CATEGORY: Business & Finances
Everbright smile & Debt 2 Wealth Club
DO NOT DO THIS FREE TRIAL. I followed all of the user agreement, never received the product, was charged 87.47 even after canceling, and was on hold for over an hour to have a refund issued and then was hung up on.
Additionally, they sold my information to debt 2 wealth club (another one of their companies) and that company attempted to charge me $40 without my permission. Luckily my Credit Card Company blocked the charge. This is illegal.
Had to Cancel my credit card. read full review »
Brad Wozny
He advertised a solid guarantee... I QUOTE:
"Brad Wozny's Super Insane
180 Day (YES, 6 Months)
100% Money Back Guarantee!
If for any reason you're not happy with 8 Figure Empire, if you don't feel you've gotten 10x your money, send it back and you'll get an immediate 100% refund!
It's that simple.
I won't even ask you why!
You have NO RISK AT ALL – I'm shouldering all the risk!"
It been now asking for 14 times to... read full review »
Home Angel Property Management
Home Angel Property Management located in Plainfield, IL is managing agent for Linden Woods Condos. All they ever do is raise the monthly association fee and the place is terrible. The building is diryt, always smells like smoke, holes in hallways, damage to carpets and walls, the parking lot is in terrible shape also. The monthly fee is now close to my mortgage and more than my car payment. I can't afford it and have told them that and all they ever do is write complaint letters to me. Half the units in there are for sale and/or vacant. read full review »
Anderson Fin Network, AFNI
AFNI posted a debt to my credit report on 2/4/10 in the amount of $293, stating that the original date that this debt was opened was in 2005. With a little backtracking, I found that the debt was listed as originating from Sprint Wireless. The problem: I've never in my life used Sprint as my wireless provider. read full review »
Pier National Notary
Completed 2 loan signings in November for Pier National, The signing confirmation states"We pay as soon as escrow closes (Net 30). As of February 4th the payments have not been sent out, now 73 days past the signing date. Numerous emails and phone calls have not been answered. I am told they are in financial difficulties by Rocky at Pier National. Seems that they would not be continuing to conduct signings if they have no intention to pay the notaries that are cointacted and accept assignments.
They owe me $150.00 for 2 signings. read full review »
chunky glass pipes
I have made an order to chunky glass pipes and ordered a "Maria-Maria" glass pipe. The cost was almost 30.00, including shipping and handling. It said standard shipping would take up to 7 days. I waited two weeks and had tried to contact the website, they never responded. This happened in late November and I still have never gotten in any contact with them. I read reviews after I had already bought it, and everyone says it is a scam and is very angry with the company. They said they never received any products from their website(just... read full review »
Every morning my phone rings and my "caller ID" shows WFNB in all caps. I don't answer it because it is not a call for me (personally) or any other member of my household.
History: my daughter (who is over 21) owes money on several accounts and credit agencies. She had been a student for seven years and accrued debts and loans. She quit schooling and started working in January 2010. I don't know her current financial situation, but I doubt she is in a position to erase seven years worth of debt very soon.
Why i... read full review »
Not only did they charge me twice for an application fee, I never recieved a notice saying they got hte first one. They rip people off and continue to do so, Please do not use this for any type of services.
According to their disclaimer they do not charge twice. awe.. what a bunch of jack@@sses. read full review »
I did not authorize a 14.95 charge on my checking card from this company. Thank you. read full review »
Justice in America
Justice in America is a FRAUD!!!, and has no proof of claims that they make against companies, and looks that they building Negative Campaigns. read full review »
Social Tool Kits
I signed up with Social Tool Kits and before my trial period ended, I attempted to cancel my account. Apparently, this never went through because months later, they called me telling me that my account was going into collections due to non-payment. I changed my debit card number so they were unable to get into my account, so they just let the monthly bills pile up instead of contacting me so that I could officially cancel. I called to speak with "customer service" and most of them were pretty rude. However, the nastiest person of all... read full review »
mylife reunion
I was charged an unauthorized fee of $60 on my credit card on 1/6/10. read full review »
Bank United
In October 2008 opened a 13month IRA cd with a stated interest rate. Upon maturity I transferred (rolled over) the funds to another company. In late January I received an interest statement (details correct) but they charged my account $20 trustee fees. I have had IRA cd's with multiple banks and never was charged a trustee fee. This is a sham from another greedy bank to take hard earned money from retired individuals who cannot afford to hire a lawyer over this amount of money. They should be scolded and fined for these kind of tactics. read full review »
BAC/Bank of America
My home equity loan was with BOA for 3 years. When BAC took over they started splitting my payment into 2 parts. One going to payment amount and the other to misc. principal, leaving my payment amount less than what it should be. BOA even sent a confirmation saying they had received the lower amount on my payment. I have talked to customer service 6 times. The 1st 4 times they said they would correct, the last two said it was the system doing it. One guy even said most people would be happy with a lower payment. Yea, until it hits your credit report that you are not paying the right amount. I am at a loss. read full review »
They keep taking money out of my checking account and i am on a linited money read full review »
According to the account I was suposed to be charged for $14- but according to my cradit card I was charged $47.91. This is Canadian money and there is a charge for converting it but the dollar is almost even. George read full review »
Tack Direct
I ordered a jacket for my daughter and upon receipt we found it too big. The website states no quibble refunds so I emailed Tack Direct to arrange return and a refund. I was then told that I would be debited an admin fee for cancellation of the order. I did not accept this as this is illegal under the Distance Selling Regulations.
