Maxwell Sinclair Model & Talent Management
ScammedByFrankBurtrym July 16, 2009
Takes a $60 fee with the promise to find work, and you get the money back in 3 months if he can't find you work. No work is ever found, pay back is delayed until contact is lost. Scam artist, if you know his real identity and address I'm sure hundreds are interested in obtaining it. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
Golden DVD
suzypier July 16, 2009
BEWARE! I have bought “The Outer Limits” series. The DVDs were pre-recorded illegally from TV stations; a PA logo is in right hand corner of the screen, very poor video and audio quality. Golden DVD and DVD Universe are the same, beware. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: Canada
r.rich July 15, 2009
Did not know this business existed, until I was billed $85.37 on my Credit card... How do I go about making sure there will be no further billings ... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
WC Billings (Webcams.com)
Webcams.com July 15, 2009
This company charged me $5.75 (CAD) without my consent, claiming that I have given them the permission to charge me since I opened the account. These companies know how to have some policy and privacy part written in their websites that make their unathorized work legal for them. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Canada
The Training Effect
pmmm July 15, 2009
Hello to all on the internet I hope this gets to all the people in Calgary about to take a boot camp. I wanted to inform you that I was in a Bootcamp Called the Training Effect. I was so disappointed in so many aspects of this company. I will not go into detail about what happened to me specifically but I can tell you that I have never been so disappointed in a company. Being a business person myself I thought I would share with you what was said in the Bootcamp on more then one occasion that I attended. The trainer a Mr. Walls wa... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
cleverbridge.net Koeln
private individual July 15, 2009
unauthorized charge on June 9/09 for $17.63 CAD on credit card statement read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
usariches/government grants
munchkin_34 July 15, 2009
I too fell into the SCAM. I signed up for the FREE GOVERNMENT GRANTS TO HELP CONSOLODATE DEBTS. was charged $1.95 signup fee, that was in June...cancelled within 24hours as I came to the realization that not entitled to them unless you START A BUSINESS, which it did not inform you of on website. July 15, 2009 called my credit card company and was informed that I had a charge of $68.83 for a USARICHES which I had never heard of, got looking and relized I had a charge on June 16, 2009 one day after initial signup and the day of... read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: Canada
CMF Comfortable Movers
greco2000 July 14, 2009
CMF movers are scammers! The name of the company might change from time to time but their contact number, 416 707 5186, typically remains the same. In order to weed these scammers out from your potential list of movers, type the phone number and it should lead you their advertisement. These movers advertise their rates as 39$ per hour. However, on first phone contact, they will say that they will require a 300$ deposit. Should the actual work end up being less in amount, their initial promise is that you will get the difference after the... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
Pepsi Cola One Million Dollar Giveaway in sponsorship with Readers Digest
MWS July 14, 2009
Many people in California have received letters from Pepsi Co (supossedly) telling them they have won $1 Million dollars and they have been sent enclosed with that letter a check for around $5400.00 They have been told to call a representative (Mine being) Mr. Phil Rizutto and the phone number on my letter was 1-888-333-4883 Ext #1Can't get through only a recording and they ask that you leave a return number. They are asked not to deposit the check until talking to the Representative. The check is to cover any outstanding fees that have... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
trish31 July 14, 2009
this company(call support grantsmoney) promise to send you a grant kit of how to get grant from the gouverment, and charge it to your credit card, after that its impossible to get someone to give you some answers, i've ask for my money back and was given an email address which is not working for me, can't anyone do something about these thieves who is looking for easy money. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
[email protected]
Berrard July 14, 2009
Jerry Jiricny offers life time warranty on the shit he brings in from China and doesn't honor the warranty when you have a problem with the crap he sells to you... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
Frontline Top Spot for Cats.
