CATEGORY: Business & Finances
mifo'sbabe February 12, 2009
This website has now charged my Credit Card twice, unauthorised. My bank is following it up, the strange thing is I have no idea how they got my details. I have looked into it and it seems they are operating for some porn site - I have never given my details for any website like that. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Australia
Fraud Protection
Werner Zander February 12, 2009
Brought into Earn Cash FRom, then this came with it!!! I never wanted it and did not sign up for it!!! Triedto cancel thru 1-800-712-7226 was told to log into and that did not work either!!! You talk about fraud!!! Scam!!! Help!!! [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Su123 February 12, 2009
I have ordered a trial & immediately cancelled it the same month, but they have been charging my card with different names and phone numbers for different amounts(its 5.95, 64.95, 94.57, ). I have tried reaching them on those numbers for refunds and its immpossible to get hold of them. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Jimgotscammed February 12, 2009
Checking account charged 39.95 under the description CREDITLNE 866-629XXXX NVUS read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Holiday Sytems International
coffee February 12, 2009
Holiday Systems International, Is a spell from Hell, A dark dungon were employee are helled captive, from breaks, as well as from smoking and wearing Fur..This comes directly from the horrifying CEO, that calls his in meetings 'C**ts and A$$H*les, This man is worst than GEOGE W. BUSH..He feels that he can treat people any kind of way as if they are animal and desprate to work for him, he has fired, HR Mangers, Customer Service Mangers, Sales and Marketing Mangers, Legistic Mangers, as well as numerous employees...For The sake of... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Google success kit.
Anthony February 12, 2009
Was supposed to be charged ! dollar and they charged me an additional 29.95 without asking or telling me. I got NOTHING for my money. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Bottom Two Investments/Acai Resolutiion
Lila Miller February 12, 2009
They take advantage of people, especially older people who are not told that they have to cancel right away before they have even had a chance to try the free sample which really isn't free anyway. And then they will not accept an unopened return since they will not give a refund. What a scam! And then that hurts legitimate offers. The confirmation # for the cancellation is 100306 and Christal took the cancellation. Put them out of business and maybe get Mrs. Miller's $87.65 off of her credit card. Thank you. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
PenRose Management at King Plaza
T. Brown February 12, 2009
The secretary Nelly is very rude and disrespectful; she gives you attitudes and is not helpful in any way. She acts like she's doing you a favor when something needs to get done. Every other word out of her mouth is profanity. She scolds you as if you were a child and has very little regard for people as humans let alone as tenants. She acts as if she was God sitting on her almighty throne and has the power to do as she pleases with people. I know many tenants that will not be renewing their leases because of her (and neither will I), and... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Next Mellinium
Gary Krodel February 12, 2009
I was solicited for a credit card. They said $99.99 would be on the card when approved. They took the money out of my checking. Crooks! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Rubin & Rothman, LLC
Michael Tingue February 12, 2009
I had a credit card from Capital One with a $500.00 balance from 5 years ago, well I paid it, on time, every month, then one day I recieved a statement that my payment was late and I owed an extra $50.00 for being late, so I called to let them know that it was not late and I had the account info to prove it the lady said my info was wrong and I had to pay it or it would be considered non-payment and forwarded to a collection agency for the full amount of $500.00, well I got mad and hung up.5 years later I start recieving these rude and nasty... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
housewife February 12, 2009
I signed up for free kit with newgrantforyou and accepted charge $1.95.Next day my account was charged $59.95 without my authorization.I called them, was on hold for good 15 minutes and cancel account with them.They did not give me time to ask abouth money refund.What should I do now? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Maria Andrade February 12, 2009
on 2/4/09 I noticed a charged on bank statement. the bank had provided a phone number, so I call them and call them and call them, but it seem, they cannot hear me. I have not been able to speak to live person. How do I stop this charge from my bank and how do I stop this from happening again. Thank you Maria Andrade Lytle, Texas 78052 [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Lorna A February 12, 2009
On 2/5/09 I came accross a Company named Easyfortune500. It was in one of my e-mails. I decided to read this and it offered a home job for only $1.96 to get started. Then once you pay the $1.96 fee it takes you to another webpage explaining how this all works and after 7 days you are charged automaticaly $75.00 from your checking or charge card account. It states you can cancel within the 7 days. I tried to cancel using the e-mail provided it is [email protected], This comes back as non-exist account. So one is not able to cancel. I found on the internet that this has happened to quite a few other consumers. Thank You Lorna Acree read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
30wmg February 12, 2009
