zynga poker

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zynga poker Reviews

mihaelozg November 11, 2010
Customer Service keeps making fools of us
I lost more than 2 billion chips because I got disconnected by the server during the game. They admit that it is their common problem but
they don't want to recover my loss. I did send them screenshot of my incident and everthing is clearly visible there, but still no support from their side. It's been almost a month since it happend. The worst thing is, they won't post my complaint on their forum or any other place where they are moderators. It was their mistake, and now they ignore me. They even banned my account due to service violations.
Don't know what to do now..
argumento November 11, 2010
about my account that can't open
I'm Marlon Caimbon i want to know why i can't open my Zynga Poker on my Facebook account, please tell me the reason and e-mail me at [email protected] and tell me the step on how to re-open it again. thank you very much.
Marlene Kostovetsky October 22, 2010
hacked into
I was hacked into about a week ago for 1.8 million dollars, I am no fool, I know you guys who are making billions off all that join all your Zynga games, but you sent me a warning after the fact, after it happened so what good is that i went off for 2 minutes came back and it was all gone..and than you warn me hours later...come on this to me is all a scam you owners of zynga are making money...absolutely shocked you do nothing.I too am wondering if legal action can be tanen because you warned me way after they took it.
Marlene Kostovetsky
arsch October 19, 2010
chips disappeared
Though I have contacted you in many occasions and yet I received no reply. Four days ago my face book user name and pass word have been hacked and again I lost my over 17million chips. I have placed two purchases with you and once I reach a notable amount of chips THEY VANISH. This is my fourth time 1st 33m 2nd 323m
3rd 0ver 20m and last 4 days ago over 17million.

I have contacted the consumer affairs for face book and am willing to go further with my claim.

Well hope to receive a reply at your earliest possible.

vannesha almahera October 12, 2010
zynga poker
pleaseeeeeeee zynga help meeee
vannesha almahera October 12, 2010
zynga poker
my chip in hacker pleaseee zynga find who is hack my chip...pleaseee DOH
ProudJew August 20, 2010
racism / anti-Semitism
Hello everyone.

First I must say that I know the success has many enemies, but, I really think that the Facebook is a great website, honestly, and we can see it almost everywhere, literally. but even the most clean and fair and straight organizations or businesses or corporations there’s always a rotten part or section in some level, and this is what I refer to, also I think the owners is Jewish himself so my motivation to write that complaint is a product of 100 percent painful, outrageous, and provable injustice at they behalf. Read it yourself – it’s all based on physical facts. All true. -

I was born and raised in Israel, and I am a proud Jewish. At the beginning of the year I accessed my Facebook account after years of not using it, it was because the “revolution” - it was so big that even the news and other TV programs used or mentioned it sometimes, the account was almost empty so I fill it with something like a dozen of friends and family members and friends and little bit of information about myself, but the real reason why I access it was the poker, I really like this game as many people does, and everyone around me played it in their Facebook’s poker account, so this is what I did on my Facebook, the only thing I did actually.

At the very first months it was real fun, I played almost every day. The table turned 3-4 months ago, when I add an Israeli flag (animated icon of a flag fly in the wind) to my poker user, next to my picture and it’s presented in every table I play next to my picture – since that day (which I never regret it) I had no rest.

It wasn’t new for me that there’s still many anti-Semitism in the world, despite the holocaust and the big wars, despite many means today such as books, movies, articles that try to illustrate what is happened and how wrong it was, it’s always slightly hurt to encounter it, unfortunately we (Israeli people) know that this is what GOD judged us, that we will always have haters as some others has (but not in the same scale) - and we can never totally change that, but we will never stop trying – it is a very painful and complicated issue that can fill thousands of pages, but it’s not my point now, my point is how wrong and corrupted can be when the power is in the wrong hands and what’s might be the influences.

