LOCATION: United Kingdom

Plus March 12, 2009
i made a registration with Emillionairesystem on the 23 Feb 2009 and was charge for the registration which is quite understandable, few days later my account was charged under the name (Googincome 8009358570 KN) on the 6th of march for 47.00 USD @ 1.381(£34.03) which include a charge frommy bank for £28 ...please i dont understand this..Someone should stop this act and return my money. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
blacks bikeshop
alanfvalente March 12, 2009
I purchased a engine for my yamaha xj900, it came with a faulty starter clutch (gearbox) 1. It was not delivered as stated 2 to 3 days, but came in 2.1/2. weeks. I installed the engine and found the fault. I complained "I"ll get back to you" he said, in fact he said it on 9 0ccasions, I had to call him each time in short after 3 weeks of silly offers, deadline let downs and lies he agreed to a refund of 292 pounds after I told him of my lawers intrest in my case, "the money will be in your bank this afternoon" that was Tuesday morning. I am still waiting, can you help please. read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United Kingdom
chelle March 12, 2009
I am not complaining about your company but i think you need to be aware that someone is using your company name to get money and not sending the goods...i would like you to be aware that we were lucky in a way we only lost £100.00 but they wanted more...they are transporting puppies and other goods under your company's name. they are using your name world wide to extort moey from people. fastway courier ([email protected]) this is the e-mail address that they are using as your company'... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United Kingdom
Thomas March 12, 2009
I have seen a special offer of webhosting at £2.99 and started using they tricked me paying 4.59 as small print somewhere on their website or a link has conditions to trick public. Added SQL server and it does not support many connection/import data procedures. Keep booking support call and their system keep bouncing from all their email addresses including sales. They cleverly bounced after a day as if they are automatic rejections. asked for refunding the fees. they dont. kept sending complaints and escalated to many levels in the... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
Yahoo Mobile Draws Splash Promotions
Ranjeet Gurung March 12, 2009
Dear Sir, i have recieved a msg that i won a huge amount of money in a mobile draw from the above mentioned company...i have look forward to the msg and i have send a email to the above mentioned address. A person name Eng.Cyprail Logan(Prize Administrator)... i just wanted to know is it true or a fake... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
siorapwil March 11, 2009
Hi (Driver reg number) 1c2a1704-7a94-4e2f-8cb4-3d4d32fe38ee http://www.driver-soft.com/support.html They quoted "Keep your drivers up-to-date and your computer running optimally with Driver Detective! >Yes, include 2 years of unlimited driver updates ($29.95 - now only $9.95! Recommended for keeping your PC's hardware up-to-date and healthy" Letter sent to them sent on three occasions. "Have I being misled here? The advert states “Yes, include 2 years of unlimited driver update... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
shell mobile draw
son March 11, 2009
i received a sms message stating that i have won a prize in 2009 (SHELL)INT’l mobile draw. later i received a mail requesting delivery and insurance fee of 150GBP British pounds towards sending the draft to my contact address. i would like to know how true is all this. is shell conducting a mobile draw if then why does it charge to send drafts? read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
paula mather March 11, 2009
we have been in there a few times now the service is slow they stand there talking they will get half of your food ready then leave it on the side so when you get home half of it is cold one day went in there it took me about 30mins to get 3 kids meals the chips cold and hard when you are paying for the food you dont expect this service the store is in northwich cheshire my name is miss paula mather read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United Kingdom
Wellwatch MD. USA
Kathleen Harris March 11, 2009
Like many others I bought a Reflux Remedy Report, downloaded from the internet, from Barton Publishing using my Barclaycard but as well as that order on my January statement were two from WellwatchMD, one for £1 27p and one for £20.47. Again on my February statement was another payment to Wellwatch MD for£20.69. I complained to Barclaycard each time and stopped my Barclaycard after the February statement. They investigated, only to receive a " so called " transaction from WellwatchMD for a full year of member... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Craig Munnoch March 11, 2009
Ordered products, credit card was charged, but failed to deliver the goods. Does not respond to emails. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
F Roger Snape March 11, 2009
There was a charge of US$43.17 against my Visa Classic card - Transaction Date March 9, 2009, Posting Date March 10, 2009. After the Company Name there was "8669055126, KN". ROGER SNAPE BERMUDA e-mail: [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
barretts ishing tackle
glenn barrett March 11, 2009
i closed the fishing tackle account over the phone back in december 2008;im still getting bank charges on this account;why;also my business manager waas on several occassions going to get back to me;he naver did;iv enough problems with late payers without this additional woorry; read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Sat Cover Ltd
victor g March 11, 2009
Extra payment of £49.99 taken out on the same DD as my monthly payment read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United Kingdom
Inland Revenue Services London
Nadeem Faisal March 11, 2009