Signed up for free trial of Google Cash. It showed it came with FREE bonus membership of "PreventMyIDTheft". "FREE" is, in fact, a trial after which they charge the credit card given to Google Cash. BEWARE! Very curious that the first mention of a complaint to the FTC gets you a refund which they initially refused. Also curious that when asked how they are tied to Google Cash they said they were not, yet the cancellation confirmation codes were IDENTICAL! I'd love to know how to put these scammers out of business. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
30wmg February 12, 2009
Signed up for free trial of Google Cash. It showed it came with FREE bonus membership of "FraudProtectionResources". "FREE" is, in fact, a trial after which they charge the credit card given to Google Cash. BEWARE! Very curious that the first mention of a complaint to the FTC gets you a refund which they initially refused. Also curious that when asked how they are tied to GoogleCash they said they were not, yet the cancellation confirmation codes were IDENTICAL! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
phjjj February 12, 2009
I ordered a cd for my small business to get grants from it was supposed to be $2.95 for shipping and now I too have been charged $2.95 plus $39.95 This site is a scam and needs to be shut down read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Alan Clarke
Alan Clarke February 12, 2009
I appear to have a standing debit of £8.00 taken from my bank account and I do not know why. I am alway compalining that there is no contact telephone or Email address available to simplify matters. PLEASE CANCELL THIS DEBIT WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT AND RETURN THE TWO £8.00 PAYMENTS. Please contact me on 01844 275757 OR [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Dont Know something about diet pills
Lisa Thompson February 12, 2009
My account was deducted $79.95 on Feb. 10, 2009 for absolutely no reason. I am a single mother on unemployment and only receive $110 a week i CANNOT afford cheap stupid scams by losers. I have @ Children and now my grocery money is gone. I cannot afford to borrow from sam to pay bill. I DEMAND my money bej put back on my card ASAP or further actions will be taken. This is illegal and I will NOT stand for this . It is unreal with the economy like it is you have losing scammers like so that get by with this. I was told i have to wait 45 day... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Senior Benefits Center Network
Jones February 12, 2009
The senior Benefits Centers Network held a Senior Survival Workshop 2/9/2009, in the Chiefland area. The purpose of these workshops (Senior Survival Workshop) is to persuade older investors through (Fear, anger, loss or privacy, greed) to sell their securities holdings and purchase annuities and other 'select' investments with high commissions. Presenters disturb prospects or 'targets' with probate, SS taxes Nursing Home Bankruptcy, stock market losses, and outliving any money one has. Home visits are pre-scheduled on card... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Angela Foley
Angela Foley February 12, 2009
I am being charge $72.21 per month for something that I did not authorized from my account, please refund all of my money back to account immediatley. And do not charge any thing else to my account without my permission. I will checking my account to see if my money as been returned and no more withdrawal is made from your company. Angela Foley read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Richard February 12, 2009
USBank allows banking customers to make debit card purchases, even if their account is in the negative. You can't assume that you are protected. They are happy to charge you $37.50 bounce charge for a $3.00 coffee purchase. You might have a deposit that is returned. They don't notify you of the situation for almost 7 working days. In the meantime, you continue to make debit card purchases, thinking that your account has funds. I didn't KNOW my account was in the negative. In the 7 days it took USBank to have the US Postal... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Kuhelbe February 12, 2009
I purchased from in mid- December 2008 for the children clothings. I have been waiting for 2 months but without receiving anything. I have sent them emails but no reply. I have tried to chat online with their staff but the staff told me to keep on emailing them, saying that they were just having a holiday break. I was diagnosed to have cancer 2 years ago. I quit my job since then. I bought from CMD, hoping that I can do some small business without too much workload. To my great disappointment and frustration, they are... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Murdock February 12, 2009
I purchased credit for livecams and it signed me up for another service that cost an additional $15. I tried to contact them to get the money refunded and nobody would respond to me. First, they said to call their phone number. I called and was on hold for 15 minutes. I called again and it was 20 minutes. They avoid anyone that has a problem. They also pay their girls 20% of what they charge. Girls get $1 per minute, site gets $4 per minute. It's sex slavery. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Nutra Formulations
Justin February 12, 2009
I place an order for 1 bottle of ViaDrene on 01/24/09. The full amount of order posted to my credit card the same day. It is almost a month later and I have not seen any shipment nor can I establish contact with their customer support department. My initial invoice states the order was processed and all my shipping information is correct but after checking back with their website I came across other customers who had also experienced the same scam. Buyers BEWARE. Do not trust this company by name as I noticed they have at least 2 different... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Financial Ed Of America
Marucs February 12, 2009
This was a telemarketer that was connected to me through another telemarketer scam company. I did not authorize this company to withdraw a high set up fee of $47.51, which is a ridiculously high amount as 'set up' fee. plus monthly fees of $29.95. This company is supposedly to send cds of how to have a home business such as Ebay, etc. I did not notice my withdrawals from my checking account until afterwards, when checking my bank statements. When I called Financial Ed., a rep said a cd was sent. It turned out that when I finally... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Ricardo Blas February 12, 2009