I had no rest – every third to fifth users with an arab or nazi name and some others was starting a fight with me in those poker virtual tables, some in the way of cursing and speak dirt on my country and me without even know me, some of them by sending me some “gifts” – send an icons that forcefully change the flag icon, without anything you can do about it accept replace it back to the flag, and then guess what they do next (a tissue box to - what I saw as burn the Israeli flag - cost 6 not real bucks, and some of them has millions). Of course that I never sit quiet, I will protect the name and proud of my country, and me, from them, and this is when I have no rest and lost a lot of virtual money. I know all that maybe sounds childish and immature, but in the allegory (the virtual poker table) as in the real world, first - even if I want to be mature I can’t, because it’s like there is a very mature person and some immature person punch him in his face for no reason (in moral, for example, a person who think we not ok in the Israeli-arab conflict here in Israel (although he know we right and we do more than enough in that conflict and that other countries would long ago killed who try to take it’s lands), which is the easiest/closest reason to hate Israel for reasons that he shame them (for example - jealousy in better religious, that not allowed having sex with little girls or in family marriage) – so basically just another form of anti-Semite, now would you expect the mature person to act maturely then?, the very mature person will be called immature because some real immature person leave him no choice when punch him in the face?! Now second, all of the above can be allegorized and will be almost exactly in the real world even the deeper levels – for example, I never saw someone (arab or nazi for that matter) attempt to remove that way the American or the British flag. in moral, each kasam toy missile the arabs lunch on us – Israel, allegorized to “gift” any arab send me in the virtual poker table of the Facebook, and the 9/11 was the only time that I saw arabs that we know as stupid – to be stupid enough and dare send “gift” to the mightiest – the United States, and they pay for it until now.

What I did in the former paragraph is to justify things that I did in that virtual poker table, to show the good side of the table. I did that just to show how really bad is when the power is in the wrong hands, that despite all that - my account was disabled, like “Israel was denounced by x country…“ - “your account has been banned. your poker account has been disabled due to abuse…” – they now it’s wrong, they need to know, obviously hundreds of arabs/nazis that I was fight with report me, maybe even some innocent people saw me fight with the arab/nazi and did not know that he started the fight report us both but even then when I fight with one and we both reported then in the second this is two complains for me and one for each one of them and there’s many of them unfortunately, so its 100 complains on me and 1 for each of 100 nazi/arab. This is actually when that facebook’s zinga poker uses its power to do bad things, it wasn’t me that they should close his account, it’s the 1000 arabs/nazis that start fight with me, I told them before that it’s not my fault that we have so many haters that don’t know anything about whats really happen and anyway it easy to them hate us because are the best religious and minds and power then so many people jealous us and wants to harm us or to have what we got. I told them back then that either they make an option to not get gifts without permission or the complains about me will continue, because I am not going to remove the Israeli flag and I will not sit in quiet when someone else try to do this or curse my country or myself, so they knew that is the situation, and yet they close my account, I was thinking that maybe they are anti-Semites, maybe the guy who responsible to ban accounts or receive complaints (that I sent about arabs/nazis that do all that) is arab or nazi himself. The thing is that it’s maybe because they wants to make money - by allow that virtual wild west (the all bunch of cowards that starting a fight and teasing behind a screen when they cannot be physically harmed, they have no soul anyway because the have no respect) they make a lot of interest (which brings advertisers which brings money) but sometimes negative - people do things in that virtual tables that they will not do in a real situation, that’s right I will not also sit in a poker table with small Israeli flag on my head, but it is their responsibility to make sure bad things like that will not occur, what I mean is that maybe physical things cannot be harmed, but what about the mental things? A good name? Respect and dignity? It’s all gone?! This is what they do they destroy are mentality, by allowing the dam arab somewhere teasing like that, they create a lot of hate and who can know what is the consequences might be, and there’s many more issues that need to be taken care of, I think we all give them power just by using their service, legitimizing such things that corrupt our soles and mental. It’s just about money for them, it has no mental value and as I say its okay if it’s not harm others valuable things. I put my country respect on that and now it like they kidnapped that valuable thing for several arabs or nazis that gathered against the good. Righteous and bad to him evil and good to him?! that zynga poker, maybe very strongly, just aroused anti-Semitism, slander and hatred, by allowing such things to happen, in my case, who knows what else?!

That is corruption, we can’t allow it.
ProudJew August 20, 2010
racism / anti-Semitism
Hello everyone.

First I must say that I know the success has many enemies, but, I really think that the Facebook is a great website, honestly, and we can see it almost everywhere, literally. but even the most clean and fair and straight organizations or businesses or corporations there’s always a rotten part or section in some level, and this is what I refer to, also I think the owners is Jewish himself so my motivation to write that complaint is a product of 100 percent painful, outrageous, and provable injustice at they behalf. Read it yourself – it’s all based on physical facts. All true. -

I was born and raised in Israel, and I am a proud Jewish. At the beginning of the year I accessed my Facebook account after years of not using it, it was because the “revolution” - it was so big that even the news and other TV programs used or mentioned it sometimes, the account was almost empty so I fill it with something like a dozen of friends and family members and friends and little bit of information about myself, but the real reason why I access it was the poker, I really like this game as many people does, and everyone around me played it in their Facebook’s poker account, so this is what I did on my Facebook, the only thing I did actually.

