CATEGORY: Business & Finances

Howard Lee Schiff law offices
rhodeislander March 10, 2010
The so called customer service is something less to be desired, horrible, horrible. I called to try and find out about anything that involves my so called case..without any resolution at all! The person who answered the phone was very, very rude and unprofessional and sounded like i was calling some fly by night place i don't know i must do more research!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
FLM Loans.
Fred926 March 10, 2010
Take a look at the way FLM have handled this poor, distressed young girl! Note particularly, the advice given to her by FLM Loans. This must be very close to the Law that says it is illegal to 'Demand money with menaces!' WHY are these companies allowed to get away with this? This was posted on the Internet by a young lady who was obviously terrified by this company. Problems with a company called flm? im having alot of hassle of a loan company called flm. i became a guarentor for someone, i have since lost my job but flm... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Stephanie Roberson March 10, 2010
I purchased a trial for advance cleanse for $3.95 which was charged to my account on 2/26/10. ADVCLEANSE charged my account for 149.95 when all i wanted was the free trial like the ad said not to be signed up for a year. My reciept i got in the mail with the product didnt say anything about getting charged an additional $149.95. I never wanted a full membership just the trial. Stephanie Roberson read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Creative point
creativepointavi March 10, 2010
Dear Sir I have received a mail from [email protected] that i have win a amount of $1, 000, 000, 00 from MICROSOFT AWARD PROMOTION 2010. So plz. check this mail and replay me by e-mail that it is true or fals. I am senting this mail for details Thanks with regards Avnish Kumar CONGRATULATIONS/YOU WON SUM OF $1, 000, 000, 00 Microsoft web / Email usage Campaign Microsoft Online Promotions United Kingdom. Refrence NO, 91934717490 Lucky .NO, 14-21-25-39-40-47(20) Lucky Serial NO... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
TwinEagle March 10, 2010
A unauthorized charge to my bank account for $11.98 .On my bank statement it says it came from Terminal #463262 and for a purchase .I did not authorize this charge to my Visa debit card and I want it to stop as it has been going on for several months now ! I demand it be stoped today !!! Very Sincerly, Robert TwinEagle Today's date 3/10/10 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
trrthomp March 10, 2010
I kept getting a security pop up that looked like it came from windows security and it cost 49.99. When I downloaded it I paid the money. I updated my IE and it wiped the wideworld software out stating it is a malicious piece of software. I am really upset that I paid the money and now there is no way to recover it. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
ute arsenault
ute arsenault March 10, 2010
I recived an e-mail saying i won 8.3 million dollars i would like to know if this is a scam becase they want me to send them $803.00 via western union by tomorrow, couls same one please get back to me thank you read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Richard Sevilla (IFG)
Freddy baby March 10, 2010
Richard Sevilla is not the president and CEO of International Furniture Group as he claims to be. Look up the company on and see for yourself. International Furniture Group LLC in an inactive company! He also claims that IFG has been around for many years which is a lie. He has been opening furniture companies for years, doing bad business, and then the company goes inactive, which then he opens a new company. In the past, he had Imperial Furnishings Company in Orlando (where he will tell you he use to live) and now he ha... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
gerard renna March 10, 2010
The promotion was very deceitful. It never gave me a free credit report as well. The website even jammed up so I thought nothing went through. And left it at that. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Medeiros March 10, 2010
Paul and Lina Medeiros applied for a equity loan, however Paul's mom Mariana Medeiros also owns the property at 141 Spruce Street Lawrence Mass 01841, Paul had ask his mother to sign some documents so Paul and Lina Medeiros would get the Loan back in November 2009, Mariana Medeiros stated NO because she did not want any note against the property. Paul and Lina still applied and got the credit line of up to 50, 000 dollars. Mariana Medeiros found this out on December 2009 and became very upset. Mariana Medeiros is very ill and could not... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
GUPTAGIRISH1 March 10, 2010
Dear Sir, I was selected by above Bank to work as operations manager and gave me lucrative package offer, for which I left my 25 year old service in bank in india. However when I actually joined above bank on 21.04.2009 the bank didnot provided me any work till 14.05.2009 and finally terminated my service saying that I was found incompetent and asked to pay airfare and agent commission incurred by the bank out of my pocket. This is in voilation of the agreement which says if the management terminates services of any expatriate... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
travis jackson March 10, 2010
i only made one order, i might ave made a mastake, but i just wanted to down load one order and got charge for 4, please i would like to have my money refunded on 3 of them read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
nokia s.a
bernie sue March 10, 2010
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: South Africa
8006979713CLICKMONEY 800-697-9713
cardinalinfante March 10, 2010
I wish to advise that I have a deduction appearing on my account statement of AUD $70.82 that I cannot reconcile with any purchase order. Can you please advise the name of the company responsible? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Australia
Workers Compensation Exemption
"v" March 10, 2010
