CATEGORY: Business & Finances

libery club
Raising The Bar For Our Children April 2, 2010
I was online researching for investments for my Respite care bussinness, Raising The Bar For Our Children. I was aware of the liberty club offer but i chose the no thank you option. In addition I called and spoke with respresentative and receive a cancellation number 4858459. To my surprise my account was charged anyway without my concent. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Diagnostic Imaging Associates
gojucat April 2, 2010
I received inadequate notification that my account was past due and subject to collection. I had been waiting for further information from my insurance company about the amount of money I supposedly owed ($99.50) to Diagnostic Imaging Associates (DIA)for a co-pay on a MRI procedure. DIA forwarded my account to a collections agency, WITHOUT EVER INFORMING ME that they were taking this step. In addition, the collection agency they used (Berks Collections) NEVER notified me, even though they told DIA that they repeatedly tried to contact me. The... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Diagnostic Imaging Assoc. Delaware
gojucat April 2, 2010
I received inadequate notification that my account was past due and subject to collection. I had been waiting for further information from my insurance company about the amount of money I supposedly owed ($99.50) to Diagnostic Imaging Associates (DIA)for a co-pay on a MRI procedure. DIA forwarded my account to a collections agency, WITHOUT EVER INFORMING ME that they were taking this step. In addition, the collection agency they used (Berks Collections) NEVER notified me, even though they told DIA that they repeatedly tried to contact me. The... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Omega Imaging Newark, DE
gojucat April 2, 2010
I received inadequate notification that my account was past due and subject to collection. I had been waiting for further information from my insurance company about the amount of money I supposedly owed ($99.50) to Diagnostic Imaging Associates (DIA)for a co-pay on a MRI procedure. DIA forwarded my account to a collections agency, WITHOUT EVER INFORMING ME that they were taking this step. In addition, the collection agency they used (Berks Collections) NEVER notified me, even though they told DIA that they repeatedly tried to contact me. The... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
ASDFDGADHGWR April 2, 2010
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Barclay Bank, US Air credit card
CS Holman April 2, 2010
Closed credit card account out, they allowed a charge made after the account was closed. Paid for that charge, they then charged me late fees and interest. they were supposed to waive them, and did not. Several phone calls to them, customer service peoploe can not thnk for them selves, they can only read of a scropt and will not help me. Supervisor are never available. They supposedly are supposed to revie my account and never do. they are rude and inconsiderate. Would not give me the address of the President to write a letter. I am very frustrated and refusing to pay this money. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
web dicount club
micheal keeling April 2, 2010
stolen money from my account twice without knowledgement i didnt not owe any money to the i would like u to put it back into my account please and thank you read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
ladonald prophett April 2, 2010
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
charles hayden April 2, 2010
I made just a cursory enquiry on line to Loanfinder(uk) last January 2010 no agreements made, no results, and certainly did not give permission to access my Bank account. I did an online check on my Bank account on 1st April 2010, lo and behold £61.87 was taken from my account by direct debit payable to, you have guessed it Loanfinders(uk) Bournemouth. Direct debit means they are going to go after more, or at least attempt to. I shall pursue the return of my money, through the courts if necessary. Charles Hayden read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
DR.HAMID April 2, 2010
Many freinds of my area from marathwada region in maharashtra have invested in Aryarup in the hope of easy (so called )bussiness for common man.As company's inflow through NEFT/RTGS was in minutes and hours, everyone is clear now that there is doubt about payout(outflow is nil since feb2010).No single explaination is satisfactory about stoppage of payouts .If company is utilising crores of money since last two months, the real fraud is why they have told about returns every day 2%, 1.5% or whatsoever. my suggestions to all who are... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
GMAC Real Estate
Stephanie Crowe April 2, 2010
I received numberous calls from GMAC offering to sell or rent my condo. This was in 2008. I paid a sum of $1000. To date I have heard nothing. They don't return my emails. I'd like to file a formal complaint and don't know what to do. Can someone please advise? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
dangee26 April 2, 2010
Money is being deducted from my credit card for something I have not ordered! This is wrong and needs to be stopped read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Australia