At the very first months it was real fun, I played almost every day. The table turned 3-4 months ago, when I add an Israeli flag (animated icon of a flag fly in the wind) to my poker user, next to my picture and it’s presented in every table I play next to my picture – since that day (which I never regret it) I had no rest.

It wasn’t new for me that there’s still many anti-Semitism in the world, despite the holocaust and the big wars, despite many means today such as books, movies, articles that try to illustrate what is happened and how wrong it was, it’s always slightly hurt to encounter it, unfortunately we (Israeli people) know that this is what GOD judged us, that we will always have haters as some others has (but not in the same scale) - and we can never totally change that, but we will never stop trying – it is a very painful and complicated issue that can fill thousands of pages, but it’s not my point now, my point is how wrong and corrupted can be when the power is in the wrong hands and what’s might be the influences.

I had no rest – every third to fifth users with an arab or nazi name and some others was starting a fight with me in those poker virtual tables, some in the way of cursing and speak dirt on my country and me without even know me, some of them by sending me some “gifts” – send an icons that forcefully change the flag icon, without anything you can do about it accept replace it back to the flag, and then guess what they do next (a tissue box to - what I saw as burn the Israeli flag - cost 6 not real bucks, and some of them has millions). Of course that I never sit quiet, I will protect the name and proud of my country, and me, from them, and this is when I have no rest and lost a lot of virtual money. I know all that maybe sounds childish and immature, but in the allegory (the virtual poker table) as in the real world, first - even if I want to be mature I can’t, because it’s like there is a very mature person and some immature person punch him in his face for no reason (in moral, for example, a person who think we not ok in the Israeli-arab conflict here in Israel (although he know we right and we do more than enough in that conflict and that other countries would long ago killed who try to take it’s lands), which is the easiest/closest reason to hate Israel for reasons that he shame them (for example - jealousy in better religious, that not allowed having sex with little girls or in family marriage) – so basically just another form of anti-Semite, now would you expect the mature person to act maturely then?, the very mature person will be called immature because some real immature person leave him no choice when punch him in the face?! Now second, all of the above can be allegorized and will be almost exactly in the real world even the deeper levels – for example, I never saw someone (arab or nazi for that matter) attempt to remove that way the American or the British flag. in moral, each kasam toy missile the arabs lunch on us – Israel, allegorized to “gift” any arab send me in the virtual poker table of the Facebook, and the 9/11 was the only time that I saw arabs that we know as stupid – to be stupid enough and dare send “gift” to the mightiest – the United States, and they pay for it until now.

What I did in the former paragraph is to justify things that I did in that virtual poker table, to show the good side of the table. I did that just to show how really bad is when the power is in the wrong hands, that despite all that - my account was disabled, like “Israel was denounced by x country…“ - “your account has been banned. your poker account has been disabled due to abuse…” – they now it’s wrong, they need to know, obviously hundreds of arabs/nazis that I was fight with report me, maybe even some innocent people saw me fight with the arab/nazi and did not know that he started the fight report us both but even then when I fight with one and we both reported then in the second this is two complains for me and one for each one of them and there’s many of them unfortunately, so its 100 complains on me and 1 for each of 100 nazi/arab. This is actually when that facebook’s zinga poker uses its power to do bad things, it wasn’t me that they should close his account, it’s the 1000 arabs/nazis that start fight with me, I told them before that it’s not my fault that we have so many haters that don’t know anything about whats really happen and anyway it easy to them hate us because are the best religious and minds and power then so many people jealous us and wants to harm us or to have what we got. I told them back then that either they make an option to not get gifts without permission or the complains about me will continue, because I am not going to remove the Israeli flag and I will not sit in quiet when someone else try to do this or curse my country or myself, so they knew that is the situation, and yet they close my account, I was thinking that maybe they are anti-Semites, maybe the guy who responsible to ban accounts or receive complaints (that I sent about arabs/nazis that do all that) is arab or nazi himself. The thing is that it’s maybe because they wants to make money - by allow that virtual wild west (the all bunch of cowards that starting a fight and teasing behind a screen when they cannot be physically harmed, they have no soul anyway because the have no respect) they make a lot of interest (which brings advertisers which brings money) but sometimes negative - people do things in that virtual tables that they will not do in a real situation, that’s right I will not also sit in a poker table with small Israeli flag on my head, but it is their responsibility to make sure bad things like that will not occur, what I mean is that maybe physical things cannot be harmed, but what about the mental things? A good name? Respect and dignity? It’s all gone?! This is what they do they destroy are mentality, by allowing the dam arab somewhere teasing like that, they create a lot of hate and who can know what is the consequences might be, and there’s many more issues that need to be taken care of, I think we all give them power just by using their service, legitimizing such things that corrupt our soles and mental. It’s just about money for them, it has no mental value and as I say its okay if it’s not harm others valuable things. I put my country respect on that and now it like they kidnapped that valuable thing for several arabs or nazis that gathered against the good. Righteous and bad to him evil and good to him?! that zynga poker, maybe very strongly, just aroused anti-Semitism, slander and hatred, by allowing such things to happen, in my case, who knows what else?!

