During my trial period, I rented several DVDs from Zip.ca. They emailed me to tell me they didn't receive one of the DVDs. I had already reported the date I put the disc in the mail on their site. I replied to the email and told them to follow-up with Canada Post, that I had put it in the mail. I didn't receive a bounce-back, nor did I hear anything else from them. Since I had returned the disc, I assumed everything was ok. Then I got an email stating that they hadn't received the disc, and that they charged my credit card for the full amount! The email said "don't return the disc, it is now yours to keep." This statement implies they are not giving the customer the benefit of the doubt, nor taking my word that I did in fact return it.
I called zip.ca and asked them to refund the charge, as this situation was not my fault. I was essentially told that since they emailed me a "warning, " it was my own fault for not doing more to reach them about the error. However, I replied to the email they sent. Since it didn't bounce back, it was only fair for me to assume that it had been received. Zip.ca told me they would not refund the money since I didn't do enough to prove to them that I had put the disc in the mail. To add insult to injury, immediately after I received an email explaining their decision, I received an email asking for my feedback about how they resolved my problem!!!
It's especially ridiculous they would do this to me during my trial period. Why would I choose to become a customer now??