City of Hollywood utility
AbusedFloridian April 2, 2010
My water was turned off yesterday on April, 1, 2010, sometime around in the morning.I recieved a call from my daughter confirming this and so i left my work and went ahead and paid the full amount that was owed and plus the connection fee.I paid them around 3pm and after i paid I specifically asked the women at the utilities department, what time would they put back my water, she told me around 5pm.It passed 5pm and still no water, so we called again and customer service rep said we should recieve the water anywhere from 9pm.Now its the next... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Barbara Veney
bveney April 2, 2010
My account has been charged $9.95 for some JCPennys Rewards. I don't even shop at JCPennys, so I have requested that the fund be returned to my account. I called again March 30, 2010 when I notice that $9.95 has been deducted from that my account since February 2010. This is unexceptable. I don't shop at JCPennys at all. From the first time that I call about the $9.95 being deducted a second and a third deduction was erroneously deducted. I want the funds refunded back to my account ASAP. I DON'T KNOW WHAT KIND OF SERVICE... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Paul Christiansen April 2, 2010
Company placed a recurring charge of 14.95/mo on my Verizon phone bill, claiming I had authorized their services. I never heard of them. I reached the PaymentOne people via the billing information and had the charges cancelled. It is hard to know if PaymentOne or RealSmartMail is the crook here. Paul read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
amazing christian love ministry
kamugisha. April 2, 2010
Dear Sir/ Madam Board Directors, Aim pastor kamugisha francis of above ministry, am registered with NGO board, but my question is, i recieved massage of my winning prize from, Google in Corparation Be gROVE hOUSE, 76 Bankingham, palace, inited kingdom. from this email;[email protected] that i won and the amount were on the massage then i was told to contact, mr Nicholas parker, managing Director/ Disparth Email;[email protected]. Dear Sir/Madam officer this people are there in your department? many used to write... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Uganda
DAS Merchant Services
Oliver April 2, 2010
DAS is a rip off employer. They are also terrible in cusomter services. They do not pay the employees on a timely basis, if they pay them at all. They are slow to solve issues for their customers. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
ILJIN Automitove P Ltd
Boobalan Iljin April 2, 2010
My Hard disk was can not formatted . I Kindly request to you solve this issues. Thanks & Regards T.Jayakumar 9941877533 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
USPatriotic Card/LibertyFunPass
Eugene ZEEN April 2, 2010
USPatriotic Card and LibertyFunPass caused deduction of money from my checking account with JPMorgan Chase Bank ( about 80.00 $) without my knowledge. This is fraud. When I complained, they reported me to EQUIFAX with intention do destroy my credit and indeed they did. They have sent me unsolicited mail with my name mispelt and I dont know how they got my address. If they can not refund my money and apologize am gonna consult my attorney for a solution. Am told internet fraud is on the rise in the US and elsewhere. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
UMA FASHION- INDIA April 1, 2010
****WARNING****UMA FASHION- INDIA –A. R. JOTHI RAMAN-SCAM-****WARNING**** Please be advised of a very unfortunate experience I had with A. R Jothi Raman [email protected] [email protected] FIRST NAME: A R JOTHI SECOND NAME: RAMAN ADDRESS: 9/A, ANNAI NAGAR MAIN ROAD, STREET: KORATTUR CITY: CHENNAI STATE: TAMIL NADU COUNTRY: INDIA PIN CODE: 600 076 91-44-64611346 919-8944-64232 919-790 889946 It all began 2 years ago 2008 when I met A. R. Jothi Raman after doing a internet search. At first he... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Marge Rockwell April 1, 2010
I accepted a FREE trial offer and when I realized they enrolled me in ther "Club" with new product shipped regularly, I immediately told them not to bill my card. When the "free" sample came in the mail, I returned it unopened. They still went ahead and charged me $169.95, even though I told them not to. I want this charge removed from my credit card. Marge read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
North Texas Infectious Disease Consultants
KarmaIsAB! April 1, 2010
Garry Bright and Mark McCarthy are completely unprofessional and unethical. Not only are their business practices shady, Mark is extremely verbally abusive. He even called me on my cell phone while I was in the hospital with my 12 yr old daughter who was having emergency surgery. Mark proceeded to scream and curse at me spewing the lies that Garry fed him and threatening me. When I gave him the proof of the lies in hard black and white facts, the coward hung up on me. Beware of doing business with any organization that allows these type of men to run the company. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States corp.)