That is corruption, we can’t allow it.
ProudJew August 20, 2010
racism / anti-Semitism
Hello everyone.

First I must say that I know the success has many enemies, but, I really think that the Facebook is a great website, honestly, and we can see it almost everywhere, literally. but even the most clean and fair and straight organizations or businesses or corporations there’s always a rotten part or section in some level, and this is what I refer to, also I think the owners is Jewish himself so my motivation to write that complaint is a product of 100 percent painful, outrageous, and provable injustice at they behalf. Read it yourself – it’s all based on physical facts. All true. -

I was born and raised in Israel, and I am a proud Jewish. At the beginning of the year I accessed my Facebook account after years of not using it, it was because the “revolution” - it was so big that even the news and other TV programs used or mentioned it sometimes, the account was almost empty so I fill it with something like a dozen of friends and family members and friends and little bit of information about myself, but the real reason why I access it was the poker, I really like this game as many people does, and everyone around me played it in their Facebook’s poker account, so this is what I did on my Facebook, the only thing I did actually.

At the very first months it was real fun, I played almost every day. The table turned 3-4 months ago, when I add an Israeli flag (animated icon of a flag fly in the wind) to my poker user, next to my picture and it’s presented in every table I play next to my picture – since that day (which I never regret it) I had no rest.

It wasn’t new for me that there’s still many anti-Semitism in the world, despite the holocaust and the big wars, despite many means today such as books, movies, articles that try to illustrate what is happened and how wrong it was, it’s always slightly hurt to encounter it, unfortunately we (Israeli people) know that this is what GOD judged us, that we will always have haters as some others has (but not in the same scale) - and we can never totally change that, but we will never stop trying – it is a very painful and complicated issue that can fill thousands of pages, but it’s not my point now, my point is how wrong and corrupted can be when the power is in the wrong hands and what’s might be the influences.

I had no rest – every third to fifth users with an arab or nazi name and some others was starting a fight with me in those poker virtual tables, some in the way of cursing and speak dirt on my country and me without even know me, some of them by sending me some “gifts” – send an icons that forcefully change the flag icon, without anything you can do about it accept replace it back to the flag, and then guess what they do next (a tissue box to - what I saw as burn the Israeli flag - cost 6 not real bucks, and some of them has millions). Of course that I never sit quiet, I will protect the name and proud of my country, and me, from them, and this is when I have no rest and lost a lot of virtual money. I know all that maybe sounds childish and immature, but in the allegory (the virtual poker table) as in the real world, first - even if I want to be mature I can’t, because it’s like there is a very mature person and some immature person punch him in his face for no reason (in moral, for example, a person who think we not ok in the Israeli-arab conflict here in Israel (although he know we right and we do more than enough in that conflict and that other countries would long ago killed who try to take it’s lands), which is the easiest/closest reason to hate Israel for reasons that he shame them (for example - jealousy in better religious, that not allowed having sex with little girls or in family marriage) – so basically just another form of anti-Semite, now would you expect the mature person to act maturely then?, the very mature person will be called immature because some real immature person leave him no choice when punch him in the face?! Now second, all of the above can be allegorized and will be almost exactly in the real world even the deeper levels – for example, I never saw someone (arab or nazi for that matter) attempt to remove that way the American or the British flag. in moral, each kasam toy missile the arabs lunch on us – Israel, allegorized to “gift” any arab send me in the virtual poker table of the Facebook, and the 9/11 was the only time that I saw arabs that we know as stupid – to be stupid enough and dare send “gift” to the mightiest – the United States, and they pay for it until now.

