CATEGORY: Business & Finances
dilip kumar
The Chairman
Union Bank of India
Sub: Request for taking action against Bank Manger in charge of Fraudism & cheating
Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that Mr. Mallik, Branch Manager, UBI, Mob: 09801572153, Village-Gochhari, Distt. - Khagaria, Bihar, has cheated me by saying that he will do my work if i pay Rs. 8000/- to him. I have given such amount but the work is of no avail. When i asked for refund the amount, he ignored and threatened to harass me.
I request you to take hard action such a person... read full review »
777discount club
I applied online for a loan and this was somehow attached. I never recieved an email offeringb me a chance to cancel, as they say, or I would have. I'm a widower on a fixed income...I'm disabled. nothing this club has to offerv would be of use to me. I tried soeaking to a rep; she basicly said I was screwed. can you help get my $19.63 back? it may not sound like alot, but when you live on 674 a month as I do, $20 hurts read full review »
Gabriela Gonzalez
I ordered my free trial on 7/2/09 and two weeks later my credit card was charged for both pills, Nutraburst $74.94 and Colo Flush $78.88, this is wrong! I called 866-964-2022 (Colo Flush) and they refuse to refund my money. They said my 2 week free trial starts at the time of my order and yesterday was my last day to cancel. I'm not going to get a refund however I did cancel my orders so no further credit card transactions are made without my permission. At 9am I am going to contact Acai to fight with them about the same issue and let them know what a scam this is. I'm so frustrated with myself and feel like a fool! read full review »
a,lcurent account
bank charging me to withdraw my cash from there hole in the wall i receve disability benifit and it gose into aliance and lester byers road i was permited to go into the red by this bank and was not informd that there was a problem i was alowed to go into debt by aliance and lester and 40pounds was taken from my account and they are threatning to take36pounds from my account once more this is my benifit thats been stolen help meallan cullen read full review »
J Leppink
dear sir,
I was charged june 13 $ 39, 97 on my VISA card.
I don't know what membership the charge was for?
J.Leppink read full review »
On attempting to download a torrent from the above I was requested a registration fee of $4.85 or so.Having done so I waited in vain for an e-mail entry code only to find my credit card had been debited over$60 . What can I do to regain my money? read full review »
Fast Download Archive
I was billed an extra +/- $40 twice after paying for a membership worth $4.89 before I eventually cancelled my credit card. Obviously seems that the credit card details are copied and transferred. Only now have I seen a similar compaint for the same product posted in June. read full review »
I found TWO charges on my account from them - but I have no idea who they are! Never heard about them before! read full review »
My advise would be to avoid this company because they mistreat their staff by offer low wages and requiring them to work long hours. I recently went through their employment process to find myself surrounded by a group of angry managers that we blaming staff for lost profits and time consuming tasks. I decided not to confirm with this firm because they did not take performance appraisal's seriously and would allow the manager to write comments on the appraisal that were unfounded and not represented of the work performed. When I asked to... read full review »
Bounce Energy
Extremely bad customer service! We signed up with this company due to their advertised "no deposit" plan. The plan has a very high kwh rate, but the company advertised on their website that the rate would be "proactively" and "automatically" lowered to the "lowest available rate" after three months of on-time payments. However despite our diligence in making the payments on time, THE RATE REDUCTION DID NOT HAPPEN and moreover, there has been absolutely nothing done "proactively" by this company. I have... read full review »
MY ATM CARD NO. IS 6220180056400060069 . AND VALID FROM MAR 2004. REQUEST TO BLOCK THE CARD AS IT IS BROKEN. read full review »
Bryanna Barker
I applied for this card because it said absolutely free, and i wanted to see if qualified, I didn't think anything of it until i got an over draft noticed.So when i called my bank not only did horizon took$29.95 i did not approved it cause my acccount over draft fees.I am not happy about this when i tried to call to fix this matter i couldn't get a hold of anyone. I would like my money back i did not approve to be tooken and my overdraft fees to be fixed.I have already made a fraud claim and if i have to seek legal help to take care of this matter i will. read full review »
Milton Lending Services
Upon filling out an online application a representative calls you to inform you that you've been approved for a loan (in my case $20, 000) He faxes over a contract that looks legit and asks you to review, sign and fax back. You will be then asked to provide a downpayment ($2315 in my case) He will want you to Moneygram it before they can release the funds. This is a scam! Please beware of this company. Milton lending Services read full review »
Credit First NA
Lost job in January. Still keeping up with payments but getting difficult. Emailed May 26 to ask if any help was possible. Payment for May was made on May 23. The reply that was recieved on May 27 stated that they could only offer me a one month skip payment. Since May payment was already made and posted I assumed that skip month was June. In June I went ahead and made a finance only payment so that it was not added on to balance. It posted 5 days after making payment online. New statement included a late fee for underpayment. When I contacted... read full review »
