CATEGORY: Lifestyle

umac(forwarders express inc.)
Shamae Moreno October 13, 2009
missing necklace (white gold)worth 10, 000...missing memory card of a digital camera read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Philippines
pulse 360 ADS / Google Profits
cmsa October 13, 2009
This is a nasty trick to get access to your credit card and charge you money with out delevering any service. They send you nothing!!! You are asked to join via a 3 step process. 1. Is to sign up. 2. Fill out the form and then give up $1.97 (For Shipping) via your credit card 3. Is to start recieveing checks from Google when you post Google links on the internet. But after they have your credit card information the real Step 3 turns out to be a Scam to get you to join a security protection service which they post as a required step for... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
house of bread
Advocate1 October 12, 2009
I will not go to this location due to the owner/boss's offensive language and treatment to employees. This inappropriate behavior is displayed in front of customers. I feel sorry for the employees because they probably feel intimidated due to the current job market and nowhere to go. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Theo Muran Model Competition
Vivian H October 12, 2009
Theo Muran model Management Competiton is a RIPP OFF. My son and I waited with hundreds of other contestants at the competition in a hotel room in downtown Seattle for 4 hours and when it was time to go on stage a dance floor at the hotel ballroom he made 4 girs or boys walk together once. It lasted no more than 20 seconds and then they made us wait for hours and tell us nothing. He never even look up from his camera. Then I asked for a Theo Muran Model company brochure or a business card and they had none and gave me the internet page addre... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Dr Craig Berris
seahorse1 October 12, 2009
I had work perfomed by this Dr. and have the following complaints: -always waiting 1 hr or more to see dr.when scheduled for an appt. -staff always rude and talk to eachother loudly about inappropriate subjects -dr.berris perfomed a surgery on me that according to other dr.s would not prove effective and was not effective after spending $7, 500.00 -surgery scheduled for 11am, took me in at 3pm/waiting in waiting room all medicated(embarrasing) -dr.not personable at all -staff is displays no empathy (neither does Dr.) -after... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
chili's resteraunt
jimmy lukeson October 12, 2009
MY wifes birthday was this weekend and we decided to have dinner at chili's. When we were ready to order my wife, the birthday girl wanted the babyback ribs. To our surprise the waiter informed us that they were OUT of the ribs. WHAT!!! Chili's out of baby back ribs, unbelievable! So we decided to stay and eat a burger. Shame on you Chili's. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
yourprofitgateway com
E. J. Rogers October 12, 2009
I applied payed the money by credit card, then tried to download the information but it would not download, tried many times but it failed caused pc to crash several times, lost adobe flash, then pc crashed again, had to load windows several times but each time it never worked, tried to phone the number to cancel under the 7 days as stated, but coukd never get through . It seems that I am not the only one who have tried to cancel but get not reply from the number given . I wish to complain and cancel and to get monies paid returned E.J. Rogers [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Viv3 Lab Acai Berry Detox and Life Cleanser
eliz3535 October 12, 2009
Please cancel my account and organise a refund on all my money (total AUD563.70) back. I found the product is not working on me at all and they sent me another batch without my order to debit money from my card without my permission. While I purchased this product, the terms and conditions regarding the 15 days account cancellation were not available at the time of checkout. The only thing that was mentioned ub the blog was about the 30 days money back guarantee. I registered for a free trail on 14 April 2009 for both Acai Berry... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Acai Berry Detox and Life Cleanser
eliz3575 October 12, 2009
Please cancel my account and organise a refund on all my money (total GBP331.80) back. I found the product is not working on me at all. I registered for a free trail on 14 April 2009 for both Acai Berry Detox and Life Cleanser. I received these items on the 10th and 13th days after the order and I was charged USD11.86 (USD5.93 x 2) as shipping cost by 2 different companies (Vitalityclean and Natureberry). After 2 weeks trying on these products, I found they don't work on me and I'm not intended to place any order at all after... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Smart Balance
RogerBlackmore October 12, 2009
Smart Balance Fat Free Milk actually contains 1.5g fat per serving. Can it legally be called Fat Free? read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Aurora Medical Center South
not a pleased patient October 12, 2009
I had an emergency gallbladder surgery and let me make myself very clear. This complaint is for the billing and codec people only. I went into the hospital by car. My husband brought me and I did not take any i.d. with me. We told the people that were admitting me to the hospital that the bill is in my name. I am under my husband for insurance and so my insurance ends with a different number. I am a female and he is a male. The hospital had to call our insurance company to get approval and because it was an emergency, it wa... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