Respected Sir, I won the Microsoft Award 2009 oo the amount of GBP-500, 000 which was to be transferred to my authorized bank account in Pakistan but Director Inland Services London has informed me vide letter no. DPBL/009987/9/0362009 dated March 09, 2009 about the payment stop order on the protest of them with the alligation that the requisite Vat charges and Tax have not been paid for transfer of funds. Dr. Steve H Lamay, Director Inland Revenue Servcices London has informed me to deposit GBP-520 for Vat Cherges and Tax. My financial... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
robin dunbar March 10, 2009
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Mp3 Products.com
Janet Strickland March 10, 2009
I have just looked at my online banking and noticed a debit by Mp3 products.com, who are they and why have they decided they can suddenly take £38.64 without my consent this is fraud and stealing and they might as well go into the bank and use a gun. It's disgusting. I have been looking on Mp3/Ipod sites so maybe they have got my details that way. Is there anything I can do about this? read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United Kingdom
Welcoome Finance
Diana Le Roux March 10, 2009
This company is breaking the law and for all of those who are in the same boat as me will now have the chance to do something about it, I am so fed up and have come to the decision that someone needs to put this company in there place and if they do not learn the laws they are suppose to be regulated under they will lose their credit licence and i will make sure of it. When you ask any company debter or not, not to ring you at any time or even ring you at work on 100's of occasions and they still carry on and even telling the manager not to ring you at any time and they still do, they are breaking the law. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
LYN March 10, 2009
I received a telephone call from A-star travel. I had entered a compeition to win a holiday to Orlando, this company phoned me and said that I wasnot succesful with the competition but because I had shown interest in Orlando they could give me a fabulous deal of $795.00 for 4 persons staying in a five star accommodation with options of a cruise, holiday to mexico or take the holiday as I wish in Orlando. I very foolishly was sweet talked into giving my credit card details over and was told that in about 30 days I would receive all the... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United Kingdom
Cesar dela Cruz
cesar March 9, 2009
TLG Loans put unauthorized Charges on my account, they are just offering a loan yet they deducted a 199.99 on my account and in fact they are explaining that the charges is only 49.99. and i dont want to get loans from them. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Scottsdale Future and Options LTD
Klas March 9, 2009
Possible new Scam, maybe CES futures is back behind a new mask? The other day I was called by a company from Great Brittain, Scottsdale Futures and Options ltd. What made me listen carefully was that it was exactly the same as our "good" friends from CES Futures but now they wanted me to invest in Unleded Gasoline. Scottsdale Futures was trading at London Global and futures exchange who was controlled by UK Future and Options commission. So far it sound great...if I havent heared and experienced CES Futures. Following is my... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
aspiandy March 9, 2009
I joined "filefortune.com" on the 19/02/09 so I could find some software to test and revew for disabed/autistc children. This was to cost me $4.87 for a lifetime unlimited download access to FileFortune.( see atached picture ) When I got my creditcard bill in I found I had been billed from "ALWAYS-HELP.COM 887-848-3150" the folowing amounts: 19/02/2009 £0.72 £0.72 £3.51 22/02/2009 £28.17 £28.17 £6.96 I only used my card on the 19/02/2009 and no... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
FARZANAH March 9, 2009
This March 09, 2009 To whom it concern: Dear Sir/ Madam, I would like to cancel the order of Wu-YI Source tea from your company and I do not wish to receive any further supply since I only wanted to try the 14 day trial which is costing me more than double or triple price you quoted on the internet web page. It is mentioned $4.95 just for the packaging costs but my first bill seems to be £17.61. On top of that I have been charged extra money £1 for overseas transaction. I have also been charged web access from your... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
StuartC March 9, 2009
Threatening telephone call from this company, in which I endured a torrent of threats, abuse and mocking laughter. I will not be spoken to in this manner and have taken up the matter with the Office of Fair Trading. Anyone else experienced this company? read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United Kingdom
Bank of Scotland Visa
Iain March 8, 2009
I have been banking with the bank of Scotland for more than 30 years and they are telling me gobelty gook, What is a joint severed account? I have just found out that the visa side of HBOS has rejected the money I have paid them towards my visa account. When I phoned to ask why the security questions they said where wrong, My DOB MY address and MY visa Number. So now they will not talk to me. I think one of us is off their rocker. PS I am sain. and I am leaving the HBOS as soon as possible. What would happen if we all left? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
crystal gardens
john m herman March 8, 2009
im very very very angry that your emillionairsys has taken £35.28 out off my account for some bloody millionare shit now i will be going to trading standerds and every were i can unless that money is given back to me now, i will even go to watch dog cos this is not on whats so ever. read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United Kingdom
vivian March 7, 2009
At 6.48 on 7/03/09 i received a call from the delivery man saying he would be delivering the fridge in one hour. he turned up 25 mins. later. After a struggle to get new fridge in and old one out, they left. I then noticed that my mobile phone that i hade just used to take pictures of the old fridge was missing. i searched and rang (its on a loud ring tone and can be heard throughout the house) the phone all day long. between the time the men arrived and left, my phone has been removed from my house. No one else has been in my house. i dont... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
