CATEGORY: Lifestyle

Alex Cain
Alex Cain August 21, 2009
To who it may concern am writing in reguarding missing my flight leaving yesterday morning 20/08/09 at 7:25 due to incompitent of your representative of th company airline was whom did not alone me to travel due to reason that I have explain which was legal for me to travel without any visa or permit. Due to these error of your representative has cause me financailly, emotionally, stress and ill to and from the airport which has cost me a 150 sterling pounds cab fair also hotel reservasion which 200 pounds. I will leave the stress and fatigue... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Dazzel White - Teeth whitener
TexasT August 21, 2009
I ordered a TRIAL product called Dazzle White. I received the sample which didn't do well. Checking my bank statement this month, I discovered, by ordering the TRIAL this company HID, in the terms and conditions, an automatic order and billing on my credit card. Dazzle White - $58.76 each 3 months On V/Weight Loss subscription 7.14 each month Web Access 2200 $3.24 each month. Trail tube $4.95 This company and its affiliates defraud people intentionally and daily. $74.o9 out of my account, by a fraudulently operated... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Carbon Copy Pro/Wealth Masters International
DuckDuckGoose August 21, 2009
You are promised riches beyond your wildest dreams if you will follow just a few simple steps. "Anyone can do it." I purchased the "BIB" Business in a box for nearly $300.00. You only have a 72 hour window in which to return it for a refund. By the time you figure how how complicated & expensive everything is the 72 hours has come & gone. You are pressured to purchase products from Wealth Masters International and you will be charged a monthly "membership" fee unless you cancel immediately both to WMI & CCP... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
shatfield August 21, 2009
This company is using facebook to deceive people. I do not know where this company is located. I am in the midst of searching for the home office location. I will be contacting the Attorney Generals Office in their state about this company. My story is like the other guys... Sent me trial for 7.99. I recieved an email that the sample was sent out. I responded to that email stating that I do not want any more of this... I recieved a return email saying that "this is no problem, we will cancel your order now... BUT we already sent... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Winona Kleckley August 21, 2009
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
maria parton August 21, 2009
Let's face it we're buying off the 'infomercial' for the foundation - right? Not for all the other 'stuff' they so 'generously' include. Well my advice is - if you're black - and I mean 'properly' cocoa/mocha/ebony/ black - don't bother to buy their 'DARK' product. They only produce 4 foundation colours which in itself should sound warning bells. How can skin colour - from palest white to darkest black be pigeonholed into 4 categories?? I know for a start there are at least... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Mizlocz August 21, 2009
I ordered the product on 8/2/09 and cancel the product on 8/11/09. In my Terms and conditions it stated that all I had to do was cancel and that would be the end of it. Then I checked my bank statement on 8/18/09 and there was a charge of $88.67. I called the company and they stated they changed there terms and condition policy to state that the empty bottle must be returned. I feel that I should not be charged after the fact. I followed the terms and conditions that I had because the company changed it afterwards I should not be penalized. I... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
dermatendsucks August 21, 2009
Dermatend is shit. I used it 5 months ago, and I still have 3 red scars on my face. If you get this product, you are asing for scars and a lot of frustration. Fuck all of their salesman online, as well as the 10-15 websites they have up for this shit product. DO NOT BUY IT, AND DON'T LISTEN TO ALL THE SCAMMERS ONLINE TRYING TO SELL A SHITTY PRODUCT. I would attach pictures, but I don't feel like taking a picture of the scars, because I don't feel like looking at them again. Just see a doctor for mole removal. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
lire cleanse
peter wright August 21, 2009
I would just like to say i ordered the 30 day trial payed the post and packing.nothing on the ordering piece on the web site stating you have to cancelle within 15 days or they then charge you again.They too 73.00 out of my account with out my autherisation.when i rang to aske about this was on the phone to a very rude lady who point blake said you will not get your money back as i never cancelled in the 15 day period.How can poeple get away with taking our money with out our say so.I will never get anything of this company again.i am desgusted. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
LAURACHERRY August 21, 2009
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Celebrity Pout
LAURACHERRY August 21, 2009
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Illfightback August 21, 2009