ALL FLORIDA FIRM INC THIS THE WORST COMPANY IN FLORIDA. THEY ARE THE BIGGEST SCAMMERS EVER Firm sent me official looking post card directing me to their web site where I unfortunately used their service to renew Florida Workers Compensation for myself. Hidden in the fine print of the application was a clause that also authorized ALL FLORIDA FIRM to become my corporations Registered Agent and to file my annual corporate reports and authorized to charge credit card for 150$ and For basically any amount they wont for services. ALL... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Yahoo India Small Business Solutions
visionplushr March 10, 2010
I am not happy at all with your services, i will never take or recommend yahoo services to anybody, its the most disgusting service i have ever seen. Yahoo have spoiled my business, and not ready to help me. Yesterday I have canceled my renewal order and all my current mails and everything got lost, i have not the access to my website, my mails and importantly you do not provide the back-up. I thought I am canceling the renewal order but I was not aware that i will lose everything including my current services too. I have talked to your... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
North American Bancard debit card services
richard robertshaw March 9, 2010
I have read the complaints against NAB on this sight and I don't want to dwell on the strain they put on my business, both financial and emotional. They extracted a total of $1340 in penalties from my account when I tried to close my contract with them, after one month. They did not even have my signature. I would like to say that if you have a complaint against this company PLEASE alert the Federal Trade Commission, if they get enough complaints they will investigate this ruthless company. Also send your complaint the Michigan Attorney... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
jr2559 March 9, 2010
I was charge 123.90 by this company and I don't know why or for what. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Eagle Rock Construction/Steve Boge
thallenb2 March 9, 2010
The townhouse from Hell: Steve Boge from Eagle Rock Construction leases townhomes at 3470 Hillcrest Road, Dubuque, Iowa 52002. He advertises them as brand new, energy efficient, high-quality, luxury townhomes. However, I am a tenant in one of these units and they are anything but energy efficient and luxurious. The appliances are bottom-of-the-line [almost] farthest from energy-efficient models you can buy. The townhome that I am [over] paying $1, 000 per month for has two huge cracks in the basement/foundation that are leaking water into my... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Acai Berry & Life Cleanse detox
agodrik March 9, 2010
I ordered free trial bottles of Acai Berry & Life Cleanse detox which was to have a postal charge of AUD $0.99, when I received the bottles I was charged GBP 3.95 and then on 22nd February was charged $117.96 twice from my credit card account which they were given no authority to do. I have reported this to my bank which are in the process of investigating and I thing these people are fraudulently taking unauthorised money which is equivalent to stealing! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
damon morris March 9, 2010
i have a unoteritized debit from my account $149.95 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Hillaire Real Estate
Rosalia March 9, 2010
The Real Estate agent (Mr. Hillaire) broke into a home on two ocassions to show us the property. He had no keys!! Wghile we were viewing the property he and two others from his office starting rummaging through the house looking in drawers and desks and taking items such as dvd's, cd's and a televison set. Mr. Hillaire strung us along for 3 months telling us our offer on a property was received, approved and that the contract was in the porocess of being sent. Finally he said he received the contract but yet he refused to... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Vencent Tripp
Vencent Tripp March 9, 2010
I have cancelled clkbank since last November 2009 and Clkbank continue to withdraw from my account. I did not give clkbank permission to withdraw. I have a new checking account and debt card. Please refund my 37.99 from bank account immediately. Vencent Tripp read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
PrePaid Services
Kableree March 9, 2010
I totally agree- 100% about the ongoing problems with Account Now. They are a nightmare to deal with. The biggest part of the problem is that you set up your account solely online-no id required and very few verification questions answered, so if you make any kind of mistake such a typo or have an address update, watch out! You can't update your info online like a regular bank (ie: Chase, Bank of America, etc). They make you call in and then the nightmare really gets going. I have been trying to change my address to the correct mailing... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Central Coast Nutraceuticals / Colotox
Agennove March 9, 2010
Can you say SCAM! I returned the product within 14 days of receiving my "free" trial. 11 days later my account is drafted for $38.95. I called that same day and they said they would look in to it. I called 2 days later and was told I would be issued a refund. 5 days later still no refund. 8 days later I went to my bank and filed paperwork to dispute the charge. I called Colotox the next day to let them know I filed a dispute and Claudia the Service Rep. said "then I guess there is nothing we can do for you" and hung up! Better Business Bureau, here I come! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Wachovia Mortgage Corp
Gunarev March 9, 2010
I was unemployed for 6 months during 2008 and when I finally got a new job, I took a 40%+ cut in salary. I have been trying to work with Wachovia to modify my mortgage since February. They have taken federal monies from the Feds, yet are unwilling to move on my request. I initially started conversation with them in February, finally in March I got them to send me the paperwork for the modification. I faxed the volumes of information required back the next day - still in March - but it states on my account that it was received in April. Since... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Chase Custom FInance car loan
Jeffrey L s i n Ohio March 9, 2010
