I fell victum of internet romance with an alleged Captain Nicholas Blackburn (Buckus) [email protected], this person portayed himself to be a "Captain" being lonely and wanting to find someone before he retired from the Military. Everything played out just right, he said the right words and came on line just at the right time to where he made be believe that he wanted to be with me and come to marry me, and that if i would send him a plane ticket, food money, hotel stay in Cairo, Egypt because the Military was gong into Terrorist Mode and that he couldnt fly out until 4 days and that the Military doesnt have excess to their bank accounts until they get back to the States. Then all hell broke loose. However, thousands of dollars were sent to Egypt. And that Generals were involved ([email protected] and General David Petraeus)
SO BUYER BEWARE OF THESE FOOLS...once a "fool" second time a "fuck up".