I retuned the jacket at my expenses and unfortanately I did not return it to the returns department but to the office address on the email correspondence. I accepted my error and offered to pay the Royal Mail... read full review »
global systems
the complaint is bogus about not paying anyone can call 800 881 1201 ask for louis and i will fax or send a cancelled ck to them for the correct amount..THANK YOU read full review »,,
I ordered three samples of acai products and they said it would take 3-5 business days to get to me. It is now 11 business days later, still no samples and my bank account has been debited $240. I have contacted this number: 08082389891 and the guy said that I had 15 calendar days after purchasing the samples to cancel. I did not know I had to cancel anything, and how would I know if I liked the products or not if I never received them. He also said that he would have the refund department contact me. Well, today I received an email from... read full review »
YSTREAMHELP.COM , 8669055126 KN , USD 34.95, RATE 1.5944, CHARGE 1.25, ERTF 0.60
i need to know how i can claim my money back or cancel future payments, i have never heard of this website or company and i have been charged $34.95 read full review »
I was a Citibank employee for 21 years and last January I had to go on disability due to degenerative disc disease. I currently have my daughter living with me due to anxiety problems, my 2 grandchildren. Also living with me I have a younger daughter in college and my wife, who has been unemployed for over a year. In an attempt to save my home from foreclosure I decided to retire and take my pension in lump sum.
I contacted Hewitt Associates in December ‘09 and informed them that I wish to retire. They informed me that as long as the... read full review »
Premium white /dazzle white
I agreed for a Premium white teeth whitener tester which was supose to coust $1.69 which i never got it... so i called them up and asked them why my product was never shipped. they Reshipped by charging me 88.00$ forst and they reshipted another oone to me for other 88.00$ without asking them for it... being charged for 176$ for something that i agreed to pay 1.69$ when i called them up they said there is nothing that they can do about it...
I am student and i feel this is FRAUD
IS anyone knowing what is going on here?????????? read full review »
Marion Grice Remax Excellence
Marion Grice is the most dishonest deceitful manipulative and cunning woman i have come across do not deal with this dirty little scammer or her real estate agency remax excellence at level 1/121 sturt st townsville Q.l.d read full review »
Townsville Real Estate Remax
Mark stevenson owner/broker of townsville real estate trading as remax excellence was an unlicensed financil adviser for storm financial which went bankrupt the losses total $3 billion mark stevenson conned his elderly clients some suffering from dementia into using equity in their homes to invest in the share market mark would have his elderly clients sign loan applications he would later falsify clients income details to obtain margin loans to purchase shares read full review »
Modify Debt Experts
I received a phone call from Modify Debt Experts letting me know that they could help me resolve some of my debt issues. I really needed the help so I bit on the offer and they took me for a ride to the tune of about 6 grand. I was making my payments to whom I thought were those companies I owed money to. I turns out that Modify Debt Experts didn't apply any of the money I gave them towards any of my debt. I receive letters from collection agencies almost every day and whats worse is that not only is my credit worse because of lack of... read full review »
Remax Excellence Real Estate
mark stevenson owner of remax excellence was an unlicensed financial adviser with storm financial which went bankrupt with losses of $3 billion mark stevenson conned his many elderly clients some suffering from dementia in to using the equity in their homes to invest in the share market mark would have his elderly clients sign loan applications and he would later falsify clients income details to obtain margin loans to purchase shares read full review »
Townsville Rental Properties
Mark stevenson owner/licensee remax excellence real estate was an unlicensed financial adviser with storm financial which went bankrupt with losses of $3 billion mark stevenson conned his many elderly clients some suffering from dementia in to using the equity in their homes to invest in the share market mark would have his elderly clients sign loan applications and he would later falsify his clients income details to obtain loans with banks to purchase shares read full review »
Townsville Rentals
mark stevenson owner/licensee of remax excellence townsville an unlicensed financial adviser for storm financial which went bankrupt with losses of $3 billion mark stevenson conned his many elderly clients some suffering from dementia in to using equity in their homes to invest in the share market mark then had his elderly clients sign loan applications mark would then later falsify clients income details to obtain margin loans from banks to buy shares read full review »
