shopper drug mart
lola April 13, 2009
on sunday april the 12 /2009 arround 3:30 pm i entred this store to shop and noticed quickly that the security gard is folowing me every where i go..it was done so obviously that i felt discussed but trayed to convance myself that maybe he is exagerating his job with everyone else..i showed clearly that i have been bothered..but seemed that he was enjoying waht he is doing..i didn't get to do any of my shoppings since this started as soon i enterd this store!!? so finally i decided to give up and leave and this security gard stopped me... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
coliseum auto sale
John James April 12, 2009
i went to purchase a f-150 truck from these guy. i purchase one and it was a compete lemon. No good and broken down. Cost me $3, 000 to fix the transmission in first week. The staff was extremly rude and undecent. I found out the truck was purchase in USA and was send to Canada where it was illegally sold. Stay away from these PEOPLE!!! I bought my replacement F-150 truck from Ray Behroozian at Toronto Auto Station. It was clean and the staff was excellent. I never had the pleasure of working with some great peole like this. Thanks Ray!!! read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: Canada
Peter Giblett April 12, 2009
Having been made redundant at the end of 2007 the Giblett's mortgage company, MCAP, offered no assistance during this time. Mr Giblett told MCAP of his redundancy immediately it occurred, their attitude from the outset was one of irreverence. Being out of work Mr Giblett received some severance pay and also had some savings and other assets on which the family could rely. Immediately he asked the bank for a method other than direct payment in order to make payments, MCAP offered no assistance here. The bank went on trying to collect... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Fiesta Mexicana
michelle April 11, 2009
The owner is mexican and is hiring her poor unsuspecting mexican students, working them for the month and then firing them without pay. When you do ask for your pay she says dont bother her or she will call the police. The gaul!!! The restaurant has no proper garbage disposal, the salsa and chips are reserved, from table to table, yuck!!! When you don't eat the salsa it goes back into the container with the other salsa, another yuck!!! This lady needs to go down and needs a big fat fine for illegal business practices here in Canada. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: Canada
Chateau Pey Latour Wine
SuzieQ April 11, 2009
On Friday April 10, my boyfriend approached the the check out counter with 2 bottles of wine. The Chateau Pey Latour price tag on the shelf was 12.95 and at checkout was 18.95. My boyfriend advised the cashier it was 12.95 and she asked for the tag from the shelf which he gave her. The manager was called and she said the label was wrong and customers are known for changing labels. There were 20 bottles of this wine above the price tag. The manager went to another checkout and as she was keying in the number she said the store had previously... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: Canada
gymrat April 10, 2009
GYMRAT ISNT CHRIS... I have been ripped off by CHRis.. I eventually received my stuff.. Dont buy from this guy.. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
yes I can April 10, 2009
I worked for these people, ...They still Have not paid me for me last pay.they gave me a FEW NSF Cheque's .I found out after I left that they never added me to there insurance, so I was driving illigaley They also do not pay there Taxes and now they are paying the price. All I have to say ..whats go's around -comes around. They speak and act nice and soft to there customers but once they r done with them, they speak very bad about the customers and say all the privte things they know about the customers to others. now the goverment is after them for tax fruad read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: Canada
Zoom Travel Inc
Subhanullah April 9, 2009
My credit card was charged $350 for ticket cancellation before making any booking. The attached letter show the detailes. Subhanullah Calgary read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Canada
hoodynuts peanuts
gerald melnychuk April 9, 2009
we bought a bag of peanuts and most of them are burnt and rotten. email address you can reach us at is [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
Canadian Tire/Simoniz
BBB April 9, 2009
Last summer, I bought a Simoniz 1750 pressure washer on sale. The very frist time I went to use it, the gun leaked at the trigger and there was no pressure. I went back to CT and the clerk told me that they had a lot of complaints about this pressure washer and that Simoniz would send me a new gun handle if I called them. So, off I went and called Simoniz, and a week later, they send me a new handle for the pressure washer. I went to use it again, and this time, it worked... for 5 minutes! The handle started to leak again, so off I went to CT... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
paretologic inc.