Becki Orr July 14, 2009
on July 07, 2009 I ordered Twelve doses of Frontline Top Spot for Cats from thriftyvet.com. The very same day Pay Pal paid them $79.99 for my order. Order #117104. I called Pay Pal because I didn't receive my order and I have NO way of contacting them. Pay Pal gave me four e-mail addresses and a phone number. None of them are valid. I have EIGHT cats that need their frontline now. I can't wait 45 days to resolve this with Pay Pal. I have no money to place another order with someone else. I went to my account on line... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Canada
Thermothin plus
caseyjsheehan July 14, 2009
I placed an order on line for Thermthin Plus with acai berry and have never received it. I have tried to contact them at the numbers given 1-866-245-3991 and 1-310-359-1213 and either get no answer or they answer and immeditely disconnect me when I say why I am calling. I have been told that I could keep the trial bottle or return and be charged nothing more but I haven't even received it and would like to cancel it as they have said they will charge me for future shipments. If I can't get this straightend out I feel like I will have to cancel my credit card. Please help. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
MDG Laptop
gravescanada July 14, 2009
I own a 17 inch dual core laptop, purchased through MDG online. I am paying on it monthy. My address is 297 Unit C Bluevale Steet North. I am having a problem with the hinges of my laptop. It has already been in for service once, cost me 60.00 to fix the hinges.. Now I am having the same problem. I need to get this fixed, also one of my USB ports, the hard plastic that holds the usb pins in place, came out of the port. No damage, its just came out. Now MDG tells me I can pay again to get the laptop fixed. I called the Tech department and got a... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: Canada
blazingkeywords and grantmastersonline.com
Tomas G. Manzano July 13, 2009
On the month of may i lost my job and i found this ad on the internet about making money from home just posting ads and i ordered the kit of information. On the fifth day i cancelled the order (you have seven days to cancell everything and there should be no charges), i sent them an e-mail to confirm the cancellation. Even though they withdrew money from my credit card on the month of june, blazingwords 72.21 on the 11th of june and grantmasters 38.34 on the 20th of june. I never received any kit of information. Today i called the customer... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
Eric Lamontagne July 13, 2009
The product I ordered from them was never received after 2 months. I contacted them via their website 3 times without any response... I got robbed from them, don't do business with them! read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: Canada
voicebootcampscam July 13, 2009
Most americans are probably becoming aware that voicebootcamp is a scam but some do not kow yet. If you live in East asia, then you might not have as many options but people in the states or Europe, stay away from voicebootcamp.com This is what you can expect. They claim to offer unlimited retakes till you pass but this is a scam. I have tried 5 times now to retake a class and every time they (voicebootcamp) come up with an excuse. They will post dates on their site but at the very last minute they will... read full review »
Filled under: Education Location: Canada
Spring Masters Canada
Greg July 13, 2009
Promised to return to remove overspray from garage doors not only did not show when they promised they refused to return phone calls. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: Canada
jean Philippe
d13artagnan July 13, 2009
This company charged 57.61 USD on June 4, 2009 to my Visa account, yet I never contacted them in any way. I suspect that they got my credit card number via a so-called Google affiliation. When I called the 800 number listed next to their business name, the company told me that they could not locate my record, and that I should contest that amount with Visa. There are other similar unexplained charges on the same bill, by Blazingkeywords.com and Secret Grant Funding, who both gave me an email address to get a refund from and closed any... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Canada
DaveXX July 13, 2009
I ordered to herbal medications form Herbs MD 3 weeks ago, and have yet to receive it. No e-mails were returned with regard to my problem, after e-mailing several questions. They did debit my credit card though. [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Canada
Alberta Sod & Landscaping Ltd.
