Please beware the below trading company from China inquiry about your
products and buying in large quantities.
Contact :
Mr Wang Yumeng/Mr Alex Li/Mr Du/Miss Chen
Zhengzhou Zongyuan Technology And Trade Co.Ltd.
705 Room, East Sanjiang Commercial Build, , ,
Zhengzhou, Henan - China
Phone : 86-371-61516976 Fax : 86-371-63756078
email :
Scam tactics as follows:
Product Inquiry->Request Quotation->Place Large Order (no need any
price negotiation and sample units not required)->Sign Contract->Seller
to send staff to China for contract signing->Buy Gifts & Sumptous Meals
for contract signing celebration (all these cost charged to seller's account)
You shall never receive any news from them after which or worst more
request to send over gift or monetary for some reasons that they claimed
to assist in speeding up the business transactions.
Please take note and beware of this scenario.