neidigh April 1, 2010
unauthorized charges for a service i did not suscribe to that was on my at&t bill . how the hell does this happen?????????????????????? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Royal Bank of Canada
corporatebully April 1, 2010
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC Bank) : Corporate Bully $100, 000 - MISTAKE (FISHERMEN'S LOAN) I'm a commercial fisherman fighting the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC Bank) over a $100, 000 loan mistake. I lost my home, fishing vessel and equipment. There was no monthly interest payment date or amount of interest payable per month on my loan agreement. Date of first installment payment (Principal + interest) is approximately 1 year from the signing of my contract. Demand loan agreements signed by other fishermen around the... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
SparkleWhite and Health Tracker
Mr.Love April 1, 2010
Unbelievable! I just got this in the piece of mail stating a 14 day trial that has elapsed and the account is still active. There for the are trying to attempted to charge my card!? Thats what I get for believing in these online money ploys for whiter teeth. I actually spoke with someone months ago about the first reoccurring charge and I cancelled the "subscription." THIS IS BS!!! Who do these people think they are? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Limestone Apartments
Mrs. Pissed89 April 1, 2010
The ladies that work there seem to not care for any of their renters or the ones that are interested in renting there they are rude and lazy liers can never tell you anything that is going with your lease I went 3 weeks ago and put my application fee and my deposit fee they say that they were going to call me in the next 3 days and sence then I been calling them every day to se how my application procces is going and the only answer is "I will call you tomorrow or monday, tuesday, wednsaday, thursday, friday I relly like the Apts but I am hating the managment read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
i c
john willson April 1, 2010
They are calling my employer at least 10 times a day, I want to put together a large group that will call them several times a day and give them some pay back, they are all layers and cheats. I want them to receive at least 10, 000 calls a day and tie up their lines. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
HR block emeral card
angelloving_2 April 1, 2010
I have had the emerald card from HR block for about a year and have had only a few issues with it. But recently I have had a major problem out of them. I purchased something and when I recieved it I was lied to about what I was recieving. So I talked to the merchant and they refused to give me a refund. So then I called HR block bank and filed a disput with them and gave them everything they asked for. I called there disput hotline for several days and didnt get to talk to anyone, I left several messages and never got a call back. Well a... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Real Estates listing
Jack116 April 1, 2010
Seems to me that BlockShopper has violated the Real Estates Code of Ethics by publishing personal home data under SALES without the homeowners authorization. Did anyone contact the Real Estate board? Im assuming that they are real estates agents/brokers. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Unhappy with InfoCALL April 1, 2010
I received a "welcome" email from InfoCALL, telling me that I would be billed $14.95 per month for their "unlimited phone concierge service." Their message indicated that a "monthly service fee of $14.95 would automatically be billed to my home telephone bill each month under the OAN/ESBI bill page." Cancellation instructions were: "Please do not respond to this email! If you wish to contact us or cancel your service, you may do so by calling our customer service center at 1-877-768-3665. You can also email u... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Star Smoker
RepEC51 April 1, 2010
SAVE 51% ON ALL SMOKE 51 PURCHASES We here at Smoke Anywhere USA and Smoke 51 strive for good relations with our customers. This is why we are offering 51% off on all products on our website, everything from refill cartridges to complete starter kits. Please visit and fill your shopping cart with all of the products you desire, when you go to check out use the code FRIENDS51% and this will give you 51% off your total purchase. This code will only be good for 1 purchase per customer so make sure you get everything you need and... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Tamara Williams April 1, 2010
