I received email from somebody on Craigslist. Yes, they charge $1 per bid and the bids are only for .10 increments so it takes hours to get to the final bidding. Then when you get close there is at least a 3-5 second delay when their server updates so you aren't bidding real time and because of that it's a real crap shoot as to who wins the bidding process. I went on the site several days and the same people were usually bidding so I assume they don't have a life and/or they are addicted to the gambling process of bidding there.
In addition they have trouble and their site will tell you that you should use Firefox and/or another site because they're having trouble...I first thought that was my only problem and found Firefox worked better for me and then made the mistake of buying 100 bids which equals $100 and have lost most of that money...The site should be shut down until they are able to hold the online auction in real time...No delays. Other online auctions don't have a problem with this - and of course the fact they do allows them to make more money because people are bidding right and left just hoping they win.