I'm another one who ordered the 'so-called' free trail and was only made aware of a monthly supscrition because my account was unauthorized debited! Cards cancelled, account frozen, company black-listed with government, solicitor on the case too! Anyone wanting to contact me about it: [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Pandayan Sevenseas Manpower Services
vickyfeb1985 August 21, 2009
I was applying the post " computer Operator " in May 2009. They said After 2 1/2 months u got CDC, But today 3 months complete they never call me or not given CDC. I think They are fake companies. So beware friends, Don't give the money to them. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: India
hyatt regency Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
Chaf August 21, 2009
Even with proper valid certification document (PADI Rescue Diver-33 dives), properly maintained Dive Log book and only 2 months since the last dive I was required to perform a refresh or a local dive before being accepted to go on a day trip. This scam is used to have divers spend more. Feedback from the operating manager was that you need to be "instructor" level to go directly on a boat dive. What is the use of the certifications then? Is the operating manager worried about our safety or about his bank account? read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Egypt
elite peroffer acai berry power colon cleanse
line August 20, 2009
ils ont débiter ma carte de credit 4 fois 2 fois pour des montants de 90.77 et 2 autres fois pour 96.01 et li y a peut etre d autre montant debiter je n ais jamais recu ces produits line mercier read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
Acaiburn/ Trislim/ Coloncureus/ Healthmember
patL365 August 20, 2009
They get you to try there products a 14 day trial and before the trail period ends they have already billed you once they have shipped. These companies are the following: Acaiburn- 866-989-8945, Trislim- 800-260-8720, Coloncureus-800-859-3858 and Healthmember-888-779-5303. I will have to say the Acaiburn did refund me 58.76 it was billed to my credit card but they charged me a 2% transaction fee of $1.18. Trislim 77.55 billed but 69.79 was refunded and Coloncures 88.55 billed but 76.69 was refunded. Not only that a $ 3.24 was billed thru these... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
XM Acai
Darlene Spencer August 20, 2009
I have just filed with the BBB and now you regarding this SCAM. XM Brands appeared as an advertisement on Yahoo Home Page. I provided them my credit card number to take care of the shipping to try their product. They have since charged my card twice $139.97 each time! I have refused all attemps of product delivery. USPS and UPS. I phoned the company to see when I could expect my account to be credited for refused product. They told me that returns go to a different location and that they would not be crediting my account! They would not... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
CROISSAN'WICH bacon, egg cheese
sl89 August 20, 2009
I ordered a Breakfast Bacon, Egg, Cheese Croissant and only got 1 piece of Bacon on it I went thru the Drive up, was on my way to work, didn't have time to go back to talk to a manager Can you resolve this problem for me? I was there on a business, so I won't be back to that BK! Thank you read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
royaljewels wholesale / diamond devotion
Karen in Canberra August 20, 2009
This company, Poyaljewels wholesale (Diamond DEvotion at WA, Australia) advertsises jewellery on EBay. A ring I purchased was not as it had been advertised: - the band was not solid and not possible to resize - diamonds were half the size advertised - the expert valuation found the ring to be worth only 7% of that advertsied I sought a refund and they initially agreed by email to refund my money. After the ring was returned they refused to provide a refund UNLESS I wrote positive seller feedback on EBay about them. They persisted... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Australia
BAR B CUE chicken nuggets
windy's chicken nuggets suck August 20, 2009
stopped by after work because of commercial on chicken nuggets, were not ediable, dry, HARD sure they were heated with Micro-Wave oven not fresh cooked, were the worst I have ever tried to eat gave to dog, will not stop again, terrible food, going to stop and complain to management read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
pizzia hut
Pam Kliiger August 20, 2009
I applied for a job with Pizza Hut, In LA. ft. Polk, and for a job, in Huntsville Texas also, I did 2 aapps. and tryed to send them on, for 3 days now I have tryed all to have a page come up, that it was having diffacaultes sending the app. You know if I was not looking hard for a job, that would be different, I will remove my self from your web page, and make sure if there is any one who asks about the site, I will be glad to tell them not to use this site. Pam Kliiger read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
ultra res v
lwaide August 20, 2009
I've been waiting for the product for 2 weeks and find they have debitede my account for another $84, on top of the original $68 I paid and I've yet to receive anything! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
