LOCATION: United Kingdom

HIPS24 Ltd
September 29, 2008
Beware of this company - it is run by Darren Russell and Craig Davidson people who hide behind false names and have a history of not paying staff. Look up Property Concepts UK ltd within this website for history of these people. Darren Russell has a long history of bankrupting innocent people to his benefit ie Homes Direct (look up blagger for history) read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Horizone Consult LLC
September 29, 2008
M/s. Horizone Consult LL, United States sent me a fake Appointment letter and asked for GBP 550 as first instalment of Service Charges for Appointment with Meridian Skyways, London. When I told them laws and made enquiries, they did not reply. Beware they are fake. read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United Kingdom
September 28, 2008
Brother used my credit card to subscribe to Prize.Help.Com porn site. Brother has since died, in tragic circumstances. Now can not cancel subscription to service. Only details on my credit card are Prize.Help.Com 302- 295- 3613. Desperate and at my wits end tryimg to cancel subsciption. CAN ANYONE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
September 27, 2008
This website: http://www.londonbaseapartment.com/index.html provides imaginary apartments in London, along with an imaginary driver to get you from airport. They ask for an advance payment of deposit (like you could brake anything when you're not there yet) through Western Union. Obviously once the money get to them no one answers any mails or telephones. The firm they claim to represent on the website, Apartment Rentals UK Limited is dissolved since 2007, I looked it up. The other one, Mania Estates Ltd doesn't even exist. The... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
September 27, 2008
I agree with everyone about this scandalous, outrageous company. How do they get away with operating this scam! I spent 15 minutes on the phone and within minutes was accepted for a £5000 loan. I was quite astounded that no checks were made etc. AND THEN he said do you have a debit card and I didn't understand. He WANTED an administration of £59.50 for their services. I told him no way was I paying a fee and to send the paperwork through the post, he then transferred me to a PPI insurance guy who was giggling and... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United Kingdom
argos store keighley
September 27, 2008
I went into the Argos shop in keighley to get some bedding for my daughters birthday, being told i had to order it from Argos extra which was no problem and it would arrive the following weds whichwas no problem because her birthday is`nt till the end of the month. The girl on the till TRISH told me it would arrive between 12.oo and 4.00o`clock so i said i would still call in just in case it had been unpacked, but due to unforseen circumstances did not get in till the folowing sat the girl on the customer service desk who was very nice asked... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United Kingdom
playstation 3 network
September 26, 2008
I spent £300 pounds on my playstation 3 console. The first console broke within two week and was unable to read any discs, this console was replaced three days later by sony. My second playstation 3 console is the one I still have, but the playstation network is the problem. Every time I play a game online something goes wrong, either I get kicked out or the mic doesn't work. When I called sony they said it's because there's a large number of users online and this is causing the failure. Now my fav game's been... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
Skynet Universal
September 26, 2008
Asking for delivery charges 35000INR for deliverying winning cheque amounting to 1000, 000 pounds from maybe some fake company. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
September 26, 2008
Hello. I live in UK. I bought Nike sports shoes three days ago. But, I have feel a lot of pain on my foot with the shoes. Even the back of my foot bleed and I can't work well because of the pain. It's not the problem of size. I tried to wear the shoes with a loose of the shoestring. But I felt the same pain. I found the reason why i feel a lot of pain. whenever i walk, a part of the shoes press stronly the top of my foot. So, my foot is bruised in that part. I trusted the brand, Nike. So, i bought that with... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
T.N.T couriers
September 26, 2008
I was to receive a delivery of an engine and other parts on the 25/09/2008. It was despatched on the 24/09/2008 for delivery on the 25/08/2008 marked express after waiting in all day I contacted T.N.T. on their help line and obtained the number of the local depot. The local depot assured me it was on the vehicle for delivery.When it hadn`t arrived by 1600hours, I contacted T.N.T who informed me the people had failed to put a palate lifter on the vehicle, I was in delivery & collection service for over 36 years. surely the driver should... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United Kingdom