Townsville Real Estate Agents
Mark stevenson owner/licensee of remax excellence was an unlicensed financial adviser for storm financial which went bankrupt with losses of $3 billion mark stevenson conned many of his elderly clients some suffering from dementia in to using equity in their homes and obtain loans to invest in shares mark had his elderly clients sign loan applications and he later falsified clients income details read full review »
Townsville Real Estate
mark stevenson owner/licensee of remax real estate townsville was an unlicensed financial advisor for storm financial in townsville mark stevenson conned many elderly clients some suffering from dementia into using equity in their homes to obtain loans against their homes to buy shares mark had his elderly clients sign loan applications he later falsified his clients income details to obtain loans from banks storm has since gone bankrupt with losses of $3 billion read full review »
to whom it may concern, on january 22, 2010. i authorized only a single charge of $ 4.99
not $99.98 reverse charges please. also the 22nd to 31st is only nine days, not ten or fifthteen day
as i was told by your company.
thanks greg
o2/04/2010 read full review »
Beware of! Lawyers can compound a tragedy at this online bank.
Who can afford to put any substantial sum of money into a so-called "co-owner" savings account without right of survivorship or the ability to name a beneficiary? Why don't they offer true joint accounts? If the worst happens, whatever money you have could go to pay a lawyer to get your money out of while hangs on to your money for months or years. Guess that makes the people who established the... read full review »
Remax Townsville Real Estate
Mark stevenson an unlicensed financial adviser with storm financial which went bankrupt with losses set to total $3 billion mark falsified income details on loan documents and scammed elderly clients and retirees into using equity in their homes to obtain loans to buy shares with storm financial read full review »
Remax Townsville
mark stevenson principle of remax townsville was an unlicensed financial adviser for storm financial storm went bust with losses set to top more than $3 billion mark conned investors many of them were elderly in to using the equity in their homes to obtain equity loans to buy shares mark falsified the income details to obtain loans many elderly investors were on pensions and had no way of obtaining equity loans had their true incomes been known to the banks read full review »
Remax Excellence Townsville
Mark Stevenson Principle of remax excellence was an unlicensed financial adviser with (storm finacial services) that conned mum and dad investors, retirerees, and the elderly into using the equity in their home to purchase shares storm falsified income documents to obtain equity loans used to purchase shares storms losses total $3 billion read full review »
I just found that EZSVER RW njust charged me every month for something that I didnt agree to.
After I sent flowers on December 2009 to a friend.
Then on the same month I received charge from EZSVER and also on Januaryu 2010.
How to stop this company. This is really bad. read full review »
Home Foreclosure Program
This company is a total scam. How they can get away with the deceptive trade practices is beyond belief. I have filed a complaint with the Attorney General's office and urge more to do so.
I went thru the training for Second Meta, well 3 of the 4 days. I wish I would have researched the company before finding out the hard way. They sell a home foreclosure list and auto auction list for a 1.95 activation + shipping.
The script is very deceptive in the wording they use. The call our class listened to one caller thought she... read full review »
Certegy Check Cashing Services
My husband and I received his paycheck in the mail. We went to Wal-mart to cash his check. He has cashed them there before. The check declined. We found out they are using a service called Certegy. We call the number on the little stub they gave us and we are told, by a robot, that there is no derogatory history that isn't allowing the payroll check to cash. Something about the check fits a profile.
The recording asks if we have further questions and we responded yes. The robot hung up on us anyway.
I don't know who thi... read full review »
Modify Loan Experts
My wife and I were struggling to make our mortgage payment when we were contacted by Modify Loan Experts. We were told that in order for them to help us we would need to stop paying our mortgage. We were told that we would first need to be in default before they could work out a loan modification. We were told by Modify Loan Experts and Pasquale Longordo that they had a special relationship with our lender, this was not true. After we became in default of our loan and paid Modify Loan Experts $3, 000 we were strung along for another 2 month... read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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