General Surgical Emergency SVC, PC
not a pleased patient October 12, 2009
I had an emergency gallbladder removal on May 8, 2009. The doctor was fine, but his billing department is ridiculous. My surgery was pre-approved by my insurance company. However, the hospital put the information under my husband. Who is a male and I am a female. I do not understand how the mistake could have been made. The doctor is a non-network and therefore is not contracted for a "special rate", this means that my insurance has to pay the full amount. What is my problem? Heather at the billing office is very rude and... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Basics/ tee shirts
ryork October 12, 2009
My husband and I went shopping tonight and had no intention on buying some mens tee shirts but they had some on sale for $1.99. So we picked up 2 of them. So we checked out and I notice that we did not get the $1.99 price so I told the associate and he told me to go to the service desk. So we went over there and the girl said they were not on sale and that someone put them there. I said well we do not know that and they were more there and we should get the price. And she said no. I ask for a manager and she said she was, I said No I mean a... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
prakasa rao_jayanathi October 12, 2009
I ordered a sample of from ACAIBERRY for weight loss in August, & the deal was just pay for the postage. Now 2 months later, there has been a large amount taken from my account, from Anti-Age Access & Skincare Today, I was not ordered how they debited the amount from me. Thedetails of amount given below:aken from my account which i am not happy about. & also received nothing at all. Please contact me to let me know about this proble DETAILS ARE GIVEN BELOW: 29/09/2009 CTT +442033938389 SINGAPORE SG 119.02... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
leonard59 October 12, 2009
In the year 1999 or 2000 my friend and I payed the 500.00 fee, but when we called our coach for help she was no longer employed by this company! My wife was diagnosed with heart problems and I had to devote a majority of my time to taking her back and forth to doctor appointments. Subseqently she was in and out of an ICU unit for about a year. In the meantime I was still making my monthly payments and was never late. When I called for help getting started again, I was told that my account was no longer active and had to pay the fee again to be reinstated. Is this legal and do I have any recourse? read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
YS Nails, Dual Form System
missg2u October 12, 2009
It has been 6 months since I placed my second order with YSNails (selling professional nail system on-line). They have a satisfaction policy in case you are not completely satisfied, and I wasn't. I joined for $119 so I could sell their product retail, then got my business started. I had customers waiting for this large order to come in. 7 days...10 days... 3 weeks... not here. I had contacted them by email through out this waiting time and they apologized saying there was a production problem so I waited more. I finally asked for my... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Lady Golf
redsonja4 October 12, 2009
This internet retailer carries very nice merchandise. But if there is a problem, forget it. One pair of slacks I purchased arrived soiled. The owner was outraged that I complained, suggested I was lying, and further, that I should complain to the shipper. Eventually she promised to send a UPS return tag, but never did. Also, told me to go buy my own box (she sent in a bag that was destroyed on opening). After 6 weeks, when I suggested that this was perhaps a tad too long to have to wait, she got mad and told me to get lost. Go elsewhere!! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
salonlaurastinks October 12, 2009
I enjoy trying out new salons for color and cuts. I went to Salon Laura with a friend because I wanted to see what kind of shop/salon this place was. I was totally appalled by the arrogance of the business owner. Every body knows there is a kind of edge to small town salons - every one knows every ones business and sometimes the fur flys! BUT, to actually berate a your workers in front of clients is very low class and unprofessional. I will not schedule an appointment at this salon and I will tell all my friends to go else where. I guess the... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Jimmy John / Sandwiches
AlfredJerrantejackson October 12, 2009
Every time I eat their food at this location I get sick, like I'm about to throw up everything I've just eaten. My stomach is turning, as if I've eaten poison or something. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
edgling October 12, 2009
I had the procedure about 2 years ago, since that time my eyessight has degraded. Wanting to use the lifetime enhancement promise, I contacted the company. I was told the center had closed and I would have to travel out of state for the procedure. I was also told that it would take three trips out of state which I cannot afford to do. This should be a crime. If this company gives its patients this lifetime service then they (the company) should have some responsibility for providing it at a reasonable cost to the patient. I have since heard... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
sweettater October 12, 2009