Crh*Price Savers 866-2190082 US
NotHappy March 7, 2009
The above company has shown up TWICE on my bank statement taking funds that i have NOT authorised !!! (Feb/Mar 09) I contacted my bank about this when i realised they had taken money (Feb) and this 'company' have subsequently taken this month also !!! Who are they ?!!? I have tried to contact the only company in America i can think of that i bought something through last November (2008) (AcaiBerry Blast) so far I have had no reply from then. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Purple Pleasures
davess26 March 7, 2009
This website store will take your money and not deliver any products. Also they will not reply to any e-mails or answer there phone. Avoid this company at all costs or you will l0se your money like I did. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
Krysha March 7, 2009
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
brian rozynski March 7, 2009
recieved creditcard statementwith unotherized charges for £30.43p from TRMEMPAY.COM.want my money back.. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
libby March 6, 2009
I have had 2 unauthorised transactions in Feb and Mar for £5.84 and £6.05. How do I stop this? read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
world bank group
ray warner March 5, 2009
got email mr clem watford head of dpt of citi bank group in the uk an the email was signed by chairman committe on foreicn contact an inheritance sir eric ben citi bank london they wanting do a wire transfer if any contact is needed by me by email or by phone use these numbers 203463 read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United Kingdom
whatever2468 March 5, 2009
Basically, like too many people ive read about since doing this myself, i signed up for a 'free trial' for Acai-burn, from Acai-burn.com. Im in the UK, like many others... id like to be able to cancel my membership before i get charged $79.95 (i know im too late to not get charged once, but i need help getting my membership cancelled way before they can carge that a second time) If anyone could list who i need to contact, and how, id be really grateful, and im sure many other people in the UK that thought they were paying $4.95... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
AngryMum March 5, 2009
DO NOT USE THIS WEBSITE! I ordered goods on 19th January, which were meant to be delivered within a week. I was initially concerned as there was no parcel tracking service. After 2 weeks I sent numerous emails which remain unanswered, phonecalls were not returned. By the 23rd February I eventually spoke with the owner who continued to blame the postal system, said she'd check things out and again didn't get back to me. I rang again on the 27th February and she claimed that the goods were returned to her (just that... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
price savers?
carol mogford March 5, 2009
hello my name is Carol Mogford, I have noticed on my bank statement that you have been taking £5.95 plus £1 overseas transaction, out of my account month. Please can you stop this? I have no idea who you are, I have never heard of price savers and I certainly did not autherise this money to be taken. The main thing I am worried about is, where on earth you have got my bank details from .Can you please stop taking this money. My name is Carol Mogford 24, Arles Rd, Cardiff, South glamorgan UK cf5 5ap. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
mike March 5, 2009
i noticed on my statement a payment for £29.21 with the following reference PAYVN2.COM REF 062 2821978000 BDC INCLUDING COMMISSION £0.79 i have not authorised this and when i try to locate it - i am unable to find anything out. I have contacted the bank and they say it looks like a fraud transaction. any ideas or ways of reclaiming my money?? Thanks read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
gpsupport.net/dating direct
dja March 5, 2009
i have had 3 payments taken out of my account bu debit, december 2008 and january and febyary 2009 of £24.00 each time without my permission, i had already canceled my subsription in july 2008 which it clearly shows in my account so i would like a full refund as i have the backing of lloyds tsb, it must be an innocent mistake and maybe another account was set up by mistake!!! read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United Kingdom
zade11 March 4, 2009
HI EVERY ONE It’s such shame for all emirates, in past people who build UAE. Mainly Baloch who always work so hard in UAE now when UAE don’t need this people they try to making their life so hard transferring form AL-INE to Dubai without any notice giving so bad accommodation I think this so Un Islamic and sham full Act. From UK I am trying to making synargy against this so I can take this issue farther Trust me my friends in UAE Poor worker Dark Days will over ALLHA WILLING INSHALLA THANKS CONTACT ME IF U DISCREMNATE FROM YOUR WORK read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
hoskins_tom March 4, 2009
Have just noticed that at the start of each month I have a payment coming out of my bank account for around £32. It started with Company NEWVENTLTD.COM in november, then for december, january and february was NUVNPAY.COM and now in March is SVTKPAY.COM. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Shell Petroleum Development Company of England
mr jain March 4, 2009
1st message Dear winner, We are in receipt of your e-mail and wish to inform you that your fund is deposited with our Affiliate Bank here in U.K in a temporary Account and shall be sent to you on the Approval of your payment. You will receive this fund by Telegraphic Transfer [Bank Wire] to your Locality Account. However, the 200 9 Shell U.K Mobile Award is no doubt, a momentous achievement in the chequered history of this Corporation. On behalf of the entire staff of the Organization, I wish to congratulate all non-Governmental... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom


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