What I did in the former paragraph is to justify things that I did in that virtual poker table, to show the good side of the table. I did that just to show how really bad is when the power is in the wrong hands, that despite all that - my account was disabled, like “Israel was denounced by x country…“ - “your account has been banned. your poker account has been disabled due to abuse…” – they now it’s wrong, they need to know, obviously hundreds of arabs/nazis that I was fight with report me, maybe even some innocent people saw me fight with the arab/nazi and did not know that he started the fight report us both but even then when I fight with one and we both reported then in the second this is two complains for me and one for each one of them and there’s many of them unfortunately, so its 100 complains on me and 1 for each of 100 nazi/arab. This is actually when that facebook’s zinga poker uses its power to do bad things, it wasn’t me that they should close his account, it’s the 1000 arabs/nazis that start fight with me, I told them before that it’s not my fault that we have so many haters that don’t know anything about whats really happen and anyway it easy to them hate us because are the best religious and minds and power then so many people jealous us and wants to harm us or to have what we got. I told them back then that either they make an option to not get gifts without permission or the complains about me will continue, because I am not going to remove the Israeli flag and I will not sit in quiet when someone else try to do this or curse my country or myself, so they knew that is the situation, and yet they close my account, I was thinking that maybe they are anti-Semites, maybe the guy who responsible to ban accounts or receive complaints (that I sent about arabs/nazis that do all that) is arab or nazi himself. The thing is that it’s maybe because they wants to make money - by allow that virtual wild west (the all bunch of cowards that starting a fight and teasing behind a screen when they cannot be physically harmed, they have no soul anyway because the have no respect) they make a lot of interest (which brings advertisers which brings money) but sometimes negative - people do things in that virtual tables that they will not do in a real situation, that’s right I will not also sit in a poker table with small Israeli flag on my head, but it is their responsibility to make sure bad things like that will not occur, what I mean is that maybe physical things cannot be harmed, but what about the mental things? A good name? Respect and dignity? It’s all gone?! This is what they do they destroy are mentality, by allowing the dam arab somewhere teasing like that, they create a lot of hate and who can know what is the consequences might be, and there’s many more issues that need to be taken care of, I think we all give them power just by using their service, legitimizing such things that corrupt our soles and mental. It’s just about money for them, it has no mental value and as I say its okay if it’s not harm others valuable things. I put my country respect on that and now it like they kidnapped that valuable thing for several arabs or nazis that gathered against the good. Righteous and bad to him evil and good to him?! that zynga poker, maybe very strongly, just aroused anti-Semitism, slander and hatred, by allowing such things to happen, in my case, who knows what else?!

That is corruption, we can’t allow it.
ProudJew August 20, 2010
racism / anti-Semitism
Hello everyone.

First I must say that I know the success has many enemies, but, I really think that the Facebook is a great website, honestly, and we can see it almost everywhere, literally. but even the most clean and fair and straight organizations or businesses or corporations there’s always a rotten part or section in some level, and this is what I refer to, also I think the owners is Jewish himself so my motivation to write that complaint is a product of 100 percent painful, outrageous, and provable injustice at they behalf. Read it yourself – it’s all based on physical facts. All true. -

I was born and raised in Israel, and I am a proud Jewish. At the beginning of the year I accessed my Facebook account after years of not using it, it was because the “revolution” - it was so big that even the news and other TV programs used or mentioned it sometimes, the account was almost empty so I fill it with something like a dozen of friends and family members and friends and little bit of information about myself, but the real reason why I access it was the poker, I really like this game as many people does, and everyone around me played it in their Facebook’s poker account, so this is what I did on my Facebook, the only thing I did actually.

At the very first months it was real fun, I played almost every day. The table turned 3-4 months ago, when I add an Israeli flag (animated icon of a flag fly in the wind) to my poker user, next to my picture and it’s presented in every table I play next to my picture – since that day (which I never regret it) I had no rest.

It wasn’t new for me that there’s still many anti-Semitism in the world, despite the holocaust and the big wars, despite many means today such as books, movies, articles that try to illustrate what is happened and how wrong it was, it’s always slightly hurt to encounter it, unfortunately we (Israeli people) know that this is what GOD judged us, that we will always have haters as some others has (but not in the same scale) - and we can never totally change that, but we will never stop trying – it is a very painful and complicated issue that can fill thousands of pages, but it’s not my point now, my point is how wrong and corrupted can be when the power is in the wrong hands and what’s might be the influences.