I was charged .99 cent for a trial on the Acai weight loss product, but I never received the product. I am not concerned with the .99 cents, however I do not want to find any further charges on my card from this company. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Ebay/UPS Gold Watch Scam October 12, 2009
EBAY/UPS coordinated scam. I lost $17, 000 and my credit rating damaged over this fraud. Thief either purchases from inside Ebay employee a dormant member ID. The member usually has not bought or sold for a year, has 100% Positive feedback and is not monitoring their account, or maybe are dead. That is why I believe a Ebay emplyee is involved. The Thief contacts you (the seller) and is interested in your gold watch. You see 194-Positive Feedbacks and consider it is real. The theif claims they no longer use PayPal and suggest COD. You are not... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
well ness lab a cai berry
werstrong October 12, 2009
i had ordered the acai berry from this company a month ago . the sample that came in had no return address no reading material nothing just a box with pills and a pamphlet to tell u how to take it .u could not even return the product back. the custoer service is terrible u never understand what they say and to add it up they ve withdrawn 200 dollars from my account for no eveidence to show after thtmonth . which means i should have received more of the product but have not so far. if there is something we can do about this let me know ... dnt ever buy from hese companies . read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Medi Colon Cleasnser
deanna Frazier October 12, 2009
Product was promoted as a free trail. I assumed the site wold be whether I was interested in purchasing. No indication that my card would be change $ 88.93.. it ws a scam and want that amount removed and no further charges. Deanna Frazier 972-248-9084 read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
GHD-outlet -uk
nancybadhairday October 12, 2009
dont do it! i have been sucked in to this company. they are completly fake. i bought a pair only yesterday and surprise surprise the money has gone. I have emailed them and they said they have no record of my transaction, i cant log back into the website. the whole thing is a scam. i dont know how they get away with it buts its awful. now i just feel stupid!! i will be disputing the money and try and get it back. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Health Science? / Acai Berry Detox
M Ptolomey October 12, 2009
'Health Science?' sent a small jar of their Acai Berry product and withdrew 82.95 Pound from our account without our authorisation after we only agreed to a one-off trial purchase. Our bank has had to stop access to the account and are making a claim to try and recover the funds. These people are low-lifes. Why can't they get a real job? I work my ass off 10-11 hours a day for what we make and these pricks just take it? Not on. 'Nature Berry' are doing the same thing. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Australia
jenny turner October 12, 2009
I originally signed for a 'free trial', all I was required to pay was a delivery fee of $8.95. I was charged this and recieved the pills within the week. so far great! Unfortunately I have since been charged the following amounts and have not recieved a single product. 25 August Natureberry 416-900-1137 $146.79 twice for this transaction on the same date; 24 SeptemberCTT+442033938389Singapore $140.70 again twice on the same date for this one transaction; 9 october Youthhealth +386160049 $134.39 and on the same date smarthealth +35... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Australia
beijing caiyi
linjiayan October 12, 2009
Dear Sir, I am David from Beijing Caiyi Trading Co., Ltd, Our mainly products are Nike Shoes, Adidas, Jordan, UGG boots, NBA, NFL Jersey, Lv handbag, Tiffany, jeans, cheong sam, Rolex Watch, Glasses, Belts... We are a company offer not only high quality brand products, but also competitive price in China market, welcome to visit the website: If you have questions, please feel free to contact us, Looking forward to your cooperation. David E-mail: [email protected] Website: read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Acai Berry& Life Cleanse
chrisbo October 12, 2009
i ordered acaiberry and life cleanse and recieved them as it said they were 4.00 each and there was nothing to say you have signed a contract for them to take money out of your account. now on the same day they have taken two lots of £78.36 from my account. thr fraud squad should be sent in. i have contacted them and i am going to contact watch dog on tv . read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Custom Garment Color
jrbreining October 12, 2009
Craig Eaton used to work at my fabric dyeing company in New York City. He stole money from customers, lost their garments and destroyed them. His purported relationships with the apparel industry are false, his name is known among the design studios throughout NYC as a liar and a thief. If you send your clothing to him or fall for his scam to pay his monthly fees, you will be robbed. I had Craig Eaton arrested on Grand Larceny charges for stealing $3, 000 in company checks, he claims to have had a cocaine problem at the time. The address on... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Ultifreshwell/ Acai Berry. Life Cleanse
Jay brody October 12, 2009