eugene baker or shelby lowery April 9, 2009
i ordered it on line for 29.95 and 9.95 and downloaded it in my computer and it was suppose to fix errors on my pc but it crashed my computer.i have been trying to get my refund back and can, t get no body to give me any answers.they cost me a lot of money and time and they are a fraud. my e-mail address is [email protected] and my order ID# was ptlc-u290309-01 rfd and i ordered this on 3/28/09 and it was 100% money back grautee offer. read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: Canada
canadian -meds-shop.com
blip April 8, 2009
Never received product-contacted by e-mail and received one response and that was the end of it. Pure fraud, contacted credit card to reverse charges. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
VA Reed 1649403608
VA Reed April 8, 2009
Apr 2 $59.30 was charged to my credit card in order to renew my Norton Subscription. Now I see that my Norton Suscription had already been renewed automatically. Please refund or crdit to my credit card the $59.30. Thank you. Please reply. VA Reed Confirmation Order 1649403608 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Orange Models, Toronto ON
Negative review April 8, 2009
Agency requests the aspiring models to pay $700 for prints. The price is 10 times higher than normally in the industry and it is required to pay them upfront. This agency is running a classic scam called a photo mill, where the agency splits the fees with the photographers, stylists, printers, etc. The agency makes its profit from selling services to the models, not from commissions from their work. In fact, the agency should not be selling photographic promotional materials to the models because it is a CONFLICT OF INTEREST... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: Canada
Amanda April 7, 2009
I am moving from Manitoba to Nova Scotia in the near future. Although the move and all associated cost are paid for by my employer, I am still chosing to fly West Jet. The final straw for me was the compared costs of flying pets. West Jet charges $50 per animal while Air Cannada chrges $105 per animal. I can fly both of my cats with West Jet for less then the cost of flying one with Air Canada. WoW ... I think that somebody is off their rocker. read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Canada
Helen Murphy
Helen Murphy April 7, 2009
you people have refused to give me a computer...i went another route and now you are taking money out of my bank get yourselves together here I told you last year i never recieved a computer from you read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Hudsom Bay Company
brian mcculloch April 6, 2009
I have a complaint against the Hudson Bay company's security personnel. I was in the store browsing the men's cologne. I stopped at a bottle of cologne I wanted to try. I picked it up and spayed some on myself. I then put the bottle down and without asking any sales personnel about the cologne I left and went in to the McDonald's next door. After I finished eating I decided to go back into the Bay and ask the salesperson how much the cologne was that I had tried. While I was waiting for her to get off the telephone I... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
intercontinental rewards & trust inc./ De-lotto north american sweepatakes lottery
dw08 April 6, 2009
i received a letter in the mail saying that i was put in a computerized random drawing and my name was one of the 32, out of 500, 000, that was picked for a lotto winner. i had never herd of this lotto drawing before. there was no return address on the envelope that the letter was sent in. the letter did not have my name on it. it stated: ATTN: SIR/MADAM my prise ammount was $125, 000 u.s. dollars. the first check of $4975 was enclosed with the letter, and i was to keep the winnings CONFIDENTIAL until the first check... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Canada
Hertz Car Rentals
Christofer April 6, 2009
Welcome to my Hertz nightmare! Presented my E-confirmation ' Guaranteed Rate' from Hertz upon check in for an automatic Compact vehicle. Quoted rate was $15.00 USD plus taxes, fees etc totaled ' Guaranteed Rate' of $20.46 USD, unlimited Kms, plus selected Loss Damage Waiver at $38.95 plus 10% tax= total of $63.30 USD. Hertz Tulum stated no Automatic available so I accepted a Standard/ Intermediate vehicle as there was 10 people waiting for an unclaimed vehicle. Hetz explained that the rate would be calculated in... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: Canada
Helene Poirier April 5, 2009
These two places have charge with my credit cards about 6 time total, at average 50.00 a shot, and I never gave my permission for these charges, my card has now been cancelled, but I would like these sites to stop charging my card and if possible to be reimbursed for these charges. Helene Porier read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Canada
ThatGuyAW5 April 5, 2009
I am being charged $52.14/mth from HW4WEB.com and I am not sure why. I would like the charges to stop. I am not signed up to any site that is charging me anything. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Capital One Canada
J Boileau April 4, 2009
