LOCATION: United Kingdom
United Kingdom Online Lotto Winnings
I need to no if this is a scam I was told I won 500, 000.00 However, I was to pay the 150.00 delivery fee, which I did and then pay $500.00 for tax clearance, which I did, and now they are saying to send 1050.00 for certificate of ownership which I have not sent. They keep telling me this is real, but I am unsure. Please help read full review »
This firm keep sending me spam emails and "newsletters", despite the fact that I've never registered with their site or bought anything from them.
I've sent several emails explaining that someone else must have given them my email address, but I'm still getting junk from them.
How can I stop it, bearing in mind that I am unable to change my (work) email address or add any filters to block their messages?
Thanks read full review »
indesit, hotpoint
on the 13th of nov 2008, after already having 2 engineers call to do repairs to my washing machine, the engineer did not put the parts back together properly, thus leaving a paddle inside the drum of the machine coming off damaging items of clothing and bedding to the value of £300, the engineer came and addmited that it was the machine that caused the damage to the items, he once again fixed the machine, noted down on his computer that the machine was responsable for the damage, i have phoned the customer service dept several time... read full review »
My user name and/or password appears to have been corrupted on this site. This is not the first time it has happened. Having paid a subscription it is now impossible to log onto the site or get any response to emails sent to them.
I have actually used this site for a number of years and therefore know how to use it.
It is not on to take a subscription and then fail to communicate regarding problems. read full review »
Cancel my card
I do not wish to continue paying£25.31 per month, please cancel this read full review »
UK E-Lottery
Raffle no: 56475600545 188
From: Uk National E-Lottery ([email protected])
You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as unsafe
Sent: Saturday, 1 November 2008 9:39:11 PM
Dear Winner, This is to notify you that your email address has won £750, 000.00in the UK National Sweepstakes Lottery.It is a random computerizedselection Raffle no: 56475600545 188 Serial No:5388/02Winning Number: 05-11-13-17-44-48-(25) Draw (#1055)To file claims, Details Required for... read full review »
My credit card was unauthorzied charges and I was like to be refund. I was looking on my bank statement I saw charges that I didnt authorize like $ 36.04 from www.munchonmya**.com, and www.bigbootylikethat.com
and $34.95 and 34.62
also am being charge a $1.00 for service fee 4 to 5 times read full review »
By Grace Design
Firstly, I inadvertently bought a domain for a great deal of money and I would like to withdraw from the transaction.
Secondly, I have not had any qualification of that transaction or indeed there is no evidence that it belongs to me. I would like to withdraw my purchase. I cannot get hold of the supplier of the domain. I am anxious that my money has been stolen and I would like to have it returned.
I am new user of this equipment and I fear I have been 'taken for a ride' read full review »
hotpoint ultima wt741
i have always had hot point applyances and as i had my kitchen re done last year i wanted all new applances, i bought washing machine, tumble dryer, dishwasher, fridge.
after about 8 months i noticed rust on the front of my machine, when i looked closer it was in fact rust in the rim where the door closes i think it is the design of the door front, i didnt take out extra cover as i had my last machine for 10years and never had any problems, when i phoned hotpoint customer services, they were not intersted at all and said they have never... read full review »
I have been billed £26 40 on th 11th nov through a site i have not seen read full review »
National Lottery UK National E-Lottery Board
The mail from this company is telling me that i have won the lottery and i am shocked that they are replying to my mail very well. But when i searched to google i found that this mail is a spam and a fraud mail. So i would like to know about this...can anyone tell me about it in detail..I am in big trouble read full review »
george green school
my son was attacked whilst in school the incident was caught on camera 10 asian youths kicked and punched him nearly kicking him of a balcony the school later said they would enforce what they call an abc on the ring leader i have recently learned the abc was not done and the child is still causing problems for other pupils in the school the whole of my sons year were outraged as it was found to be a racialaly motivated incident the school police officer has only just heard about this what is our course of action now as the school does not appear to be taking the nessesary steps to stop this outrageouse behavier .? read full review »
bank debit charge
I am also getting a US$6.95 charge to my bank account every month (plus a £1 forex conversion fee from the bank) with this same refernce code on the bank statement. Where are they coming from and how many more people are getting these charges???? read full review »
Corontion Street
What message is the episode of Coronation Street viewed tonight November 12th 2008 sending out to young people. David and Tina, knowing that the car was stolen went out "joy riding" treating it all as a joke... Will they be caught and punished for this? Tina, living in Gail's house is allowed to speak both to her, and to any other adult in any way she wishes and has a job handed to her on a plate, despite her behaviour. In previous episodes, Rosie Webster, who blantantly seduces her teacher, is rewarded by working inot a top, well paid job in Underworld. What messages is this programme trying to advance. read full review »
i have had £21.49 taken out of my account. i want my money put back into my account and i don't want anymore of my money taken out of my account. if any more money is taken out i will take further action. read full review »
In 2008 I hired a car from the above mentioned company. A debit for the full amount was taken from my credit card and 2 weeks before taking the car a £ 670.00 deposit was also deducted from my credit card. The car was taken on 2nd Sept and returned on 29th September with no issues.