I ordered a sample of Acai Berry Detox sample which came with Bottle of Life cleanse, only payment I thought I had to make was for postal charges. Now for two months have recieved more samples but have been billed from my credit card for for amounts way in access $39.95 pounds for each totalling $82.95 with Postage and Handling. and a separate invoice for same product which was delivered on same day but this time only one bottle of exact same product charged amount of $79.00 Pounds. Thats a lot of money when you have to convert from Aussie... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Australia
KF Yap October 11, 2009
We have visitors from India last 2 weeks and we ordered Pizza for their lunch(delivery). We only received the food from Sungai Buloh outlet after 2 1/2 hours. Why it called fast food, but it not FAST actually. We feel ambrassing with your service. But I feel maybe I can get better service from other outlet so I give a chance again. Today, we have visitors from Sweden, and I order Pizza for their lunch also. I request that change the outlet to Kota Damansara which is not far from our place in Sungai Buloh, but your customer service refuse to change, so NO MORE pizza in futher. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Malaysia
Fight Back Against Internet "Free Trial Offer" Scams
Resveratrol_NOT October 11, 2009
Unfortunately we all either know someone, or have been claimed as a victim of one of the "Free Trial Offer" scams that are all over the Internet. In an attempt to educate others in avoiding the mistakes I made (even though I thought I was pretty secure in the way I treated this "free offer"), I hereby offer this posting/rebuttal. Please copy it, and send it to everyone you know, if the thieves can't be stopped, we can hurt them through being smart internet-savvy consumers, armed with the correct weapon... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Walmart/Vision Center
Wdoin October 11, 2009
Hello: I purchased a pair of "Caribbean Sun" Sunglasses at Walmart Vision, and the lenses ( right ) shattered! I went back to the Walmart Vision center in Glenvile . I was told by Gary Weaver (Manager), and was told I had no warrantee .( 60 days was offered for my Cracked lenses to be replaced ).With A recept or bank statement ( from my internet), I discarded the recept after returning A chipped pair of "Sarrengetti Sunglasses", ( the recept was wrinkled and dirty, so I discarded it)<br /> On one of the " Caribbean... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Acai Burn --- AUSTRALIA
Tash Tash October 11, 2009
I had the same problem as all these others... I just cancelled my credit card and got a new one. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Australia
Kentucty Fried Chicken
Janine Clissold October 11, 2009
We ordered a mega box for $42 which should contain chicken, nuggets, large colesaw, 2 large potatoe and gravy, and 3 large chips, on ordering the meal they advised us that they had no colesaw at or so we said we will have a potatoe and gravy instead then on recieving the meal we had 10 small potatoe and gravys and we asked where are the large potatoe and gravy they said they have none. If they had told us this a the start we would not have ate KFC, we were not happy with the service the chicken was old the nuggets were old, KFC should have... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Australia
J Massage Tools
Jane M October 11, 2009
I was working at the PNE and I noticed there was a kiosk for electronic massage tools. They seemed friendly and the lady, Sonia, told me SPECIFICALLY that they had a 30 day money-back guarantee. And that they were in business for 15 years so there were no reasons for me not to trust them. I, being the idiot that i am, TOOK HER WORD and bought a massage tool for $280.00. I shelled out big bux BECAUSE I was told there was a money back guarantee and I can bring it back if my parents didn't like it. (I was buying it for them) So I went home... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
Metlife India Life Insurance -Policy No.1200300020316
Gurbinder Singh October 11, 2009
Metlife India issued apolicy Policy No.1200300020316 for my child, after 6 years i paid the premium & i found out that the proposal & the certificate of maturity committment was totally mis interpreted & the certificate was fraudelently signed by the agency manager of Metlife India, since then i have been chasing the authorities, but their staff has tottally turned mute on my grievances. I wanted to surrender the policy after noticing this fraud but i was surprised to see that Metlife was offering me a payment of about 10% of what... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: India
trading planet ltd /acaiberry exclusive
mrs harris October 11, 2009
i purchased a free 14 day trial just had to pay postage, only wnated free trial so cnacelled rest and the company then took £76.78 i have tried to phone and was told i would be contacted by email i still have heard nothing you only speak to foreign operators who dont really care i am still waiting for my money back read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Advanced Dermatology PC
concernedpatient October 11, 2009
Unfortunately there wasn't an option to give Dr. Joshua Fox a half a star. He missed my skin cancer twice. I saw him two times for skin cancer check. He did not notice my skin cancer. Another dermatologist brought it to my attention. I went back and showed it to him and he said, "Oh that"? He delayed treatment on my skin cancer for six months. He is a patient mill and is fast. You wear your bra and underpants and heaven help you too if there is a skin cancer on a line that your bra covers. He is a money making machine. He charged... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States


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