Far as I'm concerned, Capital One Canada is a rip-off company big time. I got one of those pre-approved forms, went online filled it out. Capital One Gold card on the site said 19.85 annual interest rate. My statements show 25.9%. Calling I was told that this was until November 2009. Way I see they are misleading, misrepresenting, and false advertising to the public on their site and what they get away with it? Typical of big corporation scamming everyday hard working people just because they can. RIP-OFF RIP-OFF RIP-OFF read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Direct Photo (photo template software)
Kat April 4, 2009
I bought some photo template software from Direct Photo in Malaysia. http://www.directphoto.com.my/ Very disappointed in their services. Waited a long time, had to email and phone them a few times to get products and pricing. QUALITY of products not matching the agreement. Charged extra for shipping. They said on the phone and via email they are going to refund. But never did! It has been over 2 mths since original complaint to the merchant. This is the first time and perhaps the last time i will ever get products from Malaysia. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: Canada
Sears - Cuizinart EasyPop Popcorn Maker
BettyNac April 3, 2009
Ordered a Cuizinart Easypop Popcorn Maker from Sears Online and received a Craftsman ToolBox instead. I immediately called 1-800-267-3277 and spoke to customer service. I was asked for my credit card details so that they could charge my card for a second time and order the product again. I refused to be charged as it was their mistake. The Representative explained that they would place a new order and charge my credit card, then once the toolbox is back at their warehouse they would credit me (but the credit would take a week). I told the Rep... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: Canada
edmonton econemy
janine April 2, 2009
i am 15 years old and i am pregnant. there is no places to help young pregnant teens with money at my age due to no jobs. why isnt the econemy hiering. i need to suport a family and myself. and how the econemy are going it isnt working outt. there needs to be a building made to help kids, teens, and pregnant teens, homeless, even ex-kon's. there is not one single place that does. i tryed getting help to get money to suport my soon to be family but there isnt any. i am not impressed with what the econemy is doing. my boyfriend and i cant... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
7 elven
steward April 2, 2009
DON MILLS RD @ GATEWAY 705 DON MILLS RD. TORONTO, M3C 1S1 I went to the 711 with my girlfriend to buy bus ticket and we were waiting on the line.so i decided to check out the magazine on the shelf.i looked through it and i kind of liked it so i was thinking about buying it, and the manger suddenly comes and says this is not a library, put the book back.I said no Mame i am thinking about buying it she said no Ur not put it back.I said i am gone buy it .she took the book from my hand and handed over to the cashier and said this boy want... read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: Canada
Direct Engergy
Imad April 2, 2009
I signed up for a heating protection plan in 2009 and was paying 20.99 per month. In one service call I was told by a sales representative from Direct Energy that there is a more comprehensive plan (Total home protection plan) that covers air conditioning and plumbing, etc. for additional 9 dollars. The sales person explained that I will be receiving the same benefits and more and there is no need to sign for a new contract. That was in February, so I said go for it.. To my surprise, when I saw my next bill, I was billed for 20.99 and 29.99... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: Canada
Spintop Games - Monopoly
Madame Yes April 2, 2009
I purchased a Monopoly Here and Now game from their website but it was buggy and didn't work properly. I requested a refund within 24 hours and as per their policy, was supposed to get a refund. I emailed their customer support address **6 TIMES **and NO ONE responded. Also tried getting a refund through Paypal but as I was able to download the game, they would not refund as it was a quality issue and not a problem with not receiving the software. BUYER BEWARE! read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: Canada
Laura Davis April 1, 2009
I purchased a washer and dryer from The Brick Warehouse and was told that they would take away my old one for an additonal fee. On the day of delivery I was told they could not take it away as it had not been disconnected and that was stipulated on back of my bill. I HAD NOT been told this when I purchased the washer and dryer. I then had someone come in to disconnect and install my new washer and dryer and was told by the person that the washer and dryer I had purchased would not fit into the space I had. I had just assumed that all apartment... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: Canada
bean April 1, 2009
When trying to have lenses replaced in a pair of glasses, staff blamed me saying that I did something to the lens. The lens was pitted and foggy. I do not work around chemicals, toxins nor did I grind sand into the lenses. When I said that I wasn't happy with the service I was shouted at and argued with. I won't not use this service if it were the only optomety clinic in town. Customer Service is a foriegn concept to them. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
Ultra Wu Yi Pixie Pack
Patty April 1, 2009