markson immiigration office
September 26, 2008
we got offer letter from the person j.a. markson company name is markson immigration office, after checked through google, we found it was a fraud offer letter from the person, the offer letter stated job offer from sony uk ltd, then we went through the offer letter we catch the person j, k, markson by e mail, he replyied via email to pay money to him by through western union money transfer for immigration purpose.then we realised it was fraud read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Xprex Shipping Company UK
September 26, 2008
XPREX RECRUITMENT AGENCYLONDON, UNITED KINGDOMTel/Fax: +447045792373ATTENTION: SANDESH S. THOTAM JOB REF:NO: (XSCL-1856-66299-UK)POSITION REFERENCE: Admin./ Commercial Officer COUNTRY LOCATION: INDIACONTRACT PERIOD:2 YEARSIt is of utmost importance to inform you that after the screening and scrutiny of your Curriculum Vitae with other verification procedures carried out, XPREX SHIPPING COMPANY U.K were able to resolve the status of your application.On this note, we hereby congratulate you on the success of your application and as such we have... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Department of Work & Pensions
September 25, 2008
the DWP sent me a cheque on the 01.09.2006 for £409.50. This cheque was fraudlently cashed at a local Post Office. my complaint is against both the Post Office for failing to ask for Identification and the Police and DWP for not following this up. i have been trying to get a replacement cheque ever since, but the DWP said it "may have been fraudulent" and the Police said "there is not enough evidence" i have a photocopy of said cashed cheque with the fake signature on. all that is needed is to see the CCTV from that... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
September 25, 2008
i ve been charged 22.45 i dont know what that is and i would like it refunded asap. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United Kingdom
yahoo msn lottary board
September 25, 2008
From Yahoo/msn/London i have a receved mail. This is a real fake mail. He want courier charges befor delevery courier but i have no money I am poor. Amit Kumar Demaniyan read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
microsoft group
September 25, 2008
i recieved an email stating winning notification from microsoft group on 2sep 2008.mr tom roger and diplomat terrance brown have sent me email and talked to me on phone . i have given 350 pounds and i havent recieved winning amount. theier email add is [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
September 24, 2008
Brighthouse internet and digital phone drops out several times a day. 6 Brighthouse servicemen over 12 months have not resolved the problem. This is unacceptable service. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
ALL foriegn companies
September 24, 2008
The minute I put my resume on the Career Builder's website, here they ALL come. Foriegn companies who are NOT legal US Citizens. They CAN'T deposit the funds into a US account, they want us to send them the funds by way of Trans Union or another source back to them and the best part, there's not even a face-to-face interview with them because they're out of the country "scammers". If they're a legal company in the US then all the power to them, but they're not. Look through all of your companies on thi... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
FSB Telecom
September 24, 2008
We nearly joined the FSB (Federation Of Small Businesses). We were "sold" a freephone number and telephone service that would NOT AFFECT OUR BT LINE but would merely give us FSB discount. However on consideration of FSB and the fact that although they are meant to be for the smaller business but do not accept standing orders as opposed to direct debits we decided not to go ahead. Although I emailed to cancel the freephone service, our telephone bills then came from FSB. I was unable to access BT facilities such as call... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
September 24, 2008
This website advertised free music downloads but turned out to be at the cost of a membership fee of £67.73. Throughout the signing up process to gain access to the downloads, no mention was made of any subscription fee. At the end of registration on the last page, they asked which membership wished to sign up for with details of the charge for each one. I did not click on any option, rather I clicked out of all the previous registration pages. Then I find an email waiting for me which stated: Welcome to the worlds greatest file... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
Forrester UK Holdings LL
September 24, 2008