membersavings are removing money out of my checking account without permission and i want my money back read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Internet Cash Machine
linda and john April 1, 2010
I logged onto my computer yesterday and a pop up window came up Local Girl makes thousands working at home on a daily basis. Since I am a disabled person and could use extra income I went the above website and submitted my order for information on how to do this type of work for a cost of $2.97 so I applied. I submitted my card number to have two dollars and ninety seven cents taken out of my account, upon hitting the submit button, up pops additional information that they are going to take $139.95 out of my account after trying the system for... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Global Software & Computer Solutions Centers, Inc. GSCSC
urbancenter April 1, 2010
Richard Goddeau promised to clean my credit report of all negative information, I paid him$695 and nothing was ever done. When I call his company no one ever answers the phone. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
AAray Of Hope
AAray Of Hope April 1, 2010
I applied for a loan modifcation in Sept. 2009. I was told when I turned in all the paperwork, it would take about 60 days for the loan to be completed. They told me I didn't have to give them any money up front. Three weeks later they asked for $500. I gave them a check because they told me I was through the first phase of the loan. I was told the loan would be done by the end of Nov. Then I was told the loan was going to be finished by the end of Dec. In Jan. I called the owner of the company in Jan. To find out how much... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Gryphon Daily / Gryphon Financial
Hemant Patel April 1, 2010
I signed up for Gryphon Daily’s "Pipeline Trader" investment advisory service for $79/year in the beginning of February 2010. I immediately got a call from Robert Anthony from Gryphon Daily (earlier trading as Gryphon Financial), who claimed himself to be a senior trader urging me to opt for “Daily Options” service for $1, 000/year and promising to double my portfolio in an year. I was given a good trade, on which I made around $7, 000 on a trade of $3, 000. Robert then called me again to sell his new service... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
usa fast cash
TamikiaA April 1, 2010
I dont understand why is company is calling me. Every time i ask for information on a so called loan that taken out in my name on the website, I am always threaten from this company. They say that they are police officer threaten to come and get me and take me to jail for theift by check but how is that when I didnt sign anything this is so called done over the net.. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Aedan Collier April 1, 2010
AEDAN INVESTMENT MORTGAGE INC. is a private investment company that provides financing to Small-cap, publicly traded companies. Our mission is to add value by providing not only financial resources and industry knowledge, but hands-on M&A strategy and implementation. Acting as principal, we maintain successful long term relationships with our portfolio companies. Our expertise lies only partly in creating flexible financial structures. More importantly, our ingenuity and financial resources enable a company to grow both internally and... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
verizon/pinnacle credit
lchen April 1, 2010
I purchased Verizon service in August 2003 for a night time/weekend unlimited contract. In October 2003, I received their bill of $2000, including all the night time minutes charges. I then got in touch with their customer service department and complained about the bill, they replied that they would check and let me know. Half a year later, I heard nothing back from them. So in Jan 2004, I called up again. This time, I got the same answer. I contacted them in May 2004, Dec 2004, May 2005 and Dec 2005 continuously. I sent them a... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Provident Funding Mortgage
CNN888 April 1, 2010
The people at Provident Funding do not know what they are doing! My mother paid off her loan in July 2009. A reconveyance letter was supposed to be sent to the SLC County Recorder's Office to have them update their information showing that the loan has been paid in full, their are no liens on the house and she holds the title free and clear. Needless to say, the County Recorder's Office never received any documents from Provident Funding. We have been trying to get Provident Funding to do the necessary paperwork, so the reconveyance... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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