cat_walk_5 August 20, 2009
Total scam! I never got my items and sent at least en e-mails asking for the status. They don't even give you a conformation number or a tracking number or a transaction number! When i asked for tracking number (cuz they claim they sent it through EMS) they gave me three different numbers-none of which worked! I keep asking for help and nothing's getting done. They just keep sending me the same pointless e-mail saying exactly NOTHING. I even asked for them to send me a link to where to trace it and all they gave me was a bad... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
Acai Berry Detox, Acai X, Life Cleanse, various others
Sharon from Niceville August 20, 2009
Free trials ordered. Did not even receive them during the 15 day trail time period. I thought the order had not processed at since so much time had gone by and nothing received. Free trial products finally arrived after 16 days (shipment was to have taken place in 3 - 5 days per their Terms & Conditions!) and I immediately called the customer service number to cancel any further shipments besides the free trial. I was given cancellations numbers and assured that nothing further had been or would be shipped. Nothing further has been... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
IBM Greenock, Manpower
BitterMan August 20, 2009
Not only is the IBM-callcentre based in the worst part of Scotland, you are not going to build-up a "career" as they falsely try to make you believe. When I was working there I witnessed really unfair and even illegal action taken by the manpower-HRs. For instance, they fired a collegue of me even though he had already resigned and given notice in the respective notice period. They also have had "incidents" with paying the salaries for some people. They've had to fight to get what they rightly deserve. Simply put; they do... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Tropical Fish Food
MyDogSpot August 20, 2009
I go into this store periodically for convenient single item purchases, be it dental floss, a hose connector, or as today to buy tropical fish food. When I walk in I always see your department personnel busily working, pricing, shelving, etc and usually when I need something I go to the prescribed area and search it out as no one ever seems to be in the department I'm in, but your displays are people friendly and I usually find what I want, make my selection and then proceed to the checkstands. Oh, those dreaded check stands, I expect to... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
SIDPITBRANDON August 20, 2009
Yep i am one of those Idiots who has just lost £365.00 to this Muppet. Got my self ropped in and was desperate to just find someone to trust, cannot beleive the amount of scamming Low Life out there and this guy's a Cracker. Automated response at first with= Hi, Thanks for your enquiry, payment can be made into the following UK Bank, David Langley Lloyds TSB, S.C. 30-98-67, Acct 07318139. This is the Nice chap below though as i have found other people who cant wait to meet up with him. TERRY J... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Coast Dental/Dr. Tim luong
Carol Mohajer August 20, 2009
Went to see Dr. Tim Luong because my son broke his frount tooth and he is a provider on my dental insurance. I made an appoint for an emergency exam & 1 x-ray to determine what treatment needed to be done. After he took 6 x-rays & a pano on my child & did the exam, he then determined he could not do the treatment on his tooth because the insurance did not pay enough for a four surface filling. He said I would have to pay out of pocket for a porclin crown & a build up, that my insurance did not cover it. I asked him to just do... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
USPS Council Bluffs , IA Office
julygirl38 August 20, 2009
I was given a form to pick up a package at the post office. I went into the post office, only to be told they didnt have it. I was told to check into the apt. office only to be told it was not there. I called and spoke to a woman whom claimed to be " ann morgan" she became argumentave and told me well it is not here, so I dont know what to tell you. she continued to raise her voice and argued, I requested to speak to her supervisor but she put me on hold for a vey long time. My package is missing and nobody knows what to tell me!! USPS employees are assholes! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Maya Shoe Repair
KonT75 August 20, 2009
Absolutely absurd! Please beware! I've never had a more surreal experience. The owner (jr. not senior) became hyper-aggressive with physical posturing, called me a b#@h, insulted my dead parents then yelled after me as I left, “Bye little baby! You little baby baby? Bye baby b!t@h.” He was triggered because I felt that he should either return the $50.00 I paid for him to render a pair of cowboy boots of mine unwearable, or to return the boots so I could have the damage he incurred repaired elsewhere. He would do neither - and... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
KonR85 August 20, 2009
