i have bought 20 teblets of ATORVA 5mg (Atorvastatin Teblets IP, B. No. ZHK 1653, MFG. 03/2010, EXP. 10/2011 from local medical store - Junagadh(Gujarat) -INDIA.
One strip contains 10 tablets. Out of two strips one has only 5 tablets packed in and another 5 places for tablets found empty. In second strip i found 3 tablets are packed in one place, the same for whole strip. i, e. more than 5 mg doses it contained 15mg dose. Then what about packaging standard? and what about company's care for consumer for right dose? if a patient takes one does of this strip it will take 15 mg insted of 5mg. This will effect seriously to his/her health.
i want to know and i want to take possible actions against the company for such types of serious carelessness.
pl. guide me and help me in this matter for further
0285 2631815, 09904126898.
[email protected]