Panorama Hills July 12, 2009
We recently had our front and backyard done by Alberta Sod & Landscaping Ltd. The grass and rock garden was fine since it was done by another contractor (Brian). However, the concrete contractor, Quintino Caruso did a horrible job. I seriously think this guy doesn't even know how to do concrete, he did stairs for us on the side of our house and the brackets under the concrete was still visible, the stairs ended up lop-sided, slanted, chipped, and worse of all, the steps were all unproportional. He promised us professional work but... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: Canada
jessbercia July 12, 2009
05/22/2009 Settled Authorization - WWW FEDGRANTUSA COM1285 BARING BLVD STwww.fedgrantusa.com 877- 4951173 UT $-9.15 this just appeared in my credit card statement. i did not make any of this transaction, and never heard of this company read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Zephyr in the Sky
BoeBoe July 12, 2009
My friends and I went to this resturant/cafe to celebrate one of my friend's birthday, we thought it was going to be a great night. We walked in, and since we already booked a table, there was no trouble for us getting at able. Even though the waitress was not fluent in English, she gave us great service. After we set down our orders, the entire service of the staff went completely downhill. First, some of my friends had ordered pearls/coconut jelly in their drinks, and the drinks which arrived did not have anything in them. We asked one... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
Primus Long distance
ripriprip July 12, 2009
With 2 weeks notice I called Primus and told them to discontinue my service on April 29 2009. They told me I had to give them 30 days notice. I told them, I was giving them 2 weeks notice. I was not under contract and that I was switching providers soon and would no longer need their service. I called and emailed them and told them I would pay them until April 29, but under no uncertain terms would I pay them any money for service beyond that date. They have charged me almost an extra month and a cancellation fee worth about a... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
McDonalds Burlington
Upset Traveller July 11, 2009
Visited IKEA today and stopped into McDonalds for a bite to eat afterwards only to have my order refused. Coming from the London - Windsor area, a very popular order is a Double Cheeseburger dressed like a Mac, in London and Windsor they have special wrapping and a register button devoted to this order. When I attemtped to order this very item in Burlington both the clerk and the manager looked at me like I had asked for the world on a gold platter. It was explained to me that not a single restuarant in Burlington would serve me thi... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
Text Challenge.com
Ron Clement July 11, 2009
Text Challenge .com obtained 2 of my cell phone numbers illegally. they were sending me text messages and charging my account thereby using up my minutes without authorization. One phone was with Vergin Mobile and the other was with sasktel. They both knew this was happening as they take an administeration charge from Text Challenge. In my opinion this is fraud and should be dealt with accordingly. The CRTC should be informed. when I spoke to the phone companies they say they have no control over such things. They both suggested I should... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: Canada
Profit Learning Studio
Tanyalysha July 11, 2009
For home based business, this site contacted me for more than 10 times, and asked for only 1.95 dollars, one time charge, but nothing was cheap, just yesterday when I received my credit card statement, and see the charge, I shocked, I didn't take benefit for even 1.95 $, I think, nothing lost, no-body reminds 2 bucks, I don't understand why do google have involve it's good reputation on frauds ? No-body will believe on google, b'cos one mistake will alert people from stop using google, even if google is genuine. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Canada
Lyndon Oppen
Lyndon Oppen July 11, 2009
To whom it may concern: I was on your web site on June 7th to apply for the Grant Kit. However I never received it and was over charged 65.96. Which I demand to have returned to my credit card right now. I find it very upsetting that I was on the Canadian Income Tax Website looking into my taxes and saw this link. Only to find out that it is an American web site. I do not understand how someone out side of Canada can offer grant money from the Canadian Government. So I did the normal thing and called the cancellation number only to... read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: Canada
topstar - herbal
gillw July 10, 2009
I ws sent the trial but returned it without even opening it - well within the 30 day trial period, and now they continue to send me the product and charge me for the product - which I don't want- and I have had no luck with costumer service and the original website is no longer 'there'... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
dave burton July 10, 2009
i believe the price of mach3 blades and newer blades have reached the tipping point. i saw 8 blades for 29.99! i love your blades, since the first time I used a mach3 blade I was amazed! no cuts, and I can use each blade about 2-5 times, longer if necessary. however soon I will be tempted to buy an electric shaver because of the EXPENSIVE blades. your loyal customer, dave burton read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
Eurosport Fitness Innovations
[email protected] July 10, 2009