I love caramel apple with nuts and recently purchased three packs. Upon cutting one of the apples for my two year old nephew, I discovered a worm. A dead worm in the middle of my apple. I wrote to the company, since the worm was in the apple and the apple was covered with caramel and nuts it was not the fault of the grocery store. Now I will think twice before I buy apples from HappyApples . read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Peerless Optical
KloK58 August 20, 2009
I did receive my glasses in a fast time. The script seemed correct. However there is a half moon blemish dead center on one of the lens that makes them like looking through dirt all the time. If lucky getting them polished will fix(money I shouldn't have to spend. Tried to contact 3 times by email and ignored. Wish I had seen these reviews before ordering instead of looking at THEIR reviews which I'm sure are fake. Oh, and the included frames. Never seen a cheaper, thin metal pair in my life. Piece of #@%* and the company is a piece of @#%*. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Breda Kennedy August 20, 2009
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
inGG August 20, 2009
So I checked my bank account and found a charge of $4.95. I was freaked out because I knew for sure I did not authorize that charge. I called the number listed under the transaction (951-281-5000). I was transferred to one of their departments (Acai Nutraburst). I asked them to remove the charge and indicated to them that I will report this activity to appropriate authority. They told me they couldn’t find my name on their system and put me on hold. When the representative came back I heard she said “the customer is no longer on... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Supercuts - Fiesta Mall
Supercuts1457 W. Southern Mesa, AZ 85202 August 20, 2009
I have been an awesome employee for Supercuts for almost 8 years. I have seen so many stylists and managers come and go from my shop, I remained the loyal employee throughout. During those 8 years, i came to hear stories regarding the area supervisor, Michelle Ortega, through other stylists, including a long term manger, Kim Houston. As the stories got around, I noticed every employee who had found out about Michelle Ortega's drug busts in company cars and drug sales among other stylists at different shops were being taken out of... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
google profit resource
rjdan August 20, 2009
I registered with google profit resource and gave them my credit card info with reservations. When I went to the site they gave me after I gave them my info, I found out there is no site, just complaints about the scam. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
RezXtra Resveratrol
Sparkylinda7 August 20, 2009
Purchased a supposedly FREE trial bottle of RezXtra and was not made aware of the fine print until AFTER receiving confirmation that you must call the 888/339-9872 number to cancel or $86.87 will be charged automatically every 30 days. Called the number numerous times only to wait on hold long periods of time until a message states that I can leave a name & number and someone will call back which no one ever does. I have since written an email to cust. serv. stating that what they are doing is deceptive marketing and I am in the process of... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Sun Life Fananical
Mike Koepke August 20, 2009
I am paying for comprehensive service which means I am covered for major dental work, I called Sun Life to see if the procedure I was considering was covered and the person on the phone said yes so I proceeded with the procedure. Once my dentist submitted the claim it was denied because they indicated that I have already had a major procedure done in the last 4 years and I have to wait until 5 years and this is combined with other procedures which means I am paying for benifits that I am not receiving (does Fraud come to mind). No one expained... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
oxi-berry with ACAI #866-909-6551
GrandMa5 August 20, 2009
I ordered Oxi-Berry's free trial on 8/7/2009. They charged my Visa card on 8/8/2009. Today is 8/20/2009 and I haven't received the product yet. I have a 14 day free trial and after that they will start billing me $89.90 a month for future supplies. I DO NOT want this product to be sent to me now, I don't have enough time to try it an my free time will be over. Thank you for your time. Maryrose Bernier 1001 Old colony road, Unit 3-4 Meriden, CT 06451 [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
All Season Motorsports
slip4fun August 20, 2009
All Season Motorsports ARE COMPLETE SCAMMERS!!! I rented a Hyosung 450 sport quad for my buddy from these guys and got accused of doing 1500 in damage when in fact nothing of the sort was done to it and the damage was done before I picked it up. We noticed after unloading it that it took a serious hit before us. The weld points on the skid plate where actually split open. I have been quading for years and have extensive experience in repairing them and riding them. I know when I do damage and I know how much a reasonable cost to repair... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada


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