The last year I struggled with pay cuts etc. I was lucky enough to transfer with my job and received my salary back. During the transition, Chase Custom FInance hassled me, called me 7 days a week and my car payment had not even got to be 30 days late. I am trying to get on my feet again and things are looking great. I spoke to CHase today and the collector told me they are allowed to be rude because they are no in Customer Service and they are there to be objective and that I had been 30 days late 17 times. trust me, if this were the case... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Leonora F. Garcia
Leonora F. Garcia March 9, 2010
Please credit my account 02603-61748 Bank Of America, my name is Leonora F.Garcia (415)609-9539, 625 Bush St. #520 San Francisco, CA 94108, my confirmation code 4565798 for fraud read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
W C F March 9, 2010
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
oh_yeah March 9, 2010
IF ANYONE HAS BEEN CONTACTED MY CORE PAYMENT SOLUTIONS or D.W. SCOTT FINANCIAL, PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING! or anyone whos heard of them, or of Merchant Referral Solutions or Bank Card Empire! Hello everyone, I deleted this post originally the day after I quit because the company I was working for was going to fire the person who recruited me in for posting it. I’m reposting it since this has become a useful tool for some people. Comment me if you would like, I can only tell you what I know nothing more. This is also not me bad... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
armond jordan
armond jordan March 9, 2010
i orderd a sample for 3.95 and that was all, please refund my 149.00 dollars My name is Armond Jordan my adress is 6449 aspinwall rd. oakland, ca. 94611 my email is [email protected] the last four of my visa is 9918 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Dr. Jose90op March 9, 2010
Tom is an obvious scam supporter and is as transparent as he is gay. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
World Bank
Sarfaraz.azad March 9, 2010
Tel: +447010786664 Email: [email protected] From Desk of the Secretary-General World Bank Group, London, United Kingdom PAYMENT APPROVAL FROM WORLD BANK LONDON UNITED KINGDOM I am Rev. Jim Foster, Bill and Exchange Manager/ Secretary General, Head of the World Bank Finance Group, London Branch set up to fight against scam and fraudulent activities worldwide. This Group is responsible for investigating the legitimacy of unpaid contract, inheritance and lotto winning claims by companies and individuals and... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Foreclosure Defense Solutions
Clarence PA March 9, 2010
This is a scam operation run by Lee Schneider of SameDayBath. He keeps changing names from Everest Management Solutions to National Foreclosure Solutions to NFS to NFSAmerica to Foreclosure Defense Solutions trying to stay one step ahead of his creditors, clients and the law.People who sent him money have had their homes go into foreclosure and some homes have even been sold. One of his salesmen was arrested and others have been questioned by the authorities, but somehow this crook manages to stay out of jail. He has taken out hundreds of... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
wefwe March 9, 2010
Site is a scam site and I have proof they will sell your information to people including your credit card information. After reading many people tell me how this site has ripped them off and after a personal friend of mine got ripped off I did some investigating on my own. First I got a temporary credit card number from my bank that will charge my regular credit card the $9.99 for their trial, but it is only valid for one use so they could not charge it a second time. Second I changed my 2nd cell phone number temporarily, my... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Sprint Mobile phone
Janice L. Mann March 9, 2010
cancel the vote line on my phone number317 201 2388 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Mrs.Beverly's/my spaceblog
oogaboogaboogabooooooo March 9, 2010
We think this Mrs.Beverly is an idiot just like this my space blog. If you don't know anything, about anything anyway... why run your gipper anyhow? And no nobody gives a turds ass what Jennifer thinks anyhow. Didn't your maternal get pregnant by yo' boyfriend? This sound like a real screwed up group of people to include Jennifer & Mrs. Beverly. Mrs. Beverly should be paying for Jennifers mental health treatment... she obviously is in severe need if allshe can do is "STALK PEOPLE THAT DON'T KNOW HER OR CARE TO KNOW... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
I.C.System Inc
Rick Weltmer March 9, 2010
I.C Systems Inc is a collection agency. I have "Never" done any Business with them. They call me five and six times a day and night, threatening me saying Lawyers are coming to my apt and are going to "Take Everything I Have", Furniture, TV, Clothes, etc. I don't own a house or anything of value. I don't owe I.C. Systems anything and I don't know who they are. I've written them three letters to stop the Harassing, and Stalking Phone calls day and night, from 7 am till 11 pm! I have a Bad Heart, COPD, Asthma... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
RevZ Clear
vicki hogan March 9, 2010
Rec'd letter from these clowns 3/8/10 indicating they've tried to contact me (since order in June) to no avail so they sent this letter to collect $133.00+. Called these aholes back 3/8 - let them know I made no order, never got an order, and the card and last 4 digits gave that I suppose to have used doesn't exist. Check w/my bank, nothing. Now the letter said they will work w/you to collect, but if not they will forward to a "collection agency". Would you believe they did that within 5 minutes after telling them they screw up my credit with this crap, I'll sue them!!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Signature Place
Signature Place Unhappy Camper March 9, 2010
I am writing to inform you of a situation regarding a downpayment for a real estate purchase that I made in the State of Florida. In January 2006 I placed a deposit on an "F" Unit, which was a pre-construction condominium in Signature Place, developed by Cantor Development/Gulf Atlantic Communities in St. Petersburg, Florida. I was promised a world-class apartment designed and built by the top firms in the industry. Unfortunately, what I was promised was completely different from what was delivered and after repeated attempts to have... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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