I ordered the 14 day trial but decided I did not like it. I sent it back and cancelled my order. They have sent three more packages of this stuff and I sent all of them back but they keep charging my credit card and do not reimburse me. I am in the process of getting my bank to stop payment. I cannot get onto the website and the phone number just plays music the minute you call. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
HP DV2310 TX2
Igor Rogovskiy April 1, 2009
March 26, 2009 Att: Manager of Head Office A Letter of Complaint Dear Sir/Madam, On June 7-th 2007, I bought a computer in the Future Shop #602 in Richmond Hill. This computer had a three years warranty. In some time the computer started to glitch. There was a problem with a sensor control functioning and the screen blackened. The shop has accepted the computer without making any written notes about its condition. I handed over the computer to repair and in two weeks it was returned to me. I was told that the service had... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: Canada
Neoset Furniture
Adelina April 1, 2009
I also was an employee of Neoset Canada for approximately three weeks. I along with a few other employees left after we were informed that we would not be receiving a paycheque due to financial difficulties. After numerous failed attempts to get my wages paid to me, I have now submitted a claim to the Ministry of Labour and to the Better Business Bureau. How can Neoset still be conducting business as usual? They even have signs LOOKING FOR FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME EMPLOYEES (What! to work for free????). We have a very flawed system! DO NOT PURCHASE ANYTHING FROM NEOSET CANADA AT THIS TIME. read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: Canada
2775 Don Mills RD.
Kent April 1, 2009
There were 5 consecutive stolen cases aiming at Chinese tenants in this building at short time. I am the newest victim. The common situation for these theft cases was that Chinese tenants stayed out the apartment. Who know tenants leave this building? Thelf Super, Thelf Building. read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: Canada
Laney's Bead
Linda Kelly April 1, 2009
On Jan 13, I placed and paid for an order with the comapany listed. After dozens of emails to them I have had no answer to my emails nor have I received my order. I have since discovered that 2 companies doing the same business, with the same address, the same (looking and worded emails), the same looking web pages - and neither company has listed a phone number on their web pages. The two companies are: Laney's Beads - (http://www.laneysbead.com ) My complaint is with this company and Jns Beads - (www.JnsBeads.com )I have not... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
Canadian Tire Emissions Inspection
Jenny April 1, 2009
As a tax paying citizen of Hastings County I work hard to help support, provide for my family and feed my children and after what has unfolded over the last couple of days it will definitely put a financial strain on my household this month. On Wed. March 18/09 I took my vehicle in for it's emissions test at Mc Keown Motors in Spring Brook which my vehicle at that time failed they instructed me of the steps that I needed to follow to get a diagnosis and a pass or a conditional pass, the next day I stopped into Cambellford Canadian Tire... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: Canada
personalized teddy bear
Holly March 31, 2009
I bought a personalized teddy bear from this company because my 2 year old daughter loves the song that the bear sings. It is a specific Wake up song that is personalized with your childs name. I previewed the song on their website, and it was the exact song I had been searching for. I was so Happy. Until I received the bear. It had the wrong song programmed on it. It took me over a week to get the company to return my messages. And when they finally did, they told me that the machine that programs that song was broken. I payed $50 for... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Canada
Canadian tire quinpool road
buddyss March 31, 2009
Well i got 4 new tires on mar21/09 $475.00 had a flat on mar 29/09 took the tire to clayton park store the service guy said it shouldbe replaced there was a slice between the tread .he also said quinpool rd store had the tire as clayton park store had no stock . but the quinpool rd store would not send a tire over so i took the tire to them . well come to find out since i had the tire installed on the rim at a service station by my house then ballanced at canadian tire after .there was no road hazzard on that tire i cant belive that . well im... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: Canada
I.Q quiz
George March 31, 2009
Don't know the name of Company---All I wanted was a pin#. Now I have all this crap coming to my phone.306-873-9000. Please get it to stop. read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Canada
ddroppo March 30, 2009
My credit card has been debited by numerous websites. In october and November of 2008. My card was not used by me in over a year and the only way i found out was a call from the credit card company with details about going over my maximum. I have never used this card to purchase anything on line and hope that this issue will be dealt with swiftly. I can be emailed at [email protected] Thank You Dave Droppo read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada


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