This company financed a card terminal through Lloyds TSB cardnet. We had a dispute with Cardnet and their resolve was to cancel our cardnet facilities! However, that left us with two contracts of 4 years a piece for card terminals we then could not use. Despite numerous requests this company has failed to provide us with alternate banking details where we may use the terminals. This seems to be a scam. I fail to see how we can be held to this contract on this basis. Any advise would be welcome. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
September 24, 2008
This is message "THE INTERNATIONAL AWARENESS PROMOTION DEPARTMENT OF THE BMW AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. BMW (UK) Ltd, Registered Office, Ellesfield Avenue Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 8TA, United Kingdom Tel:+447035929513 Attn:LINCE T.T, This is an acknowledgement of your most recent correspondence to this establishment, dated the 24th of September 2008. Before the BMW COMPANY can release your winning prize, you are required to come over to the BMW COMPANY OFFICE and endorse your international voucher as the rightful beneficiary... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
September 24, 2008
Mr Larry Cole Tel:+447035901411 Microsoft Promotion Award Team Head Winning Claims Dept. E-MAIL:[email protected] MICROSOFT AWARD TEAM Microsoft Corporation #1 Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052. Ref: BTD/968/07 Batch: 409978E Mr.Tom Smith Desptach Officer Interlink Express Courier Company. Tel:+447045708689 511 Garretts Green La Birmingham, West Midlands, B18 6DA, England E-MAIL:[email protected] Mr.larry Cole. MICROSOFT AWARD TEAM. United... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United Kingdom
samsung clp300 laser printer
September 24, 2008
in 2007 i bought a samsung clp300 laser printer. after around 10 months a sheet of A.4 paper became stuck on on the exit roller. it transpires that there is absolutely no access to free jammed paper at this point. in effect, the machine was unfixable and was scrapped. i went back to the store, ( stapels U.K. ) and explained the problem. there was nothing, ( they said ) that they could do about it. up to this point i had thought that the printer was performing pretty well for a budjet printer and so, hoping that the intitial problem was just an... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
Sony Errison w890i
September 24, 2008
Wat is the number or emial address to complain to sony erricson as i have made insurence on my phone i they wont my phone when it broke and i have only had it for 3 months read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United Kingdom
September 24, 2008
hi from malta i got the same sms 500.000 from :- address -60 merriman road, Blackheath LONDON, SE3 8KZ England tel - 447031852259 email- [email protected] And delivery from avinaexpressdelivery read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
Xprex Shipping Company Limited
September 24, 2008
Dear Please let me know is this offer is Genuine or not XPREX RECRUITMENT AGENCY LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM Tel/Fax: +447045792373 ATTENTION:Firoz Akhtar Khan JOB REF:NO: (XSCL-1856-66299-UK) POSITION REFERENCE: SALES & MARKETING MANAGER COUNTRY LOCATION:INDIA CONTRACT PERIOD:2 YEARS It is of utmost importance to inform you that after the screening and scrutiny of your Curriculum Vitae with other verification procedures carried out, XPREX SHIPPING COMPANY U.K were able to resolve the status of... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
internet security/ symantec
September 23, 2008
we have been charged £149 for a product which we failed to buy as it said there was something wrong with our transaction we will be taking this up with the citizens advice to see who we speak to next and will carry this on until we have our money back and this vile disgusting company has apologised and fined heavily read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
September 23, 2008
gran child must have used the phone with out us knowing. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
Rabo Bank
September 22, 2008
Return-Path: <[email protected]> Received: from eastrmimpi02.cox.net ([]) by eastrmmtai103.cox.net (InterMail vM. 201-2186-121-102-20070209) with ESMTP id <20080920140056.ZPFM6889.eastrmmtai103.cox.net@eastrmimpi02.cox.net> for <[email protected]>; Sat, 20 Sep 2008 10:00:56 -0400 Received: from bay0-omc2-s7.bay0.hotmail.com ([]) by eastrmimpi02.cox.net with IMP id H20t1a03G36MqTD0120t8F; Sat, 20 Sep 2008 10:00:55 -0400 Received: from BAY102-W27... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
September 22, 2008
CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU ARE REALLY ENGAGED WITH THIS COMPANY?I DON'T WANT TO WASTE MONEY AND TIME, IF THIS IS NOT TRUE, AND ALSO, IT WILL BE A BAD IMPRESSION FOR YOUR COMPANY.BELOW IS THE EXACT EMAIL THAT I RECEIVED FROM A CERTAIN LOUIS DIXON: My Name is Mr Louis Dixon I am the Claims agent assigned to you by the lottery board to monitor your claims process until your funds is fully remitted to you . Congratulations once more as the best things that can happen to any Internet user let me explain to you on how you emerged... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United Kingdom