Jerry Jiricny is a slime ball asshole that thinks he can get money from innocent people other than who he extends credit to. If you go to this supplier of fitness equipment Do not bring your friends because if you cant pay him he will put your friends name in the credit bureau along with yours. He is a joke and thinks he can get people that are not involved with him to pay him. My friend is a single mother and Jerry Jiricny felt it appropriate to put her in the credit bureau for money that she does not owe him! She never owned a fitness store and Jerry Jiricny thinks she is gonna pay for her friend that owns a fitness store! What a nice guy!!! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
readers digest lotto
candy25 July 10, 2009
I receive a lettler from readers degest lotto drew held on february 3rd 2009<br /> they said i have won 194, 000.00. and receive a check os $3, 642.40 to pay tax and insuraces fee<br /> well please dont belive this letters a not true. I call Jasmes Owen At 1778-858-6473 to active my claim then he told me<br /> to deposit the check and to call him in 2 days. So i go deposit the check but i waited 3 day to call when i check my back account on the 3 day there was no money there from that check so i call the back to ask... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Nasir Aziz July 10, 2009
They did the same to me and I don't even give them the authorization to do so... They took money out of my credit card... just who the hell is ClickSellGo? a bunch of douche bags stealing people's money... that's BS you can't just go into someone's account and take their money... something has to be done and I'm gonna do it because I am tired of these people thinking they can just put their hands on my money and take it whenever they want.<br /> <br /> I wish there was some way to get in touch with... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Alja Real Estate
Victor July 10, 2009
Rented an apartment from Alja Real Estate. On the day of the move, workers and the cleaning person were in the apartment. It was not ready for us to move in. I had no tiolet as it had not been installed. Managerment is poor particularly at the 86 Front St. Quebec. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
Pizza Pizza
Martock July 10, 2009
So I dont make allot of money, but every so often I like to treat my girlfriend and I to an ordered meal. Tonight (July 8th 2009), we decided to order from Pizza Pizza. It wasnt a complex order, just an extra large 3 topping pizza. I had my oder placed online by 4:43, and I was given a time gaurantee of 40 minutes. At 5:25 the pizza guy gets to my lobby and rings up. i check the time as I buzz him in, and notice i get a free pizza tonight. 2 minutes over the gaurantee is still late pizza. So the driver gets up to my floor, and I open the door... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
Union Finance,Inc
Henry Yates July 9, 2009
Recd letter stating winning entry slip with serial #8365137904 and lucky numbers 94-37-51-26-68 for winnings of $150, 000 deliverable by special courier company. Check #162228 drawn on Commerce Bank N.A. from Pearce Adm PO Box 2409 Florence, SC in the amount of $5, 998.64 available to pay Govt Service Tax to tax agent by Western Union in the amount of $4, 992.00. Contact claim agent before acting on the letter. Two different claim agents listed--Jeffery Adams Phone 1-778-861-4979 and James Watts no phone listed. No postage on envelope. Claim no: RCK/1100/CPBA/A Tax agent: Susan Newton 1194 Kingston Rd Toronto, Ontario, T5A 6Y2 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Pharm support
never again 123 July 9, 2009
Beware...I ordered a product from this canadian medicine now site, in the agreement that i submitted it stated that i can not cancel my payment or i would be in trouble, why would i want to cancel an order i just placed?Anyways, My order never came, it was told to me first by Alexander and then later Roman (not real) that they can not track my order but to please be patient.I was very patient almost 2 months went by, in the final e-mails i sent I mentioned that i am prepaired to take legal actions, these mails got bounced back to me !! I... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
Barrettt Capital Exchange and Tom McKenzie
DeFraudedBusinessOwner July 9, 2009
"Barrett Capital Exchange" claims to be a group of lenders when indeed are nothing more then brokers. They try to show that they are considering funding your project when they are indeed shopping the loan themselves with hopes that they will find the funding. In the process, they charge hefty upfront fee's from all and then come up with excuses as to why they can not fund the loan. They receive and review your business plan before they charge the fee's and they lead you to believe that they can get the project funded by... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Aarons Sales & Lease
Aarons Sales & Lease Problems July 9, 2009
Undisclosed employee of a Aarons store in Canada. The employees have earned commission moneys by reaching or passing goals set by Head Office. Now they are saying they don't know how to pay these out to the Canadian Stores. This is very unexceptable from a company this big. I just wan't to make it knowen to everyone how silly they look not being able to do this. They are also going to be reported to the ministry. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
Google work from home
Carrie1977 July 9, 2009
I to have been scammed!!! Everytime I call the phone number to have this removed they keep telling me they see no such thing on my credit card statement. They also tell me to call back because I have reached the wrong floor of the person I want to speak to. Your telling me that a big customer support phone number and you can't post me to the correct person I want to speak to?? I have to call back until I reach the correct floor?? I'm not impressed with this and how someone can do such a thing to people who are innocent!!! I'm... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Canada


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