i sign up with creditsolution in 2007 since then i have been getting phone call from creditor asking me when i am going to start paying them i ask them if creditsolution was paying them they said that they never received any thing from them. so i called creditsolution and they told me that the creditor lie to try to get extra money from you so i believe them. in january 2009 i receive a letter from an atterney demanding that i pay the creditors the money i owe them or they are going to take it from my taxes that when i realize that i have been... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
The Microsoft Lottery Incorporation
gopa sikdar February 12, 2009
I am Gopa Sikdar winner of lottery prize. My Serial Number:...S/N-00168Lucky Numbers... Is it correct or false send me details by my this email read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Nikaked February 12, 2009
I ordered a cd about how to apply for government grants and was told that I would be charged $2.95. They said that the cd was free and I just had to pay for shipping. I just got my cc statement and they charged me $39.95. This is credit card fraud and if $39.95 is not credited back to my card by the end of March, 2009. I will contact the Arizona Attorney Generals Office and file a complaint for, interstate credit card fraud. Mabey the U.S. Attorney's office would be interested in this. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Stephen Abney
stephen abney February 12, 2009
Charged $69.98 USD For no service . Have new service with Trend Micrd . Please send money back read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Australia
Hanfield Financial Group
meshaw February 11, 2009
I received a check in the amount of $3, 900.00 which is supposedly a portion of my total winning of $39, 000. I took it to a bank in order to see how legit this is the check is now on hold for 11 days read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Primus Canada LD
ps-u-suck February 11, 2009
Back in Janary "I have called many times previously cancelling my 'service' that I am so called using. Wont get started there! I have given up calling b/c no one helps or listens when i try to explain the stupidity of what Primus is doing, which has forced me now to TOTALLY get rid of my phone b/c of the BS. And I can never understand what the agent is stating because english is clearly NOT their first language. VERY FRUSTRATING that you cant even speak to someone who speaks english, yet alone even understand it! AND... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
I don"t know
cheryl roth February 11, 2009
I am being charged $ 29.97 a month, for what I do not know. I have nothing that should be charge automatically monthly. I what a refund!!!. these charges just show up and cause my checks to bounce. cheryl roth cell # 678-654-7286 I want action !! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
liza abaya
liza abaya February 11, 2009
recently your sending me a check and i dont have funds in my account and i kept paying for the overdrafts in my account can u pls stop sending any checks to me pllllsssss... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
grant money
glassman February 11, 2009
They charged me for $2.95 then took out $49.50 and proceed to tell me I never called and it takes them 10 minutes to answer the phone if they even do then they hang up on you. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Amanda Livangood February 11, 2009
this company debited my account $89.31 for products I did not order and returned to sender completely unopened. the information on my statement is GREENTEAPILLPOWER/ 801-2087485 UT EFF DATE: 02/09 I want this money put back into my account and any possible membership they think I have cancelled. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
PRICE SAVERS 866-2190082
Amanda Livangood February 11, 2009
My account is showing a debit of $8.51 from CRH*PRICE SAVERS 866-2190082 UT EFF DATE: 02/02. This was not authorized and I would like this money returned to my account along with any possible membership cancelled immediately. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
google success kit..1.00 scam
angela February 11, 2009
I have been charged unauthorized charges for the succes kit i ordered for 1.00. when i try to call the 800 number i get no response. i want my money refunded not only from google but their partner identiy secure..the charges just keep coming even after ancellations..thank you ..i want my 11.95 x 2 back also the 9.95 x 2 from identy secure...STOP THE SCAMS...BE LIGIAMENT read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
FedUp February 11, 2009
Elwood Sprenger is a CON MAN... He has taken money from multiple people in my area.. He sells private equity stock that never is verified. He hires people and doesn't pay them! I would like to file a class action suite against him... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
BML Marketing Company, Inc/ Timeshare Solutions
Jeff Davis February 11, 2009
I have received no offers or any correspondence since paying the $450.00 for a no service what so ever. What a scam read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Mortgage Audit
jack February 11, 2009
Hello, I looked into help with ABS Business Solutions. The owner is Paul Kilmer. He is going out to clients and collecting $1295.00 to process paperwork and $2500 for a forensic audit on mortgages. He is promising clients that they will get the 1st mortgage reduced, the 2nd eliminated and a cash reward. He is telling clients to stop paying mortgage payments. He put a friend of mine in a very bad position because she thought all of this would happen and it's not. In his paperwork he is stating that if there is a reduction he gets 3%... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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