ms word lottery uk
September 22, 2008
To Dear sir i am madhukar kasada, from india citizan, compalint about that i win 1 million pound anaunce by [email protected] this e-mail come to me i send 250 pound to his agent for clearance. so please this true i send 250 pond by draft this company i want my money so please invenstigate they not send me my prize yet. infrom me on [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
Le Meridian hotel .Uk
September 20, 2008
hi dear... my name is mohamed...i was trying to find the suitable job and when i was seeking in the internet i find the hotel le Meridian need some staff and when i trying to send my CV then i find that im lucky and i got the affirmation said that my CV was found succssful in the requirements and i got 3 message to make confirmation that the hotel send my application and the offical documents to the international global visa permits to preapare my documents to get the visa and im waitng alot and send alot of message to asking about what... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Markson immigration compay
September 20, 2008
I like to bring to ur kind attention that there are some fraud people who are using MARKSON IMMIGRATION organisation name for fraud work as follows: ----- I received Email from mr J.L. Lewis from head human resourcess department DHL uk limited saying that i have been selected for Asst. Manager post. i am one of the lucky candidate. then they send me soft copy of my contract.my salary will be uk pound 6500 /month... i have to contact mr Barrister.j.a.markson who will help me for expatriate valid residence/work permit paper. Contact... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
September 20, 2008
Company had sent me a spam mail of lottery scam. NAd had oferd me the prize of one million GBP and a peugeot 07 Car as part of promotional Scheme for the year 2008. kndly verify their claim as they had not given the complete details of the Company as well had also used the open mail i.e. Yahoo. The name of the Adresse is as under : PEUGEOT AUTOMOBILES LOTTERY Peugeot Auto-mobiles headquarters, 19 Ul, Essex, PE9 2YP, London United Kingdom. and the adress to report is mentioned as under : Sir Paul Wilson Peugeot... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
milestoneh hotel
September 20, 2008
SELECTED (contact Diplomat Claire and get back to us) Saturday, September 20, 2008 1:05 PM From: "Mr. Andrew Pike" <[email protected]> Add sender to Contacts To: [email protected] -----Inline Attachment Follows----- MILESTONES HOTEL LONDON AND APARTMENT LONDON M.H.L INC...UK. 20- - 09- - 08... ATTENTION:MR.SURESH, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THE ABOVE MENTIONED HOTEL HAS OFFERED YOU A JOB IN THE POSITION OF TO WORK AS STEWARD, YOUR APPOINTMENT WILL BE FOR THE PERIOD OF... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United Kingdom
microsoftawinners ward commitee
September 20, 2008
iwas notified in august that im one of the lucky winners of the microsoft cooperation w0rld wide where by e.mail addresses were selected randomly and my e. mail address emerged among the 30 e.mail address im winner number 17 and i wsa requiered to claim the money within 20 days which i did so then the company notified me that i worn one million us dollars and the company notified ne that iwill get mail from paying bank from uk for the details of processing my payment and that they gave all my details to the bank of which barclays bank sent me... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
The International Awareness Promotion Department of the BMW Automobile Company
September 19, 2008
This is a good one! I have no idea why people actually fall for scams like these. Hell, I don't even remember when and IF i entered a BMW giveaway contest, especially in London! People out there: you need to know that if this was a legit thing, they would not ask for your information like that! Remember, if it sounds too good to be true it usually is! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
wu-yisourse.com and livelife lean.net
September 19, 2008
I want the payments to stop coming off my visa every month. Details: livelifelean.net - £11.11p coming off every month Wu-YiSource.com Wu Yi T - £16.68p coming off every month This must stop now, when cancelled previously, the tea did stop but did not stop taking my money. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
September 18, 2008
I am being charged by someone and I can't find out how to stop it. All that appears on my statement is Rmt*if 866-747-0986 Vipe hoping you can help me stop this transaction Regards Gerry read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom


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