I had no rest – every third to fifth users with an arab or nazi name and some others was starting a fight with me in those poker virtual tables, some in the way of cursing and speak dirt on my country and me without even know me, some of them by sending me some “gifts” – send an icons that forcefully change the flag icon, without anything you can do about it accept replace it back to the flag, and then guess what they do next (a tissue box to - what I saw as burn the Israeli flag - cost 6 not real bucks, and some of them has millions). Of course that I never sit quiet, I will protect the name and proud of my country, and me, from them, and this is when I have no rest and lost a lot of virtual money. I know all that maybe sounds childish and immature, but in the allegory (the virtual poker table) as in the real world, first - even if I want to be mature I can’t, because it’s like there is a very mature person and some immature person punch him in his face for no reason (in moral, for example, a person who think we not ok in the Israeli-arab conflict here in Israel (although he know we right and we do more than enough in that conflict and that other countries would long ago killed who try to take it’s lands), which is the easiest/closest reason to hate Israel for reasons that he shame them (for example - jealousy in better religious, that not allowed having sex with little girls or in family marriage) – so basically just another form of anti-Semite, now would you expect the mature person to act maturely then?, the very mature person will be called immature because some real immature person leave him no choice when punch him in the face?! Now second, all of the above can be allegorized and will be almost exactly in the real world even the deeper levels – for example, I never saw someone (arab or nazi for that matter) attempt to remove that way the American or the British flag. in moral, each kasam toy missile the arabs lunch on us – Israel, allegorized to “gift” any arab send me in the virtual poker table of the Facebook, and the 9/11 was the only time that I saw arabs that we know as stupid – to be stupid enough and dare send “gift” to the mightiest – the United States, and they pay for it until now.

What I did in the former paragraph is to justify things that I did in that virtual poker table, to show the good side of the table. I did that just to show how really bad is when the power is in the wrong hands, that despite all that - my account was disabled, like “Israel was denounced by x country…“ - “your account has been banned. your poker account has been disabled due to abuse…” – they now it’s wrong, they need to know, obviously hundreds of arabs/nazis that I was fight with report me, maybe even some innocent people saw me fight with the arab/nazi and did not know that he started the fight report us both but even then when I fight with one and we both reported then in the second this is two complains for me and one for each one of them and there’s many of them unfortunately, so its 100 complains on me and 1 for each of 100 nazi/arab. This is actually when that facebook’s zinga poker uses its power to do bad things, it wasn’t me that they should close his account, it’s the 1000 arabs/nazis that start fight with me, I told them before that it’s not my fault that we have so many haters that don’t know anything about whats really happen and anyway it easy to them hate us because are the best religious and minds and power then so many people jealous us and wants to harm us or to have what we got. I told them back then that either they make an option to not get gifts without permission or the complains about me will continue, because I am not going to remove the Israeli flag and I will not sit in quiet when someone else try to do this or curse my country or myself, so they knew that is the situation, and yet they close my account, I was thinking that maybe they are anti-Semites, maybe the guy who responsible to ban accounts or receive complaints (that I sent about arabs/nazis that do all that) is arab or nazi himself. The thing is that it’s maybe because they wants to make money - by allow that virtual wild west (the all bunch of cowards that starting a fight and teasing behind a screen when they cannot be physically harmed, they have no soul anyway because the have no respect) they make a lot of interest (which brings advertisers which brings money) but sometimes negative - people do things in that virtual tables that they will not do in a real situation, that’s right I will not also sit in a poker table with small Israeli flag on my head, but it is their responsibility to make sure bad things like that will not occur, what I mean is that maybe physical things cannot be harmed, but what about the mental things? A good name? Respect and dignity? It’s all gone?! This is what they do they destroy are mentality, by allowing the dam arab somewhere teasing like that, they create a lot of hate and who can know what is the consequences might be, and there’s many more issues that need to be taken care of, I think we all give them power just by using their service, legitimizing such things that corrupt our soles and mental. It’s just about money for them, it has no mental value and as I say its okay if it’s not harm others valuable things. I put my country respect on that and now it like they kidnapped that valuable thing for several arabs or nazis that gathered against the good. Righteous and bad to him evil and good to him?! that zynga poker, maybe very strongly, just aroused anti-Semitism, slander and hatred, by allowing such things to happen, in my case, who knows what else?!

That is corruption, we can’t allow it.

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