i was charge money from may bank account. i would like to know why. there should be a return of money and the charges that i was made to my account. read full review »
Rick Crosby
Do not deal with this guy. He is not a good business partner. He is not fair, not giving payments to clients and not giving his partner their shares of profit. read full review »
Go Web Bez
Charged my card 79.99 that I did not have causing 30.00 in overcharge fee!! This is such a scam. I did not order anything. Never try for a free laptop or computer. Does Apple and HP and Google know about these scams. I have fell victim to several. My stupidity!!! I am going to do something to get all of my money back read full review »
Cirrus Asset Management
Hi, I live in the Royale Sherman Apartments in North Hollywood apt. 219. I would like to speak to the owner of this property in regards to the INHABITABLE condition of the grounds, some residences of this building, and the foul management personnel. 1. We are all awakened at 7am by the lovely sound of jackhammers, 2. Our water is filthy, 3. Many tenants have experienced no gas or hot water for days on end, 4. There are vermin and insects being chased into our homes by the construction, 5. The workers recently added a bunch of nice holes in my... read full review »
Elite Acai Blast
I am a vicitm of this fraud from this company, and I never ever recieved the product to began with.. my cc # was charged $83.13 and the customer service person I spoke to, lied to me from start to end.. they refused to credit my cc#. I have contacted my cc# co.and canceled the card. after reading the complaints on this board. I had no ideal that my cc # was in danger of being charged every month.. for a product I never recieved.. by the way my shipping/handling was 99 cents.. I guess when things get hot, the company takes down the website and... read full review »
mvq healt plan
unlawful charge account read full review »
American Debt Control
I was paying American Debt Control $300 a month for almost a year, thinking tey where helping me. I found out wrong, they took my money and that was it. I received my first certified letter of intent to sue the day after Thanksgiving 2008. Thats when I found out what they said and what they where doing was two different things. From beginning to end I had five different represenitives, all telling me different things. I was told in the beginning my first three payement would got to them for their fees, then after that half would stay in my... read full review »
by Gilbert Gammage with an email address of [email protected]. The zip code is 60618 and the IP address is
I don't know this company or person or whatever - the charges came up on my credit card - I was able to contact the companies - 3 of them and they are going to reverse the transactions - I hope read full review »
Direct Merchants Bank / HSBC / MasterCard
I have been a MasterCard / Direct Merchants Bank / HSBC Card Services card member consistently since January 2006. During these past 3.5 years, I have made consistently substantial payments on time every month with the intent to quickly pay down my balance. For any legal assistance I had chosen to confide in, I would be glad to provide copies of all statements, or a list of payment date details that demonstrates my history of early, timely payments every month.
From January 2006 to May 2009, HSBC had consistently mailed statement/billing... read full review »
Marius Rice
I never signed up for this coverage and due to this unauthorized withdrawal it has made my account negative. $33.98 was charged to my account and due to nsf I was charged an additional $36.00. So I would please like a total of $69.98 returned back to my account Please. If Funds are not returned I will TAKE LEGAL ACTION. read full review »
Jesse Willms Scam?
If you have bought any of the following products and had charges you did not expect -
Max AcaiBurn
Pro AcaiBurn
Ultra AcaiBurn
Extreme AcaiBurn
AcaiBurn Plus
PureLift Cream
PureCleanse Max
PureCleanse Pro
PureCleanse Ultra
DazzleWhite Pro
Dazzel White
Credit Report America
Make Google Cash (
Earn Cash from Grants
WuYi Source Tea
the company who sells them is:
Just Think Media / 1021018 Alberta Ltd
Their address is:
11 Athabascan Avenue... read full review »
I just want to let everybody know about this company scam GO-WEB-BEZ Don't let this people know your credit card number because onece you want to cancel you cant do it because all is a fraud and just want your money it is not what they said it is do go to this web site never GOOGLE is a scam to get your money you cant cancell it is very dificult I have to call my bank to report the fraud and they going to do the investigation but that take time and if you want your money back take time till they fund the scam DONT LET YOU GET TO THIS BE AWARE DONT TRY PLEASE read full review »
MNI credit report .com
They with drew money from my account with out my permissiom. I had a 7 day free trial for a credit report and I cancled within the 7 days and checked my account today and found they had taken my money out today. what happens now? read full review »
Payday Loan Yes / Cash Net