Despite about 30 phone calls and emails, and every excuse in the book, we have still not received our £ 670.00 deposit. They do not answer emails and they lie and cheat when on the phone - using every possible excuse.
I fully intend to take... read full review »
licenced pharmacy online
I am not expecting my order for about a week or so but since i got online today the website is un accessable and the link in my email is dead. Today i looked up the site on google and its possible it is a scam site, i will wait for it to arrive but would appreciate some help regards sophi read full review »
Marwa Reserves Group
I ma here to revolt agains what is wrtten against MARWA RESEERVES GROUP.
The person that sent this complaint does not know or is not sure of what you are talking about this company because I borrowed from this company and bought my house in UK
I live and work in UK.
I have visited the company many times.
I bought a new house now. That was the money I borrowed from them that I used to buy my house. So it is not a scam.
I am a living withness that that is not a scam.
Do you know that... read full review »
freelance home wri US
Hello to Everybody!!! My name is Mary Jane Ellis and I am currently employed at a one of the best 5 stars hotels in the UK. My salary is great and I have received everything I asked from my emploer, which is why today I would like to thank All-About-Jobs team members for their collaboration! They guided me with every step on the way and thanks to them I am here and I am living my dream!!!
I strongly recommend use their services and you could succeed just like me! read full review »
I purchased a version of bug doctor last year but did not get on with it, it was useless, i told them not to mail or bill me anymore, i recently got a mail saying they would be taking £46.00 from my account, i e.mailed them twice telling them not to do this but they went ahead, now i get no replies from e.mail or the online support, i have approached the bank and they are launching a money return for me but this may not work if they refuse a refund, this is theft as far as i am concerned, here is a copy of my mails
Maximum... read full review »
Microsoft Ultimate Steal
Do not order this product the company are a bunch of amateurs. I tried to pay by PayPal and this failed through no fault of my own. They now insist I have bought and received the product although I have not and are refusing to allow me to purchase it at all. read full review »
virgin mobile U.K.
i have recivied appointment latter form virgin mobile (U.K.).I want verify it that it's true or fake.
thanks read full review »
Bensons for beds / Kingsdown
In brief, I purchased a bed on my Coop credit card on 15th August 2007. On the 17th August 2007 I reported the bed as being faulty. The matress dipped in the middle and there was a tear in the base of the bed. Pictures were obtained. All I was told was to "try the bed for the 40 day trial". I had just moved into a new home, and the bed was dismantled and had to be kept in the living room and the bedroom, along with another bed that I bought because the Bensons one was so uncomfortable. I paid a removal van firm to return the bed to... read full review »
Armacell .GmbH
Lufthansa German Airline
Customer Feed Back
PO Box 1289
L69 3AX
Ref: WHEATLEY/HAMIDEH MRS, 06.10.08, Y9JVF3 – Return Trip ON 10.10.2008 from Düsseldorf to LHR-London Heathrow Flight LH 4776 departure 16.40 : Luggage Tag Details: : 0220 107035 LH 107035 BN 32 - LHR LH 4776/10
Dear Sir,
I would like to inform that after I get home on 10th October night time after my flight with Lufthansa LH 4776 /032 from Düsseldorf to London LHR, as I decided to open my luggage at home, I noticed the... read full review »
nokia pro
i got msg from nokia pro...that i won 365, 000 pounds...and to get money i have to mail at [email protected] or have to contact on 00447031817724...please take action abt these number and email id... read full review »
Nikon S200
Unfortunatly i have very bad remark for Pixmania customer services especially after sale service. I sent my item for repair that was under warranty, order no CCL071522234 but its nearly 2 month i don't know where is my item, with item i sent my new address but still their dept sent me item on wrong address, that has been delivered back to pixmania after that i called nearly 10 times, i sent many email but every time i received a message that my mail has been transfered to concern department and after that no contac from them.
