saying 'All Items Selling on this webiste are replica, 99.99% same with the originals'.
However, as soon as it arrived I knew I had been well and truly ripped off. It was nothing like the illustration or the description and as such did not justify the price I had paid. Certainly not '99.99% same with the original'!
I followed the website instructions for returning it, having used the customer service tab on the site. I was corresponding with someone called 'Faye' and was confident that my request for a refund would be honoured as the tone of 'Faye's' messages was open and friendly. I returned the bag in the packaging it had arrived in, with labels and tags intact. It had literally been out of the package only long enough for me to know I did not want it.
This was three / four weeks ago, since when I have heard nothing. I have tried to contact them again via the website but in spite of electronic replies saying one of their team will contact me in 24 hours, no one has been in touch.
The telephone number on their website (UK international code) does not exist. They are not a UK-based company and the parcel I received came from China. Had I known they were Chinese I would never have bought from them - they are clearly aware of China's poor trading reputation which is why they try to disguise themself as British.
Please AVOID this company. They are a disgrace.