I was scammed by Payday Loan and I did take a loan out as bills were due and the wolves were at the door. On $300.00, I paid 7 charges of $105.00 each. This paid off the loan and automatically approved me for another loan, which I did not ask for at the time. I was contacted by a Kimberely Dimiduke by e-mail, phone etc. stating that I was also approved for a loan from thier sister company, Cashnet, or Fastcash. I requested $150.00 from Cashnet as paying $735.00 for the original $300.00 strapped me for cash. The very next... read full review »
My Profit Investment
I recently purchased a CD about "how to make money on the internet." I paid $1.95 for this disc that was suppose to be free if I paid for shippng and handling. Well, I just got an $81.32 charge to my bank account from this company. When I called, they said that I had agreed to this amount in my terms and conditions and that I could cancel if it was within the 7 day trial period. Well, wouldn't you know, I just received the disk a few days ago and I ordered it 6-24-09 so my 7 day trial period is up, so they refused to refund my... read full review »
US Air Master Card/Barclays Bank
Lowering of credit limit than not even 2 months later raising interest rate to 29.99 percent. Payment was credited to wrong account and almost daily phone calls, even after payment has been made. I cannot understand the people I am speaking, and I don't believe they can understand me. Apparently, the only english the know is "would you like to schedule a payment now", nevermind the fact, I had just made a payment 1 or 2 days prior. I have been hung up on when I mentioned contacted the FTC and have already contacted my state... read full review »
Global Resort Marketing
Entered agreement with Global Resort Marketing to rent my timeshare properties in Florida with 100% money back guarentee. After I paid the fee, I never heard from them again. This happened in 2005 read full review »
Pomery Law Associates
The Federal Trade Commission, the Attorney General for the State of California, and the Attorney General for the State of Missouri have filed suit against Homeowners Legal Assistance, U.S. Foreclosure Relief, HE Servicing, Pomery and Associates, and principals of the companies.
A Temporary Receiver has been appointed over the business assets and operations of the companies.
On July 7, 2009, the U.S. District Court in Santa Ana, CA issued a Temporary Restraining Order and appointed a Temporary... read full review »
chrysler 300
national evz
I looked on my bank statement and there was a random charge from National EVZ. I have not been able to get in contact with anyone there to even find out what I'm being charged for. read full review »
Travel Link Unltd (aka Nationwide Capital Asset Corp
Completed rental agreement with them, wired almost $3000. Hadn't heard so I called them back. All phone numbers have been disconnected. My last contact with them was 7/9/2009.
Nationwide Capital Asset Corp is apparently the "parent" scam company.
My real estate contact was Alex Wong.
The "president" of the Nationwide Capital Asset Corp is Konstantino Kouris
Travel Link Unlimited is NOT licensed in NV to perform real estate rentals. As of right now I am not sure about the parent company.
Please use next time. Deal directly with property owners. read full review »
My name is Sean McGrew, and I am a Legal Assistant to attorney Dan Bryden with the law offices of Sprenger + Lang. We recently filed a class action lawsuit against CHASE BANK alleging that Chase fails to honor the terms of the Payment Protector Plan. More information is available on our website, which you can access by pasting the following into your web browser: read full review »
Budget Savers Card
I called my bank today to hear the last few transactins that had taken place on my account. I was budgeting my check book and the woman on the phone told me that their was a few items on hold that would clear in the morning and one was for the budget savers card. that company called me on the phone and promised me a gas card and of course I was sceptical, but I went ahead and said yes. So then another person came on the line with me and stated to explain some charges that would be charged to my bank account and I said NO I'm not interested anymore and hung up the phone. well now I've been charged $24.95 anyway!
I WANT MY MONEY BACK! read full review »
I found UMoveFree online. They contacted me almost immediately upon registering for their site. I found an apartment to move to and scheduled everything. On moving day the movers were two hours late. I called Umovefree and the person I had been dealing was busy and would have to call me back. She never did. After the movers arrived they looked at everything I was going to move and said almost half of it wasn't covered under the free move and it would cost me an additional $250. I called Umovefree, again busy and no call back. I was stuck... read full review »
Fairfield Wyndham Resorts Lake Lure
Beware Fairfield members especially non VIP members. They will put you in older units, which are as far away from all the amenities and activities as possible (1 -2 miles). Any RCI exchanges will be treated the same way. This was told to me by one of the customer service reps when I requested a change in my unit so that I could be closer to the activites. read full review »
I thought I was safe ordering from Their shipping was free for a large order and prices were good. Turns out I will never order from them again! Their shipping time is rediculously long compared to and Plus, the last 2 orders from them were an issue.
Please check out They have GREAT prices and seem to have online coupons everywhere. I've ordered from iHerb and they also have great prices and very quick shipping. Goodbye LuckyVitamin!
Several months ago, something was on... read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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