M Amir Shahnawaz
Order No. CCL071522234 read full review »
Microsoft Award Promotional Team
I received an email on November 7, 2008. So this scam is still going on. I am also going to contack Microsoft and send them a copy of this email and a link to this website so they can see all the other complaints. I might even contack MSNBC and see if they are interested!
Microsoft Award Promotional Team
20 Craven Park, Harlesden
London NW10, United Kingdom
Ref: BTD/968/08
Batch: 409978E.
Dear Internet User,
Congratulations Winner!!
The prestigious Microsoft and AOL has set out and successfully
organised a... read full review »
Barclays lottery results
I received this on Sunday night
Our Ref: BBPLC/LON/PA/INV/2008
Dear Sir/Madam,
Last Notice on your Lottery Prize Payment
This is to inform you of your recent Lottery Winning Prize with UK
Lottery Promotion played under Computer Ballot System (CBS) which your
email ID won you the prize sum of £501, 034(Five hundred and one thousand
and thirty four pounnds sterling), and it is ready to pay off.
Ticket Winning Number: UKLP/
Therefore... read full review »
Not sure where from
I received this on Monday morniing its the second email of its type over the weekend. It was sent from a [email protected]
Email won 5, 500, 000.00 gbp. Send name to Email: [email protected],
for claims
This message was sent using http://webmail.coqui.net read full review »
Macanthony Realty Intnl MRI
We purchased with MRI in Romania and made it clear from the onset that we had a deposit, which we paid but would need a Romanian mortgage to complete. We were told that a mortgage would be no problem and they would assist us. They have not helped in any way and although we are very credit worthy getting a mortgage in Romania is virtually impossible and we and dozens of other clients who purchased are now about to lose all their monies paid - in our case over £50, 000 !!! read full review »
Dear Ma'am/Sir
I am writing to you as a frustrated customer who has been suffering for the last three weeks for buying a product. I bought the Sky TV, Broadband and Talk contract on 26 sep 08, from an agent who sells these contracts by standing on the side of the road with detailed information about it. After buying the contract the salesman promised that the installation of the Sky box will take 7-10 days and the engineer will come and do this. The engineer came on 03 Nov 08 at around 3.30 pm and called on my husband's mobile... read full review »
E Lottery scam
Generic emails sent at random via yahoo, gmail and hotmail addresses which announce you as a winner of some incredible figure. This is absolutely a scam - the person sending this email is setting you up to join a pool of entrants into a lottery draw - which of course will cost you money payable to him / her. The only person "winning" is the sicko sending out this junk. read full review »
This company are a con. They advertise $2008 dollars for 60 minutes and anything you win over that amount during that time (up to $100) you can keep as long as you deposit $50. So we won the $100, deposited $50 into the real money play and the $100 winnings were transferred over to real money play. So we tried to take the whole $150 out because as far as we were concerned we had won $100 and the $50 was our money anyway. We were wrong. There were a whole new set of terms and conditions, these involved spinning the roulette wheel at least 50... read full review »
UK National lottery Inc.
To whom it may concern:
I am writing this letter to confirm if this email is really true or is it a scam? I even called the said courier service and they responded by letting me send my email and address as well as the winning batch number.
If this email is not true then your good office must do something to prevent scams like this that stains your company's reputation.
Hoping you would look into this matter at the soonest possible time.
Thank you.
Your benefit for being a user of the world wide... read full review »
Dated 31/10/2008, I was informed by a friend in Tagged named Victor Johnson that a package was arranged to me through AIR PARCEL EXPRESS in UK. He highlighted that there will be VAT and Tax involved which he could not process payment in UK, which will require to pay upon reaching Singapore.
Dated 03/11/2008, I received an email from Muhamad, AIR PARCEL EXPRESS (Branch office) in Malaysia, confirmed me that the package is here in KL and require to pay RM2454 in order to process delivery through DHL Express, as they are the sister company... read full review »
Managers at Bluewater in Kent at McDonalds
I wish to complain about the managers at bluewater in kent at mcdonalds.Who in their right mind would make a young girl work till gone midnight.
Its not very nice when a young girl has to walk home in the dark, then again get a lift from a manager whom they dont know and dont live near them just to give them a lift home every night, something aint right there.
please get it sorted, cause they could end up in court over silly little things like this. read full review »
i am appaelled at the results of tonight show. i personally belive that this is all to do with political correctness. what the hell is going on with this country. get a grip guys, your lettings us down. yes we are british so what, there are not so many of us left... bring laura back... wake up britain...!!! read full review »
Electric fault in trolley can not get in touch with Golf Store Direct read full review »
I sent for the software for $45 and it turned out to be a scam. I will